Saturday, July 14, 2012

Oh the Blessed Month of July~Sunflowers~Tomatoes~Heat~Birthday~Broken Van & Doctors appointments!

Happy July everyone.... My sunflowers are back in full Bloom & as you know I love my Sunflower Smiles!
I've even found a few new Sunflower goodies at GW..& just this past Monday my SIL gave me the most darling hanging flat bucket filled with Sunflowers... She said she seen it at GW and had to pick it up for me. I love it and plan to hang it on my Trailer Door..I'll take a pic to share with you after I hang it today..

As many of you know we have had record breaking temps here in Ohio this July along with some severe Storms. This heat has been really hard on all the Farmers. I had to laugh the other day as I looked at our beautiful Flower bed Peg and I worked on for a month filled with so may beautiful blooms but not a blade of Green grass anywhere on our 5 acres...Its so brown you can't tell if its dirt or dead grass..
But for the first time in the 4 years I've been living in my trailer at my brothers there flowerbeds suffered great neglect! Then this year I helped Peg make her flowerbeds look as pretty as the ones I'd made around my Trailer.

Finally every flowerbed on the property looks fantastic but they almost look funny amid the dried out lawn.
They get watered every day and it has paid off because they are just filled with pretty Blooms..

The garden is doing fantastic too..Yep it gets watered daily too!
Peg picked her first Ripe Red Juicy Tomatoes...Since Jimmy does all the work in the Garden she made him a huge BLT... He said it was Yummy... soon we will all get to enjoy a yummy BLT & I can't wait...

My Herb Garden is doing fantastic as well.. I started picking some of the Herbs, bundling them and hanging them to dry!

The kids have been Swimming daily and I must admit every chance I get I jump in the pool to cool off.
My Bro & Nephew built a new deck yesterday beside the pool. It looks awesome!

Today I woke up to the sound of rain drops on my roof...what a blessed sound that was..It had cooled down last night so I opened my windows to let in some fresh air...It smelled so fresh this morning for the first time in months...Sadly it didn't last but an hour or so and it wasn't enough to make a difference in the dried out Grass..although so far it has stayed cool with little humidity so I still have my windows open to enjoy the fresh smell after the rain!

Every July my Birthday rolls around again! A time to reflect on all has has passed over the year count my blessings for the year! This year the list of not so good things in my life is much bigger then my Blessings list by far..but I'm trying to look forward to growing the Blessings many of the negatives hopefully will lead to blessings as my health issues are resolved.

True to the month of July and my consistant life my Van is Broken down again. This is the 4th year in a row that the Van of the year has either The front of the Van litterly fell off the front of the Van 2019, Blown an Engine 2010, Gas Tank Sprung a leak 2011, Now July 2012 the air conditioner quit so replaced it last week but it wasn't working right. I took it back only to find the Fans froze up so the van is in the shop leaving me stranded once again in July waiting for the new Fan to come in so the Van doesn't over Heat & Blow another Engine. Unbelievable that every July my then van breaks down and leaves me stranded..

Before the van over heated I did make it to my latest doctors appointments on Thursday. I had the test run on my hands to verify one the general diagnoses made by Dr Awan and to verify how bad my hands are.
Good news/bad news however ya might look at it. I won't get the official report until next Tuesday when I see Dr Awan again.
But the neurologist pretty much varified what Dr Awan had diagnosed. It was strange tho. My right hand is the hand that is in pain all the time but the test show the left hand has more nerve damage/blockage then the right hand & my left elbow also has some nerve damage/blockage.I'm not sure if damage/blockage are the right words to use but I think you'll understand what I mean.
I do have Carpel Tunnel in both hands worse in left which further causes numbness.
I do have Dupuytrens Contracture in both hands which causes the numbness & pain.
I do have one locked Trigger finger. Contstant pain but numb very strange.
My thumb has a huge Calicum deposit in it that has spread my thumb joint apart and is in constant pain.

All of the above has left me with little use of both my hands. It is really difficult to do much of anything and typing is really hard. As I type this all my fingers are numb & missing keys strokes and have to use spell check over and over...LOL..what a total pain in the butt!! As i mentioned tho most are fixable & God Willing once they are fixed and mended I will be find somepeace of heart and the ability to work in my shop doing everything I have always done or at least most...

Although I can't sand and paint right now I have been doing some creating gathering with the pieces that are already sanded & painted. Not much but enough to keep my mind busy.

Sorry this was so long but I guess I've been missing in action and found lots to catch up on..

I do miss everyone and love to hear from you all...

Have a great weekend filled with happy moments!

Summer Blessings from my house to yours!!



  1. It has been a hot one here too, but we finally got some rain showers yesterday and today will be some of the same. My poor garden needs it really bad and the yard is not a yard anymore. I sure hope you get your hands all fixed up soon. I have been back to the emergency room myself this past week. No fun being sick especially in this heat.
    I do love summer, but I think I am ready for fall. At least your sunflowers are doing well, mine didn't even come up.
    Country at heart

  2. All the flower beds and gardens are beautiful Tonya!!!
    Hope everything works out with your hands so you can go back to things you love to do.
    Happy Birthday to you!!!
    Prim Blessings

  3. Girl, I hope those doctors can fix you up, you don't need any more health problems! The flower beds are beautiful! Happy Birthday, my friend!

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  4. man OH man!! I love your sunflowers..they are huge!! I had those once..and nothing sunflowers are only about 2 feet tall..maybe by summers end we will see some..not holding my breath though..your gardens look did such a wonderful job on them..they are beautiful..that darned van anyway..but at least its getting fixed...and a birthday for you!!! happy birthday..I hope its a better year for you ...healthwise and feeling like you again..only better...I wish you nothing but the best..have a wonderful week..;)


I'm so Blessed that you stopped by & shared your thoughts with me today! Reading your comments always makes me Smile!