Wow can you believe it 2012 is here already... I for one am not sure how time has gone by so quickly..seems the older I get the faster the years roll by....Personally I find something wrong with that picture...the older we get the slower time should be..we've earned the right to enjoy our lives!!
But it seems few of us have little time left over in our daily lives to really enjoy ourselves... Maybe that should be our New Years Resolution this year... to take time to smell the roses and enjoy all those things that pass us by without notice!!
It has been a memorable year to say the least with many life changes...many memorable moments some happy some not so happy..
I'd like to say that blogging has changed my life...I've met so many wonderful people here.
All of you have made me Smile, Laugh, Cry, Learn, Share, Care & above all feel special. I wish I could reach out and hug each one of you personally.. instead I'll have to share a vertial hug!!(((((((((HUG))))))))
My businesses did very well considering the economy and boy am I ever grateful for that..
My Primitive Creations actually grew last year..Carmen was sure right when she told me I should learn to create Primitive Decor 6 years ago.
I got to spend another year living of the lake on my Island for the summer a blessing I cherish!
God willing enjoying 2012 on the lake actually on the water in my boat & healthy enough to continue cleaning my houses & spending time with my Island friends.
My health has declined over the past year which has brought on a huge change in my life/lifestyle.. a change that has been very difficult.. I've always been a do as I want, when I want, kind of person living life to the fullest..daring myself to the Challange whatever it might have been... 2012 is going to be a challange for me, one I'm not sure I am ready to face. There are things I'm not yet ready to give up..especially my freedom to enjoy the things I so love..My work, my boat, my creating & my friends on the Island.
This morning I took down the 2011 Calendars and tucked them away in the tax box..LOL..I keep all my records on the calanders. As I tucked them in the box I said a prayer that 2012 would be a better year for world, for me, for my family and for my dear friends.
My visit with the Dr. yesterday didn't turn out as I had hoped it would..but as most of us know hoping and knowing how a Dr visit will go are two totally different things. I do like the specialist she was very nice and explained everything to me...a bit more quickly then I could absorb but none the less she did explain things. As we all know they want to run test after test before they make any comment or diagnosis. & she was no different. She did a new ultra sound on my Thyroid and sure enough she seen the nodule immediately & stated that it had grown. Thank you for adding to my worries...but she said taht doean't necessarily mean anything more then it has grown. I want to schedule you for a biopsy. i think that will happen quickly..Not they can't get me in for 6 weeks to do the biopsy...
Then we discuss what is happening to my Thyroid & why it is flipping from Hyper to hypo. She says she thinks from all my former blood test results & hospital stay that there is a huge possibility that what I have is Thyroiditis which is swelling of the thyroid. She then goes on to tell me when the Thyroid swells it allows the thyroid hormone to leak out rather then being sent into my body as it should be causing the hypo.
In other words the hormone is not going into my system like it should so it appears that the hormone level is low which it is but... then she got into the more complicated explination of what is happening then I could really understand.
But what I did understand is that the swelling is more then likely due to my other autoimmune diseases, Sjogren's disease, Graves's disease and Arthritis. In other words everything is attacking my system as if it were a forgien object...fighting against itself...
So she then says I need to run more blood work to determine for sure that is what is happening before we can treat the thyroid problems. Once all of the test results come back I will contact you. I will work with your new Rhumatologist and together we should be able to get this under control.
I know how much discomfort you are in and I understand how upset and worried you are but this is the only way... be patient. Try not to worry or become depressed & stressed as this will only make it worse.
I just looked at her with tears in my eyes and said, Good lord, I have been patient for months now and my body has fallen apart on me and turned me into a invalid practicly and you want me to be patient...I don't have insurance, I'm not able to work & make any money to pay for all these test or your office visits.. if you can't help please don't put me threw this..
She siad I can help you but you have to be patient long enough for us to find out why this is happening to you. It isn't simple because you have so many auto-immune diseases...
Frankly I left there just as sick as I was with little hope that there is really anything she can do. I personally think she is hoping that the Arthritis Dr will have some answers but then again I'm not a Dr. Maybe my misery is clouding my faith in the medical world..making it impossible to see light at the end of the tunnel.
So I will continue to take the best care of myself as I can and pray for some relief and better health soon...
The picture at the top is the Port Clinton, Ohio New Years Eve Walleye Drop Celebration! My house is in Port Clinton & I used to go to the Walleye Drop Celebration every year!
The Walleye Drop made the Huffington Post Internet News front page Head lines today as one of the different ways city's copy the New york Ball Drop... So I thought I would share it with you... It is totally silly but 1000's come to our little town every year to join in on the lake side Celebration...guess that's why we made the Internet Front page news...giggle....
I leave you with Wishes for a wonderful safe and Happy New Years Eve!!
Hugs & Blessings
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Endocrinologist Appt 2-morrow-God willing it goes well-Prayers For Carmen Please
Good evening everyone... I decided I need a Smile and This picture always does the trick! Hope it made you smile too! Ever have one of those days you wish you would never have gotten up.. Humm me to 2-day.
I always wake up at the puter reading bloggs and what do I see this morning first thing but Carmen saying she's in the hospital... Talk about panic mode... then I read on to see what was going on. Ok getting Appendix removed been there done that so I know the routine..Doesn't stop a mother from worrying especially since her health isn't the greatest. Finally got ahold of & talked to her Dad as he was on his way to the hospital. Fund out that the surgery went well and she was lucky they did the laproscopic surgery unlike mine where they actually cut me open...I was so relieved..Her recovery time will go so much easier for her and for that I'm Thankful!
But please do Pray that she gets out of the hospital tomorrow & for her speedy recover with no further complications from her other health issues..
Finally December 30th is here and I have my first appointment with the Endocrinologist. It has been the longest month in respect to waiting for this appointment to roll around.. I've done my best to try to enjoy the holidays and not think or worry about the three nodules they found on my Thyroid & how lousy I feel.
I've done a pretty good job of it most of the time with all of the Holiday going on's...but on those days that I was feeling really bad and at night when I would try to go to sleep it wasn't so easy.
I'm not sure what worries me more what they will find, if they will have to remove the thyroid, will I ever feel good again or the cost of everything.... Maybe all of it I suppose..
I got my Hospital Bills & all those other bills that come with a hospital stay and it's up to $8,000.00 so far.
I've applied for assistance for everything I can and god willing most of it will be covered cause I'd have to rob a bank to pay that bill off ..then tomorrow I go to another appointment that's gona cost up to $300.00 Holly Molly medical expenses are rediculous... I mean $8,000 for less then 48 hours in the hospital and all they did was an ultra sound on my thyroid, blood work & let me sleep in there bed...LOL...Oh yea they gave me some pill to make my body stop jerking all over the place.... That's it the pills cost $5000..
Oh well I guess ya got to do what ya got to do... All I want is to feel better so at least keep creating my crafts if nothing else...
I've been going crazy just sitting around feeling like crap....
So wish me luck with this Endocrinologist appt tomorrow...
I did get a call from Social Securty Disability today..All my paper work is in and then the guy who called me also filled out all the paper work over the phone and applied for SSI..suplimental Income for me. he said I should know within a week if I got denied or not... of course we discussed that most people are turned down/denied at least if that were to happen he says you make sure you appeal it immediately so that you don't lose the time you applied/don't reapply just appeal...well of course I will..
But my prayer is that I'm not going to be denied and I'll be able to receive it at least for a few months until I can get my health back on track...Help with all these medial bills...
Then he tells me that I qualify for Social Security in July so I should apply for it in May so that It will all be done by July..
Lord have mercy but I feel old and broken down and I'm not old at all.. it seems so hard to beleive that one day not so long ago I was feeling ready to tackle the summer cleaning houses and then with the snap of a finger my whole body just fell apart and turned on me...
To darned bad we can't just trade our bodies in for a new one like we do our cars and vans...LOL..
On a lighter side I have been able to get out in the shop over the past week and have actually created 6 beautiful gatherings.. I'll save those to share with later..
While you are praying for Carmen could you put in a few good words for me too...I want to beleive that I'm due for some really good news and better days ahead so a few extra prayers can only help.!!
God Bless you all for being such great friends!!
New Year Blessings
I always wake up at the puter reading bloggs and what do I see this morning first thing but Carmen saying she's in the hospital... Talk about panic mode... then I read on to see what was going on. Ok getting Appendix removed been there done that so I know the routine..Doesn't stop a mother from worrying especially since her health isn't the greatest. Finally got ahold of & talked to her Dad as he was on his way to the hospital. Fund out that the surgery went well and she was lucky they did the laproscopic surgery unlike mine where they actually cut me open...I was so relieved..Her recovery time will go so much easier for her and for that I'm Thankful!
But please do Pray that she gets out of the hospital tomorrow & for her speedy recover with no further complications from her other health issues..
Finally December 30th is here and I have my first appointment with the Endocrinologist. It has been the longest month in respect to waiting for this appointment to roll around.. I've done my best to try to enjoy the holidays and not think or worry about the three nodules they found on my Thyroid & how lousy I feel.
I've done a pretty good job of it most of the time with all of the Holiday going on's...but on those days that I was feeling really bad and at night when I would try to go to sleep it wasn't so easy.
I'm not sure what worries me more what they will find, if they will have to remove the thyroid, will I ever feel good again or the cost of everything.... Maybe all of it I suppose..
I got my Hospital Bills & all those other bills that come with a hospital stay and it's up to $8,000.00 so far.
I've applied for assistance for everything I can and god willing most of it will be covered cause I'd have to rob a bank to pay that bill off ..then tomorrow I go to another appointment that's gona cost up to $300.00 Holly Molly medical expenses are rediculous... I mean $8,000 for less then 48 hours in the hospital and all they did was an ultra sound on my thyroid, blood work & let me sleep in there bed...LOL...Oh yea they gave me some pill to make my body stop jerking all over the place.... That's it the pills cost $5000..
Oh well I guess ya got to do what ya got to do... All I want is to feel better so at least keep creating my crafts if nothing else...
I've been going crazy just sitting around feeling like crap....
So wish me luck with this Endocrinologist appt tomorrow...
I did get a call from Social Securty Disability today..All my paper work is in and then the guy who called me also filled out all the paper work over the phone and applied for SSI..suplimental Income for me. he said I should know within a week if I got denied or not... of course we discussed that most people are turned down/denied at least if that were to happen he says you make sure you appeal it immediately so that you don't lose the time you applied/don't reapply just appeal...well of course I will..
But my prayer is that I'm not going to be denied and I'll be able to receive it at least for a few months until I can get my health back on track...Help with all these medial bills...
Then he tells me that I qualify for Social Security in July so I should apply for it in May so that It will all be done by July..
Lord have mercy but I feel old and broken down and I'm not old at all.. it seems so hard to beleive that one day not so long ago I was feeling ready to tackle the summer cleaning houses and then with the snap of a finger my whole body just fell apart and turned on me...
To darned bad we can't just trade our bodies in for a new one like we do our cars and vans...LOL..
On a lighter side I have been able to get out in the shop over the past week and have actually created 6 beautiful gatherings.. I'll save those to share with later..
While you are praying for Carmen could you put in a few good words for me too...I want to beleive that I'm due for some really good news and better days ahead so a few extra prayers can only help.!!
God Bless you all for being such great friends!!
New Year Blessings
Monday, December 26, 2011
Santa Clause was here..Wow was he ever good to everyone this year!!
Happy sunday to all my prims out there in blog land.... Did you see Santa? He showed up everywhere and he made everyone happy!! I had a fantasic Christmas with so many of my family memebers..some I hadn't seen in way to long.
Meet April and here kids, Jorden, Eathan, Abi, and Cameron. April lived with me for about 4 years as a teen. She's probably the closest of all my foster daughters to being one of my own. We don't get to see each other often but we talk all the time. She invited me to come spend Christmas Eve lunch with her and the kids this year and what a great time we had... We were having such a good time I totally forgot to take any pictures but she gave me the Picture above for Christmas! Life hasn't always been kind to April but I'm really happy to say that I think she is Happy and proud of herself. I'm proud of her too. One of her dreams was to live in a Big house & she finally got her wish. She has a huge house with plenty of room for 4 growing kids.. A steady good job that she's had for 4 years so life has finally come around for her. Thank God!!
I think seeing her smile and the pride in her eyes as she showed me her home, served up a huge Christmas dinner, passed out Christmas gifts she has found peace & some way over due happiness in her life.
That was the best Christmas gift I could have gotten, was seeing the glow in her eyes and the pride in her smile as we shared time together!! Not to mention all of the kids called me Grandma.. I never thought I would like hearing that word but even her baby which I had never met said when I walked in the door..
Hey I know you, you're my Grandma!! I snatched him up and gave him a big hug and kiss and got the same in return...I was kinda shocked that he knew that but Jorden said ...Mom talks about you all the time and showed him pictures..
Smile... that was one of those warm fuzzy moments I talk about all the time that gets tucked in the memory bank for later...Hopefully we can spend more time together in the future...I would love to get to know all my Grandkids...
After leaving Aprils I went to my niece and nephews Jessie and Jason's house to celebrate with my Brother Jim & family! they just got there house last summer and wanted to host Christmas this year... The house was full Jason put it to full.. but it didn't stop everyone from having a great time, visiting, and opening gifts.

Meet April and here kids, Jorden, Eathan, Abi, and Cameron. April lived with me for about 4 years as a teen. She's probably the closest of all my foster daughters to being one of my own. We don't get to see each other often but we talk all the time. She invited me to come spend Christmas Eve lunch with her and the kids this year and what a great time we had... We were having such a good time I totally forgot to take any pictures but she gave me the Picture above for Christmas! Life hasn't always been kind to April but I'm really happy to say that I think she is Happy and proud of herself. I'm proud of her too. One of her dreams was to live in a Big house & she finally got her wish. She has a huge house with plenty of room for 4 growing kids.. A steady good job that she's had for 4 years so life has finally come around for her. Thank God!!
I think seeing her smile and the pride in her eyes as she showed me her home, served up a huge Christmas dinner, passed out Christmas gifts she has found peace & some way over due happiness in her life.
That was the best Christmas gift I could have gotten, was seeing the glow in her eyes and the pride in her smile as we shared time together!! Not to mention all of the kids called me Grandma.. I never thought I would like hearing that word but even her baby which I had never met said when I walked in the door..
Hey I know you, you're my Grandma!! I snatched him up and gave him a big hug and kiss and got the same in return...I was kinda shocked that he knew that but Jorden said ...Mom talks about you all the time and showed him pictures..
Smile... that was one of those warm fuzzy moments I talk about all the time that gets tucked in the memory bank for later...Hopefully we can spend more time together in the future...I would love to get to know all my Grandkids...
After leaving Aprils I went to my niece and nephews Jessie and Jason's house to celebrate with my Brother Jim & family! they just got there house last summer and wanted to host Christmas this year... The house was full Jason put it to full.. but it didn't stop everyone from having a great time, visiting, and opening gifts.

This is Hayden-Ricky & Gina's little boy and he wanted to open presents right now so I distracted him by taking his picture..

This is everyone in the living room after dinner. The kids are opening there gifts.

Heather is holding the Doll Bed that I gave to her Daughter Skyler. This doll bed is part of a set of Doll bunk beds that I had custom made for Carmen when she was 5 I think.
I finally decided that it was time to pass them down to the kids in the family to enjoy...
It was one of those heart felt moments when you are sad and happy at the same time...the beds & dolls were one of the few things I have hung onto of Carmen's childhood. I hated parting with them but then I loved giving them to the girls to play with too.
Yep I cried..letting go is sometimes a little painful even when its a happy moment and it was, the girls loved them...

Serenty opening her half of the bunk beds & dolls. Skyler is helping...

Serenty put her baby in the carrier.
I made all the blankets, pillows and carrier for them when I gave them to Carmen years ago..
There wasn't enough room for everyone in the living room so some of us were in the dinning room.
Rusty & Amber
This is Adrean, Rusty & Amber's little girl..
I got her a Barbie .... I think she likes it!!
Jessie is kneeling beside the tree... I didn't get a picture of Jason he was doing to much running around making sure everyone was taken care of... He told his mom, Peg. when it was all over with that he decided that his house is to small for hosting Christmas.. this was his last big get together..
Giggle..... his mom tried to tell them it wasn't a good idea with so many people...
Everyone had a good time even if it was really crowded...
We left Jessie and Jason's and went back to where I live to the big house and had Christmas together with Brother Jim, Peg, Angel, Savana, Hailey, Baby Eathen, Justina and I....

Jim & Peg in front of the fire Place...
Savana's back and Baby Eathen in his swing!
Hailey & her mountain of Christmas presents!
Angel & Baby Eathen!
Justina & her boyfriend!
Finally around 10:30 I was exhausted and ready to call it a night.. so I went to my Trailer and hung out with my Kitty's ...
Christmas Day I went over to John & Laura's for dinner and gift giving..
Dinner was great!..Much quieter at there house...
I found John a History of Rock n Roll Book at the thrift store.
He loved it of course since he is a Rock musican.
This is John's Singing Taco Bell Dog!
If I get laura a new Quilt I have to get John one too ..
His smile says he liked his too!!
Laura collects Dish towels... I found her lots of cute ones..
Plus as mentioned in an earlier post I found her a vintage Quilt.
Opps...... I forgot to take picture of it...
By the time I left there house last night I was exhuasted but filled with tons of happy moments spent with everyone.
Santa was very good to me this year too... A new toaster, New Microwave, safety glasses, Money, Two Kroger Gift Cards, a blanket, warm fuzzy sock slippers and tons of little things you can always use...
I think I can say without a doubt it was a wonderful Christmas!
I want to Thank you all for the kinds thoughts and wonderful cards sent my way.. Ihave them all hanging on my shelf...accept for one which I put behind my fish tank glass so I could enjoy watching Goldie swim in front of it...yea I know silly but fun!! Goldie likes Christmas Too!!
A special Thank you to Nancy who sent me the cutest Parie Doll, who promptly went in one of my Christmas Stockings...
Thank you Nancy she is darling and I lover her because she came from you my dear friend!
Now its time to clean up all the Christmas paper & boxes & take it out to the Storage.. so I can get around in my Trailer and enjoy my decorations that have been hiding behind everything...
I hope that you all had the most wonderful Christmas with Family and friends and that Santa was good to you too!!
Thank you all for being such a huge part o my daily are a special gift I do cherish and look forward to visiting with every day.... God Bless you all!!
Christmas Blessings
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas from My House to Yours!!
Hi everyone.......I just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!
I created a Christmas card especially for you!
copy and paste into your browser..
I had a wonderful Christmas with Family and friends.
I'll be back with pictures and one of those warm fuzzy memory moments to share with you sometime tomorrow...
For now I bid you Good night..
Christmas Hugs
I created a Christmas card especially for you!
copy and paste into your browser..
I had a wonderful Christmas with Family and friends.
I'll be back with pictures and one of those warm fuzzy memory moments to share with you sometime tomorrow...
For now I bid you Good night..
Christmas Hugs
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Lets giggle & share the count down together!! What's left on your Christmas To Do List?
HoHoHo...Christmas Wishes to all my dear prim Friends out there in BlogLand...
If your anything like me a moment of sneaking into the computer and bringing up your blog so you can check out what everyone is doing to finish up the final touches of creating the perfect Christmas for our family's and Friends seems to take the edge off that huge To Do list we have staring up at us!!
I thought it would be fun to take a minute to share some of the rush rush with each other I invite you to tell us what you've checked off your list and what is still making you run around in circles trying to get it all done in 2 days and still pull off the perfect Christmas!
My Christmas To Do list got all tangled up with the To Do list for filing for SSI & that mountian of papers from the Specialist I have to see December 30th and Janurary 19th. Oh yea we can't forget my new found slower then a 7 year itch body... sure makes it hard to get things done when the body is in slow gear and the brain is in high gear..or is that visa versa...I'm not sure I was up till 3 in the morning last night working on filling out some of those papers...That was after I wrapped some presents...Checked off the list
I finally checked off Make Chex Mix Tuesday...Oh yummy it sure did turn out great... I filled a big tin for myself...Merry Christmas from me to me!! Then I filled 20 more adorable tins I found at good will with chex Mix to give as gifts... My 8 yr old neice Hailey helped me make the Chex mix and she had a ball ....
I went to John & Laura's yesterday to clean... now there was a true example of my slower then a 7 ye itch body.. I can normally clean in two hours and have several hours to visit with them... Well it took me like 6 hours to clean.. but we were till able to visit..
I took over there Christmas Presents and put them under the tree so that is another To Do checked off the list... I gave them each one of there gifts Early.. John plays guitar in several bands and his dog is a Chawennie. I found this darling Christmas Taco Bell Dog playing a guitar so I got it for John...I though him and Laura were going to crack up laughing at this thing singing and playing the guitar!!
I gave Laura a beautiful vintage Quilt for her bed... It is beautiful and she just loved it...
Were planning on spending Christmas Day together opening the rest of our gifts....
I found a small bag of gifts under the rocker so I have to wrap them today...and I thought I was done...
I've got one last minute thing I have to do today... I've been elected to provide paper plates & cups for Christmas with my Brothers Family so got to run to town and pick those up today..
Christmas Eve is gona be a a rush..One of my foster Daughters has invited me to join her and the kids around Noon Christmas eve..I've never spent Christmas eve with her since she has grown up and was tickled she invited me to come by & celebrate with her and the kids....It will be good to see her and the kids its been years since I've seen all of them together...
Then at 4 I have Christmas with Brother Jim and all of our family...about 20 people will be there. It is Jason & Jessie's first christmas in there new house so they are hosting Christmas this year... Peg took all of our gifts over and snuck them in under the tree while they were gone last all we have to do is show up...I bet they were surprised when they got home last night and found the mountian of gifts around the tree...wish I could have seen there expression!!
When we are done at Jason & Jessie's we are coming back here..well to the house not my trailer and having Christmas with Jim, Peg, the kids & I... After that I'm not sure what is going on...but for sure it is going to be a fun whirlwind day of celebrating and sharing time with family and friends... Hopfully storing away lots of wonderful fun memories...
I've got gifts to carry in the house for the kids & I told Peggy I'd help her in the kitchen making cookies today so I guess I best get moving so we can check them off the to do list...
May your day remain calm with little rush rush in it...but rather giggles and fun moments as you finish up your to do list!!
Christmas Blessings
Monday, December 19, 2011
Counting my Blessings & Wishing you all Christmas Blessings
A big Howdy Prim Friends... 6 days till Christmas....yep just 6 little bitty days till all the hussel and bussel will be over with and we can all sit back and relax..Hopefully take a few days to actually enjoy that Beautiful Christmas Tree we put up and all of the Trimmings around the house that made it so picture perfect when friends & family arrived to celebrate..remembering all the great conversations, great food, gift giving and sharing time with those we love. Giving thanks we made it threw another Holiday!!
Maybe as we sit back taking a moment to reflect on all the Christmas's in the past.
Counting our Blessings that we have so many warm and wonderful memories!!
I know that for many of us those wonderful memories get lost in all the hussel and bussel of the Holidays..
I have hundreds of pictues in albums and every Christmas I like to get the Christmas picture albums out and take time to look back and reflect on so many of those wonderful memories of the past...and count all of the wonderful Blessings I've had in my life time...I was a foster parent and one of the most precious Christmas memories was seeing one of my little boys come down the stairs seeing all the gifts under the tree.
Carmen was sitting in front of the tree... Little Robbie just stood on the steps looking with huge round Blue eyes..You see He had never had Christmas in his 4 short years of life...this was his first Christmas ever..His first Christmas Tree, his first gifts ever! Words can never describe the look on his face & his reaction to his first Christmas....
We had read stories about Santa and Jesus Birthday before the big day so he had an idea of what Christmas was...Finally he said, " Santa Came" Carmen told him to come see what Santa brought.
As he opened his gifts he just sat there for the longest time looking at each gift, playing with it...
Carmen had all her gifts opened before Robbie had even opened half his gifts...It was a priceless moment in time when he came running up to me and hugged me and said Santa came momma Santa came...His favorite gift was a matchbox car little Race set.
My favorite memory of Christmas with Carmen is special in many ways. Carmen wanted a Doll house so my mother and bought a kit. My mother was dieing from cancer but she found the strength to work on it with me. Sadly she passed away before we got it finished but I have those memories of working on it with her.
I finished the doll house myself. It was sitting in front of the tree when Carmen came down the steps Christmas morning... She was jumping up and down with joy when she seen her doll house all furnished. yelling I got my doll house...LOL...She never really cared for Dolls but she played with her Doll house for years...There was always something special about watching her play with her Doll house and remembering those last days spent with my mother putting together her Doll house.
As a family I think my best memories were sitting around the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve after our extended family had left, reading Christmas stories. My mother read to us as kids then I started reading to Carmen on her first Christmas.... The kids would pick there favorite book and I would read them...Carmen had her favorite & I have to admit it was mine too.."Phorrumph was his name" was a story about a tiny Elf that Road in Santa's pocket.. there was even an Elf Doll & a 45 record with a song that came with the story book...We would all sing the song after I read the story...funny we had this tradition long after Carmen was grown... Then a few years back we somehow miss placed the Christmas books and we stopped reading the Christmas Stories... I miss that very much...
Then when Carmen was married and had a place of her own I would help her decorate her house at Christmas... Putting all the Hallmark ornaments she collects on her wreaths, and making decorations for the tree.. Then she got more trees so we were decorating 2 then 3 trees.. Now she has gone Prim and the whole house is a beautiful Prim wonderland...
I regret that I no longer help her decorate but I have years of wonderful memories stored of all the fun we had decorating for Christmas...and getting ready for the Christmas Celebration!!
I have been blessed with so many warm and wonderful memories of Christmas both with my family as a child and then with my family as an adult. I cherish each and every wonderful memory.
Christmas can be such a stressful time leaving us drained before it has come and gone... but you know in the end there are so many wonderful things to remember and cherish.....
My Christmas wish for you is that each of you take the time to reflect, look back and enjoy some of your best memories before you take down the tree and all your decorations. Let those memories warm your heart and fill you with love and peace that last you till next Christmas...
Remember to Thank god for giving you his ever lasting love and filling your life with so many Blessings.. For it is Jesus Birthday that brings us all together at Christmas to celebrate as family's!!
It was a good Weekend..I actually had two very good days without severe pain... My neice came by again and gave me a neck & back massage which once again releived much of the pain in my arms for a little while.. I spent time out in the shop and actually created one new gathering before the pain took over again...but wow was it noce to be in the shop again...
I got all my Ebay packages packed and ready to ship today.. made Rag Balls for a rag ball order, worked on Rag Garland and watched a mess of Christmas movies... thank God for a few hours of releif...
the post office is calling me so I must run for now... I bid you all a good day filled with happy moments!!
Christmas Blessings
Maybe as we sit back taking a moment to reflect on all the Christmas's in the past.
Counting our Blessings that we have so many warm and wonderful memories!!
I know that for many of us those wonderful memories get lost in all the hussel and bussel of the Holidays..
I have hundreds of pictues in albums and every Christmas I like to get the Christmas picture albums out and take time to look back and reflect on so many of those wonderful memories of the past...and count all of the wonderful Blessings I've had in my life time...I was a foster parent and one of the most precious Christmas memories was seeing one of my little boys come down the stairs seeing all the gifts under the tree.
Carmen was sitting in front of the tree... Little Robbie just stood on the steps looking with huge round Blue eyes..You see He had never had Christmas in his 4 short years of life...this was his first Christmas ever..His first Christmas Tree, his first gifts ever! Words can never describe the look on his face & his reaction to his first Christmas....
We had read stories about Santa and Jesus Birthday before the big day so he had an idea of what Christmas was...Finally he said, " Santa Came" Carmen told him to come see what Santa brought.
As he opened his gifts he just sat there for the longest time looking at each gift, playing with it...
Carmen had all her gifts opened before Robbie had even opened half his gifts...It was a priceless moment in time when he came running up to me and hugged me and said Santa came momma Santa came...His favorite gift was a matchbox car little Race set.
My favorite memory of Christmas with Carmen is special in many ways. Carmen wanted a Doll house so my mother and bought a kit. My mother was dieing from cancer but she found the strength to work on it with me. Sadly she passed away before we got it finished but I have those memories of working on it with her.
I finished the doll house myself. It was sitting in front of the tree when Carmen came down the steps Christmas morning... She was jumping up and down with joy when she seen her doll house all furnished. yelling I got my doll house...LOL...She never really cared for Dolls but she played with her Doll house for years...There was always something special about watching her play with her Doll house and remembering those last days spent with my mother putting together her Doll house.
As a family I think my best memories were sitting around the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve after our extended family had left, reading Christmas stories. My mother read to us as kids then I started reading to Carmen on her first Christmas.... The kids would pick there favorite book and I would read them...Carmen had her favorite & I have to admit it was mine too.."Phorrumph was his name" was a story about a tiny Elf that Road in Santa's pocket.. there was even an Elf Doll & a 45 record with a song that came with the story book...We would all sing the song after I read the story...funny we had this tradition long after Carmen was grown... Then a few years back we somehow miss placed the Christmas books and we stopped reading the Christmas Stories... I miss that very much...
Then when Carmen was married and had a place of her own I would help her decorate her house at Christmas... Putting all the Hallmark ornaments she collects on her wreaths, and making decorations for the tree.. Then she got more trees so we were decorating 2 then 3 trees.. Now she has gone Prim and the whole house is a beautiful Prim wonderland...
I regret that I no longer help her decorate but I have years of wonderful memories stored of all the fun we had decorating for Christmas...and getting ready for the Christmas Celebration!!
I have been blessed with so many warm and wonderful memories of Christmas both with my family as a child and then with my family as an adult. I cherish each and every wonderful memory.
Christmas can be such a stressful time leaving us drained before it has come and gone... but you know in the end there are so many wonderful things to remember and cherish.....
My Christmas wish for you is that each of you take the time to reflect, look back and enjoy some of your best memories before you take down the tree and all your decorations. Let those memories warm your heart and fill you with love and peace that last you till next Christmas...
Remember to Thank god for giving you his ever lasting love and filling your life with so many Blessings.. For it is Jesus Birthday that brings us all together at Christmas to celebrate as family's!!
It was a good Weekend..I actually had two very good days without severe pain... My neice came by again and gave me a neck & back massage which once again releived much of the pain in my arms for a little while.. I spent time out in the shop and actually created one new gathering before the pain took over again...but wow was it noce to be in the shop again...
I got all my Ebay packages packed and ready to ship today.. made Rag Balls for a rag ball order, worked on Rag Garland and watched a mess of Christmas movies... thank God for a few hours of releif...
the post office is calling me so I must run for now... I bid you all a good day filled with happy moments!!
Christmas Blessings
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
My New VintageTable-Christrmas Decorations-Tasha Kitty-Update-
Hohoho Christmas wishes to all my Dear Prim Friends... I can smell all those Cookies you all have been baking..Yummy pass me a few to sample please...
I'm not going to bake but I did pick up all the stuff to make Chex Mix. My favorite snack ever! I always make Chex Mix & give everyone on the Christmas list...The fun part is shopping all year at the Thrift stores looking for Special Christmas Tins to put it in as gifts!
I got the best surprise the other day... Really cheered me up too...My SIL Peg's Brother brought an old Vintage Table here & dropped it off telling her he thought she might like it.. She told she had no place to put I said, "maybe it will fit in the trailer, if you don't want it I'd love to have it.."
Yeehaw..... she said, take it I don't have anywhere to put it...
I was so excited cause I totally love this table.. I had to do some major changes to fit it in the trailer but once It did I loved it even more. I couldn't believe how perfectly it fit once I moved the big rocker I had in the trailer....I replaced the Rocker with a regular vintage Straight Back chair.. Love!!
I've got like 3 extra foot of living room space moving the Rocker out..Huge Blessing cause it was cramped in the living room area...I was able to put Puddles Doggie bed under the table which gave us even more space.
the Basket of Kitty toys fit under the Straight back chair...more floor space...I put my big Vintage Tin of lego's beside the chair as an end table ..Perfect!! Plus the table has a huge drawer in it that I stored my DVD player and all my DVD's other Perfect!! Best of all now I have a place to decorate and sit things. I am loving the way it looks..
God Bless the person who was throwing this beautiful table away and God Bless Bobby for trash picking it & bringing it up here for Peg who gave it to me...
Once I got the table all set up I decided to set up my Tree and other Christmas decorations. I covered the straight Back chair with my Teddy Bear Christmas Throw.. and a little Snowman I got at Good Will for 49 cents. I draped my fake Kitty over the back of the chair cute! I found the Builder Santa at the Good Will for $2 and I sat him behind the Chair. Look at the fish tank I even hung a little Santa on the back of the fish tank... My silly Gold Fish keeps going to the glass and watching the Santa...I think she is waiting for it to move or something or she wants to make friends with Santa..hehe!
I sat my Tree on my beautiful new table and decorated it wit some old wood Decorations I found out in my Red neck Shed.. LOL.. I make rag Garland and who forgets to put on the rag garland...That would be me...Didn't even realize it till I looked at the pictures.. Gezzzz the mind is going!!
I found the cute sign in front of the tree at the Good will for 49 cents.. I found the Hallmark Musical Snowmen Decorations at Good will for $1.00. I sat one beside the Tree.
I sat the Hallmark Piano playing Snowman on the ledge beside my sofa...
I still can't believe I found the hallmarks for just a dollar each...what a deal and they both still work great.
Tasha decided she wanted to be part of the decorating so she got up on the chair next to her fake Kitty.. She actually cleans the silly fake Kitty...
After she finished cleaning her fake Kitty friend she decided to check out the tree...
Oh Mom...would you please stop flashing that stupid light in my eyes...can't you see I'm trying to relax under this here Tree you sat here!!
I found another Santa at Good Will for a $1 and i sat him on the other side of my sofa.
I haven't gotten my shelves decorated yet but hope to gets some Pine Bow on them with some little Snowmen sometime today...
I've got most of my Christmas presents wrapped and ready to deliver. My Christmas cards addressed & ready to mail...
So other then making my Chex mix, I think I can say I'm now ready for Christmas and can sit back, enjoy my decorations and the Holiday Season...
Update on the health issues...
I had two great days after my niece gave me an upper body massage Sunday night and relieved some of the muscle spasms, jerks & pain in my neck, back, shoulders, arms and hands... I wish she had time to stop over every day and massage away the pain...Wouldn't that be awesome...but no such luck I'm afraid.. LOL..I felt so much relief after she finished, I even offered to pay her to stop by every other day but she wouldn't take the tip/money...
I'm still having severe muscle cramps, spasms & pain. The swelling has gotten worse in my legs & feet so I had to loosen my shoe laces as far as they would go to wear my shoes.
I took advantage of the two day reprieve and done my wrapping & decorating which I'm sure irritated all the muscles because last night they started in on there spazzzing & jerking again. Which of course brings back the pain.
I can feel the Thyroid growing in my neck which is making it harder to swallow...
I'm so tired all I want to do is sleep which makes me so miserable...& makes the arthritis pain so much worse.
Another thing that has started happening is I can't remember things.. or concentrate at all on anything for more then a few minutes...I'm told that this is normal when the Thyroid isn't working properly...
This Thyroid sure is a wicked gland when it goes haywire on ya.
I keep trying to remember I only have a couple of weeks before I see the Endocrinologist and a month before I see the Rhumatologist and hopefully some relief is store for me..but its hard when you are in so much pain and your body has a mind of its own jerking & spazzing all over the place...while it swells up like a balloon & your clothes don't fit ya..and all you want to do is sleep. So weird...This is not me at all... I don't even know the person living in my body anymore........she's a total stranger... I don't like her either..LOL...
I received all the paper work form all the doctors & SSI good heavens 6 large envelopes full of papers to fill out.. Over whelming..and such a pain in the back side when you feel like total crud. Complicated too...wish I knew someone who had done this before who could help me with all the paper work...especially since it is so hard to concentrate for very long... But like I said I'm a fighter so I will prevail one way or the other..
Time to get busy... try to get a few things done around here.. I hope take myself to the shop this evening and do a little creating....
Thank you all for sharing all your Christmas Decor and Christmas Cheer....makes my day!!
Until we meet again... May your day be filled with happy moments!!
Christmas Blessings
Friday, December 9, 2011
What Christmas means to me~UpDate~Shopping~Selling & the rest of the Hoilday rush!
Good Morning my dear Prim Friends... The Hoilday rush is upon us as we all busy oursleves with Baking, shopping, wrapping, decorating and yep even creating...So many of us find little time to remember what it is that started this thing we are all rushing around about..This thing we call the Holiday Season when we are busy making sure we have created tons of goods to sell and fill our bank with the money we will need to see us threw, or we go shopping to find the perfect gift for that special someone, or planning out Christmas dinner, baking cookies and pies, wrapping all of our gifts and decorating out homes...
What started it was the birth of Jesus...Our Savior Jesus Christ~God's only begotten Son~
Somewhere in the midst of the Hoiday Rush the meaning of Jesus Birth got lost.. and the Holiday rush took over.. As I was driving north Tuesday night for my Doctor's appointments and I was enjoying all the beautiful lights I was thinking and praying most of the way... that God would help me threw these troubling times. I prefer being single but there are times when being alone with out a partner or my close family as a part of my life when it's very hard especially when you are sick with no resolution in sight..
As I was enjoying the ride, all the pretty lights and praying I realized I wasn't really alone and most of all I was reminded of what the Holiday season is really all about. Its not the baking, shopping, gifts and decorating or making money but its about the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.. Its about the reason that God sent Jesus into our world and what that means to me as a Christain.
It means that I'm never alone, it means that I am blessed, it means that my sins will be forgiven if I believe in my Lord Jesus.
It means that when my load gets to heavy to carry I can count of Jesus to help me carry it.
It means that my loved ones will be looked after long after I am gone and even while I am here and can't be there for them the way they wish I could..
It means I will always have someone to talk to when my troubles seem so much bigger then me.
It means that when I feel as if there is no peace in my heart I have only to ask and peace will come.
I love Christmas and all the bight lights and pretty decorations, and giving gifts to others but what I love most is knowing that Jesus was born into this world as a promise that my god will always be there for me and for you.
For this I am Grateful and I am Blessed.
Update: the Doctor's appointment didn't go as I had prayed it would but God eoesn't always anser our prayers as we think he should. I prayed the doctore could write out a prescription for a pill that would make me all better..but it isn't always that easy is it?
Simply put and even tho I understand his reasoning It didn't make me feel any better or fix my problems.
My thyroid is growing and the doctor explained it to me like this. Tonya I can give you a pill to make the Thyroid work better but right now that isn't wise because your Thyroid is growing, we don't have the biopsy of the nodules so we have no clue what is actually going on so the pill could make things worse. We have to strat fresh with another Blood test to see if your counts are changing, we have to get a biopsy of the nodules, we have to find out if you need to have the Thyroid removed or if a pill will make things better. Whether you agree with me or not you have to accept that we have to find the best way to tackle these issues first.
He says, You are a very sick lady right now with several health problems that all play a role in how each one affects your health and each other. They are all auto immune diseases that there are no cures for and generally speaking are only going to get worse.
What we need to do is to get you on the right path to keep them in check which will require the help of several specialist. Do you understand?? ha yes I understand but I don't want to hear that..but I listened threw tears and fear.. By the time I left he had set me up with a Rheumatologist at Ohio State and I already have an appointment with the Endocrinologist.
To make things easier he has already sent out my records to each so there will be no delay hopefully in getting treatment quickly..
Then he wrote a letter to SSI to try to help in the application for disability as he says that I need to try to get SSI as my working days are now limited if not over as I lose more of the use of my hands, site and deteriation of my bones. I cryed and cryed some more damn him I didn't want to hear that... and I sure the heck refuse to accept it even if I know its hands in the past 6 months have turned into nothing but lumps on every joint, the joints in my back & hips have deteriated, the graves disease is stealing my eye sight, the Sjogren's disease has shut down nearly all my wetting glands and as you know now my thyroid has gone haywire. All in the last 6 months..
I applied for SSI and need to get all my medical reports gathered up and sent out to them plus letters of referral and records from all my most recent Doctors and hospital visits. I dropped off letters to all my doctors and dentist up North yesterday requesting a referral letter to SSI for assistance and plan to drop off letters to all my Doctors and dentist down here today.
But I know that I am a fighter and I will fight as long as there is fight left in me...enough of that depressing talk...
Moving on... I did my usual stops at all my Thrift stores while I was up North and on my way home yesterday... Got really Lucky and got most of my Christmas shopping done.
Haily wanted leggins to wear with her dresses & Good Will had kids clothes & shoes for 49 cents each..yep I went nuts buying Hailey her leggins, a couple dresses & some tops... I bought the new baby some baby clothes, found some baby shoes for my gatherings. Got 3 bags for $11 after my golden buckeye Discount...
At another Thrift storee I found a Little Tike desk & Play Guitar for Iain $5, Slippers for Savana 50 cents brand new, A strap on Baby carrier for Angel brand new $2.00, Pot holders for Peg 4 for $1.00, Socks for Jimmy 50 cents each, 4 Dish Towels for Laura brand new 50 cents each. I got a lot more to much to mention but my van was stuffed with Christmas gifts, wrapping paper and gift bags craft supplies and my total for the day was $71...
I did good and feel like I am finally well on my way with being finished shopping for gifts.. Now to wrap them... Get the tree up and decorated.
this uear I'm going to decorate my Tree in Traditional decorations as I don't have all my Prin decorations handy. They are stored at Carmen's but I have traditional decorations here in totes so frigure I'll just use them...I got a few decorations at the Thrift store all I need to do is get someone to help me get my little tree in the Trailer..I think this weekend will be wrapping and decorating ...
Despite all I have actually sold a few things ...I sold 50 rag balls to one of our fellow blogers so I will be busy making rag balls this week... I've sold lots of Rag Garland need to make some more garland.. At least I cans still create those things..Takes me a while but that's okay...
I even have a few bids on Ebay so Thank god I'm making a little here and there ..sure nothing like my income cleaning houses all summer...
I must get moving much to do today... so I will bid you all a wonderful day filled with happy moments!!
Christmas Blessings
What started it was the birth of Jesus...Our Savior Jesus Christ~God's only begotten Son~
Somewhere in the midst of the Hoiday Rush the meaning of Jesus Birth got lost.. and the Holiday rush took over.. As I was driving north Tuesday night for my Doctor's appointments and I was enjoying all the beautiful lights I was thinking and praying most of the way... that God would help me threw these troubling times. I prefer being single but there are times when being alone with out a partner or my close family as a part of my life when it's very hard especially when you are sick with no resolution in sight..
As I was enjoying the ride, all the pretty lights and praying I realized I wasn't really alone and most of all I was reminded of what the Holiday season is really all about. Its not the baking, shopping, gifts and decorating or making money but its about the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.. Its about the reason that God sent Jesus into our world and what that means to me as a Christain.
It means that I'm never alone, it means that I am blessed, it means that my sins will be forgiven if I believe in my Lord Jesus.
It means that when my load gets to heavy to carry I can count of Jesus to help me carry it.
It means that my loved ones will be looked after long after I am gone and even while I am here and can't be there for them the way they wish I could..
It means I will always have someone to talk to when my troubles seem so much bigger then me.
It means that when I feel as if there is no peace in my heart I have only to ask and peace will come.
I love Christmas and all the bight lights and pretty decorations, and giving gifts to others but what I love most is knowing that Jesus was born into this world as a promise that my god will always be there for me and for you.
For this I am Grateful and I am Blessed.
Update: the Doctor's appointment didn't go as I had prayed it would but God eoesn't always anser our prayers as we think he should. I prayed the doctore could write out a prescription for a pill that would make me all better..but it isn't always that easy is it?
Simply put and even tho I understand his reasoning It didn't make me feel any better or fix my problems.
My thyroid is growing and the doctor explained it to me like this. Tonya I can give you a pill to make the Thyroid work better but right now that isn't wise because your Thyroid is growing, we don't have the biopsy of the nodules so we have no clue what is actually going on so the pill could make things worse. We have to strat fresh with another Blood test to see if your counts are changing, we have to get a biopsy of the nodules, we have to find out if you need to have the Thyroid removed or if a pill will make things better. Whether you agree with me or not you have to accept that we have to find the best way to tackle these issues first.
He says, You are a very sick lady right now with several health problems that all play a role in how each one affects your health and each other. They are all auto immune diseases that there are no cures for and generally speaking are only going to get worse.
What we need to do is to get you on the right path to keep them in check which will require the help of several specialist. Do you understand?? ha yes I understand but I don't want to hear that..but I listened threw tears and fear.. By the time I left he had set me up with a Rheumatologist at Ohio State and I already have an appointment with the Endocrinologist.
To make things easier he has already sent out my records to each so there will be no delay hopefully in getting treatment quickly..
Then he wrote a letter to SSI to try to help in the application for disability as he says that I need to try to get SSI as my working days are now limited if not over as I lose more of the use of my hands, site and deteriation of my bones. I cryed and cryed some more damn him I didn't want to hear that... and I sure the heck refuse to accept it even if I know its hands in the past 6 months have turned into nothing but lumps on every joint, the joints in my back & hips have deteriated, the graves disease is stealing my eye sight, the Sjogren's disease has shut down nearly all my wetting glands and as you know now my thyroid has gone haywire. All in the last 6 months..
I applied for SSI and need to get all my medical reports gathered up and sent out to them plus letters of referral and records from all my most recent Doctors and hospital visits. I dropped off letters to all my doctors and dentist up North yesterday requesting a referral letter to SSI for assistance and plan to drop off letters to all my Doctors and dentist down here today.
But I know that I am a fighter and I will fight as long as there is fight left in me...enough of that depressing talk...
Moving on... I did my usual stops at all my Thrift stores while I was up North and on my way home yesterday... Got really Lucky and got most of my Christmas shopping done.
Haily wanted leggins to wear with her dresses & Good Will had kids clothes & shoes for 49 cents each..yep I went nuts buying Hailey her leggins, a couple dresses & some tops... I bought the new baby some baby clothes, found some baby shoes for my gatherings. Got 3 bags for $11 after my golden buckeye Discount...
At another Thrift storee I found a Little Tike desk & Play Guitar for Iain $5, Slippers for Savana 50 cents brand new, A strap on Baby carrier for Angel brand new $2.00, Pot holders for Peg 4 for $1.00, Socks for Jimmy 50 cents each, 4 Dish Towels for Laura brand new 50 cents each. I got a lot more to much to mention but my van was stuffed with Christmas gifts, wrapping paper and gift bags craft supplies and my total for the day was $71...
I did good and feel like I am finally well on my way with being finished shopping for gifts.. Now to wrap them... Get the tree up and decorated.
this uear I'm going to decorate my Tree in Traditional decorations as I don't have all my Prin decorations handy. They are stored at Carmen's but I have traditional decorations here in totes so frigure I'll just use them...I got a few decorations at the Thrift store all I need to do is get someone to help me get my little tree in the Trailer..I think this weekend will be wrapping and decorating ...
Despite all I have actually sold a few things ...I sold 50 rag balls to one of our fellow blogers so I will be busy making rag balls this week... I've sold lots of Rag Garland need to make some more garland.. At least I cans still create those things..Takes me a while but that's okay...
I even have a few bids on Ebay so Thank god I'm making a little here and there ..sure nothing like my income cleaning houses all summer...
I must get moving much to do today... so I will bid you all a wonderful day filled with happy moments!!
Christmas Blessings
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
A Little Sneak Peek- An Update & Some good News!!
Good Evening all...Its Beginning to look a lot like Christmas every where I go... I took a Road trip North tonight and every where was lit up with Christmas Lights... sure made the two hour drive exciting.. Twinkling here and Nativity Scenes there, Snowmen and Santa's every where.. I was lovin it..especially love those new Blue colored lights Ohhhhh how pretty they are...its hard to believe that its only a couple weeks till Christmas...I'm not ready that's for sure...
Tomorrow is my Doctor's appointment with my family Dr. Since he's up North and I've been down south He hasn't seen me since I got really sick, swelled up like a balloon, went numb, got the jerks and muscle spasms and landed up in the hospital so I think he is going to be really shocked when he See's me and See's the hospital reports.
Hopefully he will get me started on new meds that will hopefully help me get back on the road to recovery. I am still shocked that the hospital didn't start me on new meds before they released me..especially since the hospital report expresses how urgent it is that I get on Hypothyroid meds ASAP...weird really weird..
I have only gotten worse since my hospital the left side of my face is numb along with my hands & arms. The swelling in my hands, arms, legs and feet has stayed about the same but now my face is extremely swollen which I'm sure is what is causing my face to go numb. Thank goodness the jerks have calmed down thanks to the meds the hospital put me on but still having the muscle spasms.
I guess we shall see what tomorrows Dr. visit brings..
Now for the good news... I got the call from Ohio State Hospital today and I was approved for help with any doctors I need to see there starting with the Endocrinologist. I was only approved for 50% discount because I own a house but 50% is better then nothing..I'm more then grateful for all the help I can get...especially since my condition at this point has pretty much put a halt to me even creating much.
Which of course means little to no income right now...
My body sure picked a crummy time to decide to break down on me...
At least when the Van Breaks down on me I can take it to the shop & get it fixed and it only hurts my wallet...LOL....
As I was driving north I caught myself singing 'All I want for Christmas is to feel my hands, fingers and arms again without any pain.. ya think Santa can put that in a package under my tree...??? probably not but I ask anyway..LOL..
Like I mentioned my ability to create has been really limited but you know me I'm not a quiter so I have been giving it my best effort to keep creating even if it takes me 100 times longer to create a gathering...Just being in the shop and giving it my best effort has some calming affects and helps me get threw this mess even if it hurts..I refuse to let this take away my passion for creating...
So even tho I haven't created much the past two weeks I did finish a few things.
~Primitive Necessary Room Tray Gathering~

~Primitive Necessary Room Tray Gathering~

~A Mini Primitive Stool Gathering~

~A Mini Primitive Stool Gathering~

~A Mini Primitive Stool Gathering~

~Primitive Bench Necessary Room Gathering~

~Primitive Bench Gathering~

Take a minute and stop by My Ebay Store and check out all of my other offerings!!
Don't forget if you want to order any Rag Garland, or Rag Ball Tree ornaments email me at my Order Email address listed on the top of my blog.
Wishing you all a wonderful Day filled with happy moments!!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Rag Garland & Rag Ball Tree Ornaments For Sale Just in time For Christmas!
I wanted to remind everyone that I've created several hundred feet of my Rag Garland just in time for Christmas Tree Decorating.
The Garland is sold in 12ft sections but if more then 12 feet is ordered I don't cut it, I leave it in the length/feet you ordered plus 2 feet of extra twine if you choose to cut it.
Colors vary with each strand of Garland.
12 ft $14.95 includes shipping.
I've also created several 100 Rag Ball Ornaments made to be hung on your tree.
The Rag Balls Tree Ornaments vary in size from 1" to 1 1/2", varied colors.
They come with twine loop for hanging them on your Tree.
The Rag Ball Tree Ornaments come in a set of 12 at $14.95 includes shipping.
I've also created regular Rag Balls in Christmas Colors.
The Rag Balls vary in size from 1 1/2" to 2", varied Christmas colors.
The Christmas Rag Balls come in a set of 6 at $14.95 includes shipping
I've also created Homespun Wrapped aged Wood Pin Ornaments in Varied Christmas Colors.
Ready to hang on your Tree.
The Wrapped Pins come in a set of 12 at $12.95 includes shipping
If you're interested shoot me an Email at the order Email address shown at the top of my Blog.
List Subject: Rag Garland Order Rag Ball Order what ever it is you are ordering.
Include Name- Address and Paypal address (email)
I'll send you a Paypal invoice as soon as I get your order.
I'll ship your order as quickly as possible so you have them before Christmas!!
Holiday Blessings
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