Friday, March 30, 2012

Finally Awake~All this rest makes for one Stiff body..LOL..but feelin pretty good!

Hi everyone...have you all been praying that I get pleanty of rest? I think it worked!! Thanks!!

I can't remember ever sleeping this much Restful sleep at one time...I'm finally awake at least for a little while.. I think I must have been sleeping off not only the surgery but all the stress over the past 8 months...When I finally crashed I crashed hard.. But thank god it was peaceful sleep...I never moved an inch so when I went to get up I could hardly move these old bones of mine...LOL..gotta tell ya this is not a good situation to be in when you need to make tracks down the hall to that little room on the right...

Anyway I made it and then I made it to the desk..It took me awhile to get myself awake enough to read all your sweet comments..
Thank you ..... I promise I will be taking care of myself and get plenty of rest... I don't think my body will be letting me do much else for a few days..

I feel pretty good all things considered.. just a lot of soreness in my neck muscles...and shaky from that stuff they give you during surgery to make your muscles stay perfectly still.. but the Dr. warned me that I would probably get the shakes today so I was prepared...
I'm gona get dressed, go outside and take a walk around the yard and soak up some of this sunshine..its beautiful out today...A nice walk ought to loosen up these old bones...LOL...

My neck is a little swollen but everything looks great..Dr. Phay did a great job...Hard to believe they sew everything inside but they glue the outside together... I told the Dr.. I wanted some of that great glue  to use in my shop...He got a good laugh out of that...

Time for that walk... thank you all once again for your support, kind words and prayers druing all of this.. You have been my Rock and for that I am grateful.  I'll keep you all posted...

Have a great day my friends have a great day!!


I'm Home Doing well~God Bless & Thank You all for your Prayers!

Hello Everyone... First let me say Thank you Felicia for keeping every one updated on my surgery. Thanks to my Good Friend Connie for taking me to the hospital and staying all day with me & keeping you all updated via Felicia. Hugs to you both!
It was a long day yesterday..up at 5:30 connie picked me up at 6:30 and we managed to drive in rush hour traffic and then in what I would call Ohio State University Hospitals Construction zone to try & find a parking took 30 minutes & finally one right beside the elevator door.. Check in and they whisk me away to pre-op..Sweetest people I've ever met in a hospital pre-op area.. it was kinda cool because they assign you one nurse to see you threw till she takes you tot he room after surgery & recovery. I met the antiseologist ..he was great too..He decided that I was somewhat dehydrated so he wanted to pump fluids in me & he wanted me to have a breathing treatment because he said my lungs sounded dry and rattelly. So that put me behind on my surgery time.. finally made it surgery around 11 something....that's the last thing I remember till I woke up in recovery.. LOL..the usual me, I ask for something to drink and eat as soon as I was awake.. ugggg...the gave me a sip of water & said I had to wait to make sure I didn't get sick.. I told my nurse look if you give me food & drink I won't get sick wait & I will... so she finally gave me hot tea & crackers.. I was fine... I've had enough surgery's to know exactly what I need.
Once I ate my crackers I was feeling pretty good so my nurse took me to my room..
I just wanted to be left alone for a while but they swarm you with Nurses & staff doctors getting all the important info, vitals and settleing you in .. I have to say all my nurses but maybe one were wonderful, sweet kind and so helpful. Once I was settled in they ask me if I wanted anything to eat....Yea food & drink all I wanted.. So I ordered as much Ice Cream as they would give me cause it felt so good on my dry sore throat plus it helped the swelling inside my throat.. plus I had a lunch try..not the greatest at all but food...
I am so blessed that I come out of surgeries so well. I wake up easily, have never gotten sick or had an upset tummy, I'm alert within an hour or so and seldom need pain meds. Thank God... I can get up get moving so my body doesn't stove up and get achey.
The girl in my room did not fair as well and she had the same surgery as I did & the same doctor. She begged for pain meds but my actual surgery area didn't have any pain at all... My throat hurt and the muscles in my neck but nothing worth taking any pain meds. the worst problem I had was they changed my IV line during surgery to my upper arm & the tape they used caused a skin rash that itched and stung like crazy. I finally insisted they take it out once they stopped the IV drip in my room.. I still have a nasty rash on my arm.

Connie and I took a walk...... then we got permission to put me in a wheelchair and actually go outside for half an hour.. that did me wonders to get out of that room. Once we got back it was dinner time so I had dinner that again wasn't very good so I got more ice Cream to sooth the throat.. Connie and I walked several more rounds. Around 7 Connie decided to take her chances on getting home... Not a freeway driver so she was a bit nervous... When she got down to her car she discovered that she had left the dome light on & her battery was she had to call her hubby to come from home to jump her.. I felt so bad for her she was already nervous about the drive home alone..then have call Hubby to the rescue...

I didn't sleep well at all the bed was so hard on my bad back so I was praying they let me out of there as soon as possible come morning. The night nurse hung out in my room and talked to me when she wasn't on rounds so she told the morning nurse to get ahold of Dr. Phay to le thim know I didn't sleep & could he get me released as soon as possible.
They have to take a calcium level test before you can be released and give you your first dose of Thyroid hormone pills before you can leave but they came around 6 to take my blood & give me my I was well on my way to getting out way before noon.. yea!!
I did some more walking around, went tot he Pharmacy to pick up my new daily pills, got dressed and was waiting when the Dr came in to talk to me..
He complimented me on my ability to get up and moving to work off all the antisetic & fluids, he said, my surgery went like cake work & it only took him an hour compared to the usual 2 hours, he said that he didn't feel that there was any cancer in the nodules but of course we would have to wait in the test to be absolutely sure... he explained my meds, & risk if I didn't take them and then he said you can go home now and get some sleep... Happy Dance time...!!!! Connie showed up shortly after the Dr left so the nurses started processing me and I was soon on my way out the door.. It was done and over follow up visit is the 5th of April...I will know for sure that there is no cancer.. 
Connie and I came home, unloaded my things & I went in the house to let Peg & Jim know I was home less one Thyroid and safe.. then we went back to my Trailer where we sat down to talk for a few minutes but guess what I fell asleep talking to Connie so she took her leave... 
I slept like a baby..till Hailey came out to tel me she fixed me Chicken & rice and it was time to come and eat... What a little darling Hailey is... the chicken and rice was perfect... and tasted like real food thank god!
Peggy took me to pick up Puddles...when we got back I crashed again... 

When I woke up I felt good enough to come say Thanks for all your prayers they worked..
I beleive that all your prayers made my surgery go well, bringing me home with only minor pain at least so far..Mostly the muscles in my chest and neck, swallowing is difficult due to the sore throat from the tubes.
It does hurt to cough, sneeze and laugh....
Now it is just a matter of getting my meds regulated and healing...

 Al the red is from a reaction to the tape they used..

Four years ago I had surgery to remove stones in my saliva Gland and finally removing the gland so I took this picture to compare the scar from that surgery to this new one.
You can see my neck is still swollen not sure how long that will last.

Now for the best news the Doc said I can go work in my shop creating as long as I don't sand, keep the wound covered with a scarf. 
Not sure about going back to cleaning yet but he will know by my visit. 

Again Thank you all so much for your kind words, support, encouragement and prayers..

Time for me to call it a day and gert some more rest....

Hugs & Blessings

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

8 hours & Counting until I'm Thyroid Free & I'll probably feel like a Mac Truck ran over me...

Middle of the night greetings ...well my friends I've finally made it to Surgery day..I'm down to 8 hours before I'm Thyroid Free...part of me is excited that the waiting is finally over with and part of me is a nervous wreck...Part of me can't wait to see if I'm actually going to feel like a normal human being again...and then there is part of me that is scared to death that this won't fix a thing...and I'll still feel horrible
Now ya want to talk about a bundle of emotions all thrown into one mind...and no food or drink is allowed ...Now how does one deal with all those emotions without something to snack on and a drink to wash it down...LOL...they get on there blog and ramble...
Tried to go to sleep but that didn't here I am rambling...

I'm tickled to death because the last thing I did on my list was finish making my Herb Garden bigger. I wasn't sure I would getit done..but late this afternoon I made it out there to work on the dirt pile we made before it stormed and turned it to mud.. I had to dig out all the grass and weed before I could start..Once I had all that cleand out I laid down newspaper and then black mesh to make sure I killed any weeds taht might think they are gona come up and mess up my garden...Then I raked the dirt pile, got all the stones, sticks and any weeds out of my top soil..then I filled the newest part of the garden with some nice rich dirt...and got it all levered out..
Now once I feel good enough to get outside after surgery I can go out there and start planting more herbs.
With the added new section I now have and L shaped garden. It's now 15 ft long x 4 feet deep on the side of the shop. the new sectionis about 6 feet long. Plenty of room to plant more Herbs.. Every single one of my Herbs came back this year and are pretty and green already..So I'll have lots of herbs for my gatherings.. that's going to be so exciting to add more Herbs and have more choices to use in my gatherings.

This is kinda funny but as many of you know sales are down this year for all of us..and tho I've been selling regularly its generally only been 3 or 4 gatherings a week verses 15 to 20 in the past...on ebay.
Well the week that it would be best that I don't sell many gatherings is this week with surgery and recovery and me not knowing how I will be feeling by Sunday my packing day...Waht happens but I sell 8 gatherings and have bids on 4 more.. Hum... I'm happy as all get out for the great  sales but I'm not so happy about having so much to pack on Sunday..sure hope I'm feeling good by then...

Awwww.. finally I'm relazed and feeling sleepy... so before I go.. I want to say Thank you to all of you who have been so supportive and sent up prayers for my upcoming surgery and recovery. You have all been wonderful, your encouragement has kept me above water so to speak and given me the strength to keep going. God Bless you all...!

Felicia is going to let everyone know how I am doing tomorrow so check her blog later tomorrow for any updates...

Good night my Friends and I will be back soon!



Monday, March 26, 2012

Crunch Time & Crunching has Proven Productive & A Stress Releif ~Another Sneak Peek~

Middle of the night to you all ...I hope you all had a wonderful weekend I did...
I have so much to talk about ..and no way will it all fit in one Blog..
Guess I'll start by saying I am down to Crunch time before my surgery day...I was worrying myself to death over this surgery but Thanks to a couple of Great Blog buddy's who have been extra supportive lately I managed to calm down and get focused..
When you own your own business and you're the sole worker there is much to planning ahead when you have to have surgery & recovery I spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday working on this huge list I made. First you have the what to do with the critters, who's taking you & picking you up. Then you have packing a suitcase, with your fav pillow & a good book to read. Then doing all the little things you know you won't be able to do for a while like cleaning the house, empty litter box, go to the grocery store, buy easy to fix foods, pick up meds at the drug store, Oh yea buy Critter food & kitty litter enough to last a while cause you can't lift, fill the gas tank in the van so on and so on...Oh yea might want to weed eat the 8" grass & weeds growing all the way around the trailer & shop cause if not it will be 2 feet tall by the time you can do it..LOL...
Then you have the business to consider. I created as much as I could get done..So then what? Do I list it all in hopes it sells so the bills get paid...But wait what if I can't pack it and ship it what then..?
Heaven knows I don't want ebay buyers to get all mad and leave me bad ratings and feedback..
I thought it all through.....talked to sister n law and she said she would help me pack, carry and load for the trip to the post office so I got that covered..

So I listed everything while ebay has free listing going on for the month of March and saved myself a few bucks in listing fees...

Peggy baked me what she calls Sugar Cookie Pockets so I have easy breakfast the first week.
They are so yummy..They are like the those expensive breakfast fruit filled pockets you buy, Toaster Strudels... She made me Cherry Filled, Apple Filled, Raisin Filled and Pineapple filled.
Makes my mouth water just thinking about them...I put each one in a baggie & froze them.
the house is clean, the laundry is done, the grocery shopping is done and the weeds are weed eated..
Tomorrow I will finish my list..and Tuesday I will deliver Puddles to his Doggy Sitter and then I will feel like I'm ready to take on this surgery and get on with recovering and getting back to work and being myself.

Before the Sneak Peek I just have to share another one of those Priceless moments with you.
Hailey came out the the shop last night and spent the night with me...She has her little bed on the shop floor and so when she couldn't stay away a minute longer she curled up on her little matt and of course little Miss lisa Kitty had to curl up with her...Another Priceless Moment caught on film!! They are both totally crashed!
 It's just one of those warm fuzzy moments that make you smile!

Now for my latest creations...Probably the last gatherings I will get to create for a while

~Primitive aged Roll Top Breadbox Gathering~

~Primitive Child Hood Memory Bench Gathering~

~Primitive Necessary Room Make Do Box Gathering~

 Tomorrow I hope to have time to put up a Special Rag Wrapped Easter Egg Sale blog for just my Blogging Friends. So if you are interested in any of the Rag Wrapped Eggs be sure to check that Blog. I will be offering a special price to all of you. Since I won't be working for a while maybe I can sell my Eggs and put a little in my piggy bank to use for the next few weeks.

Guess what else I did this weekend I took down the St Patricks Day Tree ornies and Decorated my Tree for I will be sharing my Easter decorations probably after surgery.. so stay tuned.

Time to bid you all a good night...Until we meet again may your day be filled with Happy moments!!

Prim Blessing and hugs to all

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sneak Peek Tonya's been a busy Bee Creating~Priceless Moment~Count down to Surgery~

A hug howdy to all my Prim Friends ... It's a beautiful day here in Ohio 80 plus..I'm way diggin this sunshine..It has sure been a wonderful Blessing...funny how the sun shine picks ups ones spirits and makes them smile!!
I've been working every evening in the shop ..creating as many gatherings as I can before I go under the dreaded knife next Tuesday... last weekend Hailey decided she wanted to spend the night with Aunt Tonya. Which of course means spending half the night in the shop... We created her a little bed on the floor out of my exersise mat and a blanket.. the picture above is Hailey laying on her bed on the shop floor with Lisa Kitty giving her some special lovin!! Is taht not just the most priceless picture..They both fell asleep about half an hour later...
Haily brushing Lisa right before they decided to lay down...
I just had to share those priceless moments with you all...

Now let me share all of the gatherings I've created and gotten listed on hopes of making a little while I am recovering...
~Primitive Shaker Box Faith & Hope Gathering~
If you turn the box around it reads Faith
~Primitive Wall Keep Gathering~
~Primitive Necessary Room Gathering~
~Primitive Necessary Room Gathering~

~Primitive Vintage Wall Or Cupboard Side Keep Gathering~
~Primitive Homestead Window pane Gathering~
~Primitive Teddy Bear Tricycle Gathering~
~Primitive Necessary Room Gathering~

~Primitive Pantry Crow Gathering~

~Primitive Pantry Basket Gathering~
~Primitive laundry Room Gathering~
~Primitive Butter Churn Pantry Gathering~

~Primitive Medicine Cupboard Gathering~

~Primitive Necessary Room Stool Gathering~

There you have it all my Creative hands have created in the past 10 days. tonight I hope to finish a read Box Gathering and a couple more Necessary Room Gatherings. If there is time I will probably create more before Tuesday but much to do to get ready for surgery.

Yes the countdown to Surgery day Tuesday the 28th is on and my list is growing. I need to make sure Puddles gets his bath so he can spend a few days with his buddy's Jackson and Batman at John and Laura's house.  I have to get his blankets and doggie bed washed too..
Then of course I need to get my laundry done, my suit case packed, my house cleaned and fresh sheets on the bed before Monday...
Keeping busy creating has helped with my case of nerves I've developed about this surgery...This is the first time in my life that I've ever been anxious and worried about a surgery before and I have had no less then 20 surgeries over my life time... Not sure why I'm feeling that way but I don't much like it at all..I think maybe part of it is being sick for so long I worry that the surgery won't resolve so many of these health issues and other reasons too I'm sure.. 
But I just keep praying that all of it will soon be over with and I will be well on my way to recovery and feeling like myself in the next couple of weeks. 
I will have someone let you all know how the surgery goes Tuesday!

Peg and I are going to work on Flower beds this evening and I'm looking forward to getting my hands all dirty.. I won't last long but I'm happy I can at least give it all I got to get them started.

I do hope all of you are enjoying wonderful Sunshine like we are here... 

Have a Wonderful day my friends. 


Concerns about using Pinterest~Copyright Laws & Infringement Scary

Hello Everyone, I have been checking out all the hoop-la about Pinterest, checking some of your Pinterest pages so I thought I would get in on it. So I did some checking on it and what I found made me think twice about joining.
I thought I would pass this along, sort of a heads up just in case you might not have read all the terms and condition of the sight.

Think long and hard before you Pin someones work it could cost you dearly.

Take a moment & go read this story.

Have a Great Day!


Friday, March 16, 2012

Yes still amoung the Living~Just working in Shop~Dealing w/ Health issues & upcoming surgery..

Hello all my dear Prim Friends... I know I've been missing here but much happening in my world. I think of you all daily and have been trying to stop by blogs daily and comment just haven't had time to really post.
As a Creater there is no greater compliment then when a former customer gets in touch with you to ask you to create something very special for there home... A couple of weeks ago one of my customers contacted me to ask if i woud create some new shelves for her... Of course I said, Yes. then she emailed back and said why not just create me two new Shelf gatherings and one Prim shelf for things I have to display...Ok I can do taht too. LOL...then she emailed me back and ask if Peg was making any Patchwork Quilts.. Yes I she ordered a new patchwork Throw for her recliner. She already owns three of Peg's patchwrok Quilts... I think she really likes them what do you think?
She sends me two pictures she has in her new room and ask if I can create something to go with them... Sure I'll try.. This picture is 41"wide x 34" tall Framed in Oak. this picture doesn't show all the great billiant colors in it but in creating her gathering I tried to catch all the colors and theme items in the gathering.
What do you think...? 
What do you think about this gathering?
She emailed me back this morning and in CAPS she wrote "I totally love them Tonya, exactly what I was hoping're the best can't wait to ge them hung...They were so different and fun to create.
Peggy finished her Quilt Throw so everything is ready to ship...

Not only have I been working on those gatherings I've been busy sanding and painting getting things ready for new gatherings.
Trying to get as many gatherings created as I can before I have my surgery..So hopefully I will have some money coming in while I'm recovering. Figure I will spend recovery time making things like Rag Balls, Bonnets, Rag Garland, little bags to use in gatherings & the dreaded Taxes.

Speaking of Surgery only two weeks to go. So I've been busy making arrangements for a ride to and from the hospital, plans for my critters while I am in the hospital, help after I get home and you know the usual things one has to do to make everything run smootly. I started cleaning my Trailer washing down walls and attacking the cat hair with the vaccum...LOL..2 cats in a small trailer can make a lot of hair fly...
Washed all my Bedding and throw ruggs then hung them all on the line to Dry...Oh that sweet smell of line dried things.. I love it...I put one set of sheets in a bag to keep fresh for after surgery...
John and Laura are going to watch Puddles my sweet Dog...
Hailey my 10 yr old neice is going to take care of my Fish, Cats and Bird. She took care of my fish all last summer and the cats a couple of times and she does a really good job.

This is so sweet... Peggy ask if I wanted her to set up the Bear room for me to stay in for a few days after surgery... I said,  No I think I will do Ok in the Trailer.
Hailey was sitting there with us and she said:

Mimi don't worry, I am going to stay with Aunt Tonya and take care of her when she gets home...I'm gona bring her dinner and watch movies with her after I feed the animals for her..and we are gona make Rag Balls together!! I think Miss Hailey has it all covered... :>)

Health wise I have struggled with my Thyroid flipping back and froth from Hyper to Hypo. I am now Hypo again and feeling all of the orginal symptoms that landed me in the Hospital back in November. No there is nothing they can do other then the surgery so I am simply strugging threw it.. It's really got me depressed and even a bit concerned.. I finally called the surgeon after 10 days of waiting for the Endocrinologist to call me back ..She never did. I took myself off the meds which the surgeon said was good that I did.
But he is concerned that my Thyroid hormones aren't leveling out which he informed me once again can cause complications during surgery.. Great just what I wanted to hear..NOT..
I've had a bad feeling about all of this since it all started...and I still have them which is not the norm for me..
While talking to the surgeon I also ask him if he could reccomend a different Endocrinologist with a better patient bed side manner so to speak.. I told him I simply did not feel comfortable with my Dr. at all & didn't want to end up going home trying to regulate my dose of Thyroid meds with a Dr who writes up incorrect reports, won't return calls especially when the meds she put me on caused the same problems as the first time I was on them. He agreed with me and in defense of the Endocrinologist siad she has a lot of patients and your situation is different most people don't have the jumping back and forth theya re either high or low so possibly she is seeing only your blood test numbers not your situation. But we need you to be with a doctor who will be there when you need them once you go home...then he said, I don't normally do this but I will follow you and get you regulated for 6 weeks since your case is unusual..and that should give me time to find you a better Dr.... So I do feel better about that..
To much stress & worry on top of everything else is making me crazy...

So that's the update on life here on the farm... the sun is shinning and I am gona go enjoy a little of it...We had a huge surprise all of the Daffidils Peg and I planted are Blooming ..they are tiny but ever so pretty..We were like little kids when we both started to notice they had Blooms ..Just imagine over 300 plants popping up and over half having blooms on them all the way around the house, barn, shop, garage and trees.. its a sight to behold and I am lovin it...

A special Thanks to all of you who have emailed me to ask if I am doing ok.. It sure does the heart and soul good to have friends who keep in touch and check in on you...Bless you all, you have no idea how those emails lifted my spirits!

Have a wonderful weekend hopefuly filled with Spring sunshine and happy moments.

Prim Blessings to all

Friday, March 9, 2012

Creative Inspiration by those of u who lose there Rings & The girls Room is Finished

Hello my Prims... I hope that you all have had a good week!
While I was blog hopping the other night I read a post about someone losing there wedding ring..then of course there were a ton of comments from those of us out there that have misplaced a Ring, Necklace, Ear Rings..of course many of the comments were about how there Darling Kitty's loved shinny Bling of all kinds and would take off with them..
Well reading all about the loss of every one's creative mind started working over time.. You see I have all these little crates & trunks that I just never really found a great idea for them...then all of a sudden it came to me..Why not create some Ring/bling/ table side or counter side Prim Ring Keeps.
So that's exactly what I did.
This first one is an ~ Americana Ring Keep ~It is just the cutest little Ring Keep.
I hand stitched three little tiny 2" tall x 1' wide little bags that sit down in the crate. You can just drop your Ring~Necklace~Ear rings down in one of the little bags when you need to take them off.
Then when you want to put them back on you just lift the little bag out, dump your ring in your hand, put it on and then sit the little bag back down in the Rink Keep.

The Second Ring Keep I created is an
 ~Aged Little wood Trunk ring Keep & Journal~

I hand stitched three little bags and tucked them down in the truck along with a Quilt Covered paper Journal.

If any of you are interested in having me create a Ring Keep for you let me know.
Just Email me at the Special Order Email address
$21 Free Travel Fare


Many of you have been following me and have heard me talk about My two Nieces Bedroom ReDo.
We finally finished putting in the new Ceiling Tiles.
The girls cleaned there room by themselves and we took pictures to share with you.
First meet Savana
She is 12 yrs old.
She loves to be out doors spending time with her Horses,Goat, sheep & Kitty's.
Cleaning her room is the last thing on Earth she wants to do. But she is also the one who tells me the most that she loves her room the way it is now.
As you have heard me mention Savana is ADHD and has great difficulty focusing on things but as you can see she is very proud of her old bedroom all cleaned and fixed up. If you look closely you can see her Horse Collection on her half of the big shelf above the bed.

Meet Hailey the Princess of the family 
Hailey is 10 years old.
Hailey loves to be outside too but she isn't into the animals like Savana is. She would rather be creating something, or planting flowers. She does love her Kitty's.

This is the Big shelf I hung above there new Beds and told them that they needed to put there favorite things on the shelf. If you look real close you can see the mark in the middle. They had such a great time setting up each side of there shelf. I found the cute little night stand at the GW for $ perfect for them to keep there hair bin on and there alarm clock. They put games in the bottom.

This is a desk we had found for our craft room at GW for $5. Peg and I decided they needed a desk for all there papers and books so we brought it down along with an old vintage chair Peg had.  Beside the desk we gave them a tote to roll up there blankets and keep them in there rather then throwing them on the floor. To my amazement they have done really well rolling them up and tucking them in the tote.
Next to the desk on the left I hung big bike hooks in there tall free standing dress closet so they could hang purses, book bags and other bags on.

This is there dresser that holds there Socks & Under garments. Each Drawer has tape on it telling them what goes in the drawer. Each girl has one side. Just to the right you can see clothing hanging up. I took two old free standing clothing racks apart and used the rods to create a ceiling hanging clothing rack for them. works out much better since they can see there clothes and aren't digging in a closet throwing things on the closet floor.
Now as for all the stuffed animals on top of the dresser I did my best to get them to part with as many as possible and they did give away about 50 but as you can see they still have a long way to go. So we put two crates on top of the dresser and a board across it to create a Stuffed animal heaven. The rule is if they are on the floor then they must not want them so in the trash they go ... So far so good they have kept them picked up.
This is the Wall across from there beds. With all of the dressers and there Toy` box. I don't know if you can see above the dolls heads in the toy box but I hung an AWESOME banner on it one day when I did room check and there room was clean and picked up ... The two boxes on the top of the toy box is there point boxes they made. Each night they get a good or negative paper(preprinted) to put in there box and at the end of the month they turn in there points to earn money. If they have negative points they have to subtract it from there positive points before they get there money,.
Look at the Blue Wall. Those are Bed Sheets we hung all the way around the room to cover up the foam insulation that is on the walls. It turned out really nice and was cheap..GW $9.00 to do the whole room.
Look up and you see all the new ceiling tiles we put in.
We hung a string across the back of this wall for them to hang all of there posters. They absolutely loved that idea. The rule is if you get a new poster you have to take one down.
The Brown dresser is Savana's. Notice we have tape on each drawer so she knows here her clothes go.

This Dresser is Hailey's also has tape on the drawers. I found this solid heavy sturdy dresser at none other then GW for $20 bucks. It's so sturdy even the girls can't break the drawers on this one. and best of all it was blue so it went with the walls.
We had them go threw all there CD's and put them back in the cases and then we stacked them in a crate.
Rule for CD's on the floor is you must not want them so they go in the Trash. We don't really throw them away we just take them away for a while but they think we throw them away so they have done really well after the first two they lost...LOL...

Miss Hailey posing for the last Picture...

So there you have it the redecorated Bedroom...that is teaching two little girls how important it is to take care of your things so that you can keep them nice. They have learned so much from this experience and I am so proud of them..
I wish I would have taken a picture of the total mess the room was before we started this project but I didn't. If I would have you would see what a transformation has taken place here and how well the girls are doing especially Savana. Hailey was always pretty good at taking care of her things. 
One of the things they are working on now and have done pretty good at is taking there jammies and folding them and laying them on the end of the bed in the morning. 
Each week I try to introduce something new they can do to make there life easier and to keep things organized. i make a game and challenge of it so it is easier for them to try it and work on it. 
We found them a small vacuum cleaner at GW for $3 bucks and they take turns sweeping there room once a week. Last week they had to try to put on clean sheets & make there beds all by themselves. Hailey did really well, Savana ask for help but all things considered she did pretty good. 
They now put away all of there own clothes whidhis easy with the tqpe on the drawers.
Its been a great experience for them and it has helped there mom in many ways as well.

Time to call it a day I'm whipped... so I will bid you all a Good night..


Friday, March 2, 2012

Creating A+++ Figuring out Changing things on Blog F= Flunk I need Help!

Good Morning my Prims...I hope this day finds you all having a Happy Friday!
Before I start please allow me to say I don't know if this blog is a cry for help in this technical world I live in or simply a rant!!
I decided to go blog hopping before I headed South and in reading every ones Blog I realized that I am just about one of the dumbest when it comes to understanding and changing things on my Blog.. I see all these beautiful back grounds and links posted on the side bars and I just sigh with frustration at how difficult for me it is to comprehend how all of it works. If I try to change somethings I totally mess up my blog..if I try to add something it never works. I'm clueless how to back up my blog..I join new blogs and try to update my blog list and it doesn't work. I tried to add a counter nope that didn't work either. And that is just a few things I've dabbled in trying...

Now I suppose I could blame all of this on my thyroid problem and the confusion and memory loss it has caused but I must be realistic here... I never could figure any of it out before my thyroid went on the I must confess I am what you would call technically challenged...
Hand me a shelf, some sand paper, paint and walls filled with prim wares and I can Create the most beautifully Prim gathering around but send me to a help page and I'm ready to have a anxiety attack...None of it makes any sense to me at all... Part of it is that they tell you go to this or that place to change this or that and when you get there it tells you to do such and such and well ok exactly what is such and such.. One must know what such and such is before one can do such and you click on the help link and you read that which take you to a new page so you can do this first before you can do that thing you started doing when you clicked the first link..and before I know it I am someplace I've never seen or knew about and I can't figure out how to get back to where I started... Are you seeing this picture I'm painting here...So I give up in total frustration... Thus you still see my blog page the same as it was the day I started Blogging!!

My great sense of humor allows me to laugh at my lack of computer, blog, Internet Savoy.... Thank God
BUTT I'm getting a little worried that I must learn quickly if I don't want to lose touch with all of you out there that put the Sunshine in my day with your Daily Blogs...

For starters I keep reading that Friend Connect is being phased out..... so many of you are telling your followers to follow you using some other link...Like Linkys, or Frog something..
How long do I have to figure out how to add a new follower link to my Blog before Friend Connect is gone?

So what happens to all of our followers and people we follow if Friend connect is phased they just disappear?

Where do I find these links and how do I get them on my blog?

How do I get my followers to link to my blog using another link...once I figure out how to put the link on my blog?

Oppps I almost forgot how do I get that link on my Blog...?

Now me having the sense of humor that I have I can accept all the giggling from all of you who find this all so easy..but at the same time I know I'm surely not along in this never ending world of changing Technology.
It seems to me that I just learn to work all this stuff and they go and change it on me...
They do it on blog, on ebay, an Photobucket you name it.. I realize the people changing things need to work to make a living and they got enough brains and tech savoy to fill an old barn ...but don't they understand if it works just leave it alone so all of us can enjoy reading our Friends Blogs, commenting and writing our blogs so friends can comment...
But Noooooooooooo they have to go and make it difficult for the Technically challenged few of us out there!

So now that I have ranted, and given some of you a big giggle and of course found others who are as challenged as I am at figuring all of this out...... I was wondering if anyone out there among you understands how the creative minds works and knows how to teach an old dog new tricks so to speak...and can help me figure out some of these things... Remember sending me to a directions page with links to this and that doesn't work to well for me...but willing to try.

Ok I have ranted long enough and humbled myself more then I'd like...I guess its time to pack up the computer and my belongings and head South... got a two hour drive to make and darn it all it is raining.. uggg was hoping for sunshine again...Plenty of time to create gathering in my mind on the way home...
It was a nice break coming North for a couple days.. Picked up my meds at the doctors, got my boat taken care of, trimmed a few tree limbs,  sat in the middle of the floor creating rag covered Eggs...63 total while I watched old movies and I stopped at several Thrift stores while I was up here and found a few nice things to use creating. so its time to head home...

Until we meet again may your day be filled with happy thoughts!!


PS and that cute little REPLY under each comment..what exactly does that link do? I clicked it and nothing happened. Am I supposed to write a reply in the whilte comment box click send & it shows a reply under the comment? or is it simply not working on my blog page.. I know I forgot to read the directions..Nope that isn't it I never seen any directions & don't have a clue where to find them there directions if there are any..but some of you know how it works cause I've seen reply's under comments.