Wow some blogger I am...I truly didn't realize I've been away so long...Happy Friday night to all of you out there. I've missed you all & have wanted to find a minute to post but so much has been happening there just hasn't been the time.
Quick update on the hand surgery... My hand is healing nicely...I think that I can say that I've gained back 85% use of my hand and fingers ..YeeHaw..Still some minow pain in the plam & middle finger. doing exersises daily to regain full use of the hand. Absolutely NO MORE NUMB fingers..another ..YeeHaw!
I haven't been able to do much in the shop but I've got supplies galore to start creating.
I did manage to finish a New Gathering LOL.... it only took me a month.
~Primitive Sewing room Gathering~
Peg found several Old Quilts at an Auction that I'll be lisiting soon.
Here's a little Sneek peek! If your interested feel free to contact me.
Quilt #1 Measures 86" x 86"

Quilt #2 Measures 107" x 93"

Quilt #3 Measures 135" x 90"

Quilt #4 Measures 93" x 88"
Peggy also created two Halloween Witches Brew Covered Cookbooks

If you would like to have one made to order Please Contact me.
Most of you have heard me talk about my Best Friend Puddles!
If not Puddles is my 15 year old Sheltie that goes everywhere I go.
I'm sad to say he hasn't been doing very well. He's nearly totally blind,
and deaf but that didn't stop him, but over the last month he has been really sick.
He started having accidents in his sleep & then he got the diarrhea. then he started
falling a lot. So off to the vets we went. He ran blood test for Kidney & Liver disease,
as well as Thyroid & Diabetes's.
Mostly the blood test came back good, No kidney or Liver disease, No Diabetes's.
But your not going to believe it but his thyroid came back Hypothyroid,
not enough Thyroid hormones just like his momma.
Can you believe that..poor little guy I know just how he feels..Now he has to take meds too.
We go back next week to run a couple more test and talk about his meds.
He's getting old & it worries me that his time in nearing an end. So he could use some of your prayers.
Just as I was adjusting to Puddles being sick and possibly having to put him down another tragedy hit.

Last Saturday night I opened the Trailer door to toss some pepsi cans in he can drum & Tasha Kitty bound out the door. Normally not a big deal she loved sitting on the step or chasing bugs in front of the trailer so I didn't think much of it other then I was tired & ready to go to bed. I stepped out to try to get her back in the house for the night and she took off running. So I decided to give her 5 minutes to romp around.
When I opened the door 5 minutes later she was no where in sight. Of course I called & called her looked everywhere but no where to be found. She had just vanished.. finally an hour later I gave up looking thinking she would return, meow & I'd wake up & let her in like she always does.
Sadly it is now nearly 1 week later & endless hours of me searching & others on the island searching the Island trying to find her and she still hasn't returned. I'm crushed and broken Hearted that there is every chance she will never return.
There are Eagles, Hawks and Coyotes all over the island, anyone of them may have gotten her.
Remember Mama Lisa & her Kitens?
We found homes for three of Lisa's kittens, several of the other Mother kitty's kittens & the mother cats. We had three kittens left and Lisa. So I contacted the Humane Society to see if they could help with fixing them and they put me intouch with Pet FBI who agreed to sponsered them since Mama Lisa was at one time Ferrel.
Yesterday I had to wake up before the Rooster crows so I could take the last three Kittens and Mama Lisa to the Humane Society to be fixed & get there shots.
Pet FBI paid for there surgery & shots. Huge Thanks to Pet FBI for helping out. Now finally there will be no more Kittens born from these four. Of course people will continue to drop off cats right and left but at least I was able to stop these four from making babies...
While they did there health checks they discovered that Mama Lisa had and Upper Respitory Infection. So they sent me home with antibiotics for her. Of course that meant that she had to come with us to the Island for the weekend so I cold make sure she got her meds.

Funny how things happen for a reason...Being so torn over losing Tasha I really had mixed feelings about taking Lisa with me to the Island...but then when Tasha wasn't sitting on the step waiting for me to come back my heart broke all over again... then last night as I sat on the bench at my table where Mama Kitty & Tasha would lay one on each side of me as I sat and worked on the computer..who jumps up in Tasha's spot and laid down......Sweet lovable Mama Lisa. She was purring and rubbing her head on my leg letting me know she loved me... Mama Kitty was in her spot on the other side...although my heart is still aching over losing Tasha there is no empty spot on the bench...or in my bed last night as both of them curled up next to me and they are both laying beside me as I write tonight...
Lisa can't replace Tasha but I love her just as much. I have a feeling she is about to become not only the shop kitty but the house kitty too..
Two weeks ago I decided to redo the Red neck shed...For those of you who don't know what the Redneck Shed is, its a large 10' x 10' wire Dog Kennel covered with tarps where I store supplies. I had bought one of those Gray pipe & Tarp like sheds but it didn't even last a I decided to buy a second large dog kennel & extend the orginal kennel into a 20' x 10' RedNeck shed. It worked out perfectly because I also bought the pitched roof that goes with them. I hired the id down the road to work with me to put it all together. We managed to get it all built, covered it with new tarps and added a pallet floor so nothing will sit on the ground anymore, in one day. It looks so much nicer then what I had & so far no leaks at all. Then I spent two more days orgaizing all the totes, shelves & other misc. things inside it.
Sorry I forgot to download the pictures...
Then I spent several days organizing my shop that has really been neglected over the past 5 months.
Now all I need to do is get back in the shop and start creating again...
Sadly It will be a while longer before I will be able to create full force because my right hand surgery is scheduled for October 23 so that leaves me just three weeks to create & as I mentioned my left hand isn't 100% yet so still limited, but when the time comes I am set and ready to go.
So my dear friends I haven't forgotten you I've just been busy dealing with a whole lot of things. I do think about you all the time & look forward to winter when I have more time to spend blogging and catching up with everyone. LOL...normally I would never say looking forward to winter but indeed I now have a reason to say it ..spending time sharing and catching up with all of you in Blogland.
I must go for now I have an oder for 20 rice bags taht I need to get finished up this I will bid you all a good Night and a Good Weekend making memories!
Prim Hugs