Hi...this is one finger peckin but wanted to say THANK U for the prayers and well wishes..I can always count on my wonderful friends here to lift my spirits.
The surgery...what an experience...they make your arm totally numb/dead.. I mean it is just dangling with no feeling what so ever from the shoulder down. So when I woke up it was all wrapped up in a sling. Doc comes in tells me it will be this way from 10 to 36 hours depends on how my body processes the drugs.
Then when he leaves the nurse comes in to release me and she says lets get you dressed...lol...now that was a hoot but really creepy at the same time. She takes the ole arm out of the sling and it just flops down to my side and kinda swings a little from side to side....as it hits my leg I think in my mind I should feel it but nothing...so strange..
So nurse holds up my shirt so my mind says lift arm into sleeve....nope not happening..so she lifts it up and puts it in and I do the other side...Ok shirt on..now the pants...oh good grief if I thought it has been hard to put on pants with numb fingers...let me tell you how difficult it is with a dead arm and a numb fingered right hand....impossible when you are still wobblely from surgery... I busted out laughing as I thought about how hard it was gona be at home alone when natured called...Thank God for the nurse...guess I'll worry about that when I get home just get me dressed and out of here I am starving and need a drink my mouth feels like it is stuffed with cotton balls....
Finally we are homeward bound...stopped 2 get pain killers and then we finally made it home.
The girls asked a million questions and wanted to see dangling arm ..it creeped them when they seen it flop down and just hang there...
After about an hour I had to go crash ..I was exhausted for one and my neck was killing me from the dead weight arm hanging in the sling. Igave in and went to my trailer and crashed till 7:00..
Surprise my body absorbed the drugs that numbed the arm pretty quick. I can move my fingers...but I'm thinking the dead arm was better cause the nore it wakes up the more it hurts and its a big hurt not a little hurt... Fine time for one of those pain killers...lol..well I've been one finger typing this post and the rest of my arm is almost totally awake and that painkiller is not doing a thing for the pain...OUCH-OUCH-OUCH
I think it is going to be one long night of thumping pain...but I will keep telling myself in a month this will be behind me and I will be able to feel the good things without numb-tingling and pain....
For now its grit my teeth take big breaths and get threw it.
Good night my dear friends....
Hugs and Blessings
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
New Prim Gatherings~My Boat~Hand Surgery today!
It was a beautiful day here In Ohio Today as I sat pulling weeds..and admiring all of my Herbs and huge Sunflowers.. As I sat there I realized that I haven't posted in forever.. I just sort of disappeared.. I'm not sure why..I think taht I needed time to process everything that has come to be over the last couple of years and work on being me again...
So let me say Hello my dear friends I have so missed you and I'm sorry that I have been in my own little world for the past few months...I've stopped by and kept up with most everyone...just not posting..
I am happy to tell you all that I am feeling more and more like myself everyday...The Thyroid meds are doing there job..after the year from hell... I am so grateful...to be feeling normal again... I still have a long way to go to build my strength back up to par but I'm giving it my best..
I've spent most of my summer on Kelley's Island hanging out with my friends..its been great therapy for me!
I got the best news ever last Friday... My boat is finally fixed and ready to take her first trip out on the waters of Lake Erie...After waiting 3 years to get her finally fixed up and running again... I couldn't be happier!
Sadly tho I will have to wait for her to take that first trip across the lake...Tomorrow I go in to have my left hand operated on to fix the Carpel Tunnel, Dupuytrens Contracture, & the pinched nerve in my Elbow.
So there is no way I could handle taking Slightlytrashed out on the lake by myself...
But I'm looking ahead and thinking that by next spring both of us will be totally fixed and ready to tackle the lake and docking together...hehe!
Gives me motovation to work hard on building up my strength over the winter and when spring rolls around I'll be ready...
I haven't been able to do much creating with my hands being all Numb, tingling & hurting 24/7 but I've been doing some major thrifting and finding tons of goodies to create some awesome gatherings once my hands are all healed... So I'm totally looking forward to getting these Hand surgeries done and over with...
I gotta tell ya I miss my creating in the worst way...but all in good time all in good time!
I did manage to create a few gatherings over the past couple of months.
Primitive Pantry Message Board Gathering

Primtive Pantry Rack Apple Gathering

Primitive Necessary Room Gathering

Primitive Necessary Room Gathering

Primitive Americana Gathering

Time to call it a day 5:00 will be here in no time and then its off to the Hopsital for surgery at 7:30 so I must bid you all a Good Night....but until we meet again may your Day be filled with Sunshine and Happy Moments!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Ever Feel as if you'll bust if ya don't talk about Something??
Slightly is the Boat with the Blue Camper top
Good Middle of the Morning my friends...I wanted to say thank you to everyone who stopped by to wish me a Happy Birthday...It was great hearing from everyone!! I especially liked hearing how many of you related to and or liked my birthday post.
As you all know I've been stuck in funk for some time.... weeding my way threw all the things we go threw when we find ourselves moving from one place in our lives to a new place. I know that many of us have been in this situation and it is over whelming at times!
I like to think that we do get to know each other to some degree as we share different aspects of our life, our homes, our family's, our ups, downs and general struggles with every day life, our Jobs, our great finds at the thrift stores, visits with grand kids, our Happy moments all shared every time we come here to post..
I mentioned in my birthday post that I have found myself moving into a new season of my life..and facing it head on. That's not as easy to do as it is to write about it as many of you know from experience...some of us can move on easily some of us struggle to move on..
We all have dreams most of us never share them but we have them none the less.. Me I've always been an open person.. if you personally met me today you would find me to be the same person you met here..!
Some of my dreams have been realized over the years, many actually & for that I am very grateful and feel very blessed. In my youth I dreamed of being a mother and I was Blessed with my daughter Carmen. She filled my life with so much joy growing up.. then I was blessed with my foster children who taught me so much about love, who showed me how much I had to be grateful for as I watched them struggled to find there way in a world that took so much from them. they too were my teachers each of them..
Once my time raising children came to end and it was time for me to move on to a new season of my life it was simpler because I knew that it was my time...my time to see some of my personal dreams come true.
I wanted to do the things that as a parent you don't have the time or pleasure to do..I followed my dreams and I bought a boat so that I could spend time on the water..I love nature..the sun, the water, the Moon, the stars, I love that feeling of being free to just enjoy all the splendor of Gods creations .... being a lady Captain of my own boat gave me the freedom to enjoy all those things and so much more...
I was blessed with being the Captain off my own boat, spending my summers on Lake Erie & Kelley's Island every weekend from 2001 to 2010. I was one of the happiest people you could ever meet...
In 2010 my boat broke down and although I still lived on her that Summer she didn't run so there were no trips on the water..She was towed to the mainland in October of 2010 & taken to a shop to be repaired. I paid the man to repair her but he never finished the work.. Around the same time I started getting sick.
You all know all about that part of my life..
One of the things you don't know is that every day I prayed that my boat would be fixed feeling that even if I was sick I could still find some peace spending time on my boat with all my friends close by me. I dreamed it to be fixed, I begged the repair man to finish the work on her..but he never did..he took my money, did part of the work and then one day he was offered a job in Florida.. He delivered my unfinished boat to my driveway & off to Florida he went...
There are many things that can break your heart & I've been broken hearted over losing my boat...but the dream that some way, somehow she would get fixed was never far from my thoughts..in fact it was those thoughts & dreams that someday I would once again be free on the water in my boat that got me threw so much over the past two years...
Well there is Good News folks ...A friend offered to fix my boat & picked it up two weeks ago..he has been texting me daily with the progress. Slightlytrashed is the name of my boat..fitting don't you think...lol...
Well there is Good News folks ...A friend offered to fix my boat & picked it up two weeks ago..he has been texting me daily with the progress. Slightlytrashed is the name of my boat..fitting don't you think...lol...
The last Text said:
'Slightly's Engine turned over today & she runs!..I hope to take her out and test her this week on the water and if all goes well I will be bringing her to the Island August 12th.
I never cried such Happy Tears in my life..well I probably have, but as I cried over yet another dream coming true it seemed like the best Cry I've ever had...I've been in heaven thinking about SlightlyTrashed actually running after nearly 3 years, about being on the water with the wind in my face and the sun on my back, of being in the Casino Dock with all my boater friends and sleeping on her...
Then today I realized something that sent me into a tailspin...scared me to death and actually took my breath away and I cried again.. How am I going to Captain my Slightly..How will I untie her lines and get out of the dock on the mainland side?
Oh I can drive her across the water bad hands and all, but what happens when I get to the dock & I can't dock her because my hands are such a mess?
How will I grab my lines as I pull her into the dock, jump off her and tie her up by myself like I have always done, when I can't even feel the lines let alone hold onto anything right now..not to mention the weakling I've become?
Then I'm scheduled to have my first surgery on my left hand August 22 just 10 days after Slightly is supposed to go back in the water..there is no way I will be able to dock her then...
It's horrible to realize a dream only to have it shattered knowing that even if I get to take her out on the water I won't be able to do it alone....
This is a huge challenge for me ..one I'm not sure I am willing to forfeit but one I am not sure I'm able to accomplish alone... god can help me ready myself giving me the encouragement to build my strength up with a promise of happiness again on SlightlyTrashed as I struggle to find my dream but he can't drive the boat and dock it for me..
Two years ago I was a strong lady physically and emotionally..my health wasn't perfect but it wasn't what it is today..Is God telling me you can do it or is he telling me Slightly is fixed it is time to sell her and move on...find a new dream... I'm not sure I'm willing to accept that.. but I also know I'm no where near the person I was two years ago and for now I have to focus on getting my hands back in working order before I can chase any of my dreams, be it Boating or Creating Prim Gatherings.. !
I do know one thing I can still close my eyes and see myself riding across the lake in Slighty smiling from ear to ear as the wind takes my breath away and the water sprays across my back..I feel the rock of Slightly as if I were sitting on her and I can hear the slap of the water on her bow as I drift off to sleep!
Looks like I have my work cut our for me if I'm ever going to ever be CaptainBlondee again!
Sorry this was such a long post but I had to share my thoughts...have you ever had to looks yourself in the eye and realize you have a choice? Like I said in my birthday post I'm a fighter and I look forward to the future...I can only hope and pray that god is bringing home my dream he will give me the courage and the strength to fulfill the dream I've dreamed for the past two years!!
Thanks for coming to visit and until we meet again may all your dreams be realized too!
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