Hi Everyone... Laura is one of my best friends as well as Carmen's Stepmom. A week or so ago I shared a little with you about John and Laura losing there long time Fur Baby Lugar. Laura was struggling with the loss so her John, Carmen's Dad had ask me help him find a new Puppy and we found Jackon Louis for Laura hoping that Jackon would help lift Laura's spirits.
Laura is not well, she is a serious diebetic with many other health issues that come with being diebetic.
I think Jackson helped a little but she was so depressed over losing Lugar and then her astranged father she just wasn't able to get past the grief and stopped taking care of herself completely which added complications on top of complications.
I was working on the Island yesterday (Father's Day) when John called but I didn't have enough signal to receive the call.
On my way home today I received another call from John telling me Laura was int he hospital. He said that she had not been taking care of herself and she gotten really sick yesterday morning and basically went into diebetic Shock and had to be rushed to the hospital where they discoverd that she had had a heart attack also.
Sadly this very serious considering her already fragile health..and depression. I fear she has given up.They have stablized her and she is doing well considering. Hopefully they will get her into some counseling to help with her depression while she is in the hospital.. she really needs the help.
So I would like to ask for your prayers for Laura.
I would also like to ask for your prayers for John as well. He has a huge load on his shoulders always caring for Laura and now caring for Jackson who has also had some health issues since he came to live with them and is also having problems learning to potty train. Which is not good at a time like this when John is of course focusing on Laura and her health issues.
Poor Jackon is just a puppy and it is not his fault that he was not potty trained by his former owner. Jackson is a wonderful Dog/puppy and with time and training will be as precious as Lugar but right now is just bad timing all the way around for everyone.
I've thought about it and if need be I will take Jackson for a while even tho I don't feel it will be good for Jackson and there other dog Batman who loves Jackson to death, but it may be necessary until Laura is better..We shall see... I'll be going over to there house to help out tomorrow or wednesday and I will talk to John about it and let him decide what he thinks is best... I hope he decides to keep Jackson with him because Jackson is good for him even tho he doesn't realize it..... he has given John reason to get out and walk with him and Batman and he makes John laugh to see Batman and Jackson play... and god knows he needs something to laugh about...
So please pray for my Family,Carmen, John, Laura and there new Puppy Jackson.
Blessing and Hugs
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Kittens~Kids and A Sneak Peek @ New Creations~
Good Morning my friends..I just had to share these pictures of the kids with the Kittens today!! Oh yea and I wanted to give you a sneak peek at the newest creations that I've finally managed to find a minute to create..
Meet Jake.. I just had to snap this picture..this is a kid that has no patience for sitting still for two minutes let alone rock a baby kitten to sleep.. So when he whispered Aunt Tonya look at the kitten I just had to snap his picture...Thank god I had the Phone in my hand at the time.... The kids were playing house on the porch and the kittens were there babies. Jake was the only one who managed to sit still long enough to rock his kitten to sleep.. and let me tell you this kitten was so asleep that he was a limp noodle in Jakes arms...
Meet Cameron he is working really hard trying to get his kitten to fall asleep..he was just rocking away but this little kitty was having nothing to do with sleeping. It wanted to pounce right out of his arms and did shortly after the picture...
This is Hailey and as you can see her kitten was having nothing to do with sleeping either...She's getting ready to sit her kitty in the doll stroller.. They were all having such a good time..
I have about 60 hours home this week so much running to do and I really needed to get in the shop and create.. more because I needed to just relax and have some down time with myself in my favorite place the shop creating... Ebay has been really slow but still try to create something on my days home...to keep my Ebay store Shelves stocked in hopes of sales here and there during the summer...
But first the running..after getting my ebay sales packed, it was off to the post office to ship. Then to the bank. Then I I headed to Wall-Mart to pick up some screen for my front Door. On my way I see some new looking Lattice sitting along the street with a free sign on it so I stop and the man was so kind he loaded it on top of the van for me and we both tied it on there real well... He had 5 fairly new 4' x 8' sheets of Lattice. Then he ask me if I want some Daffidils and I say sure why not and he hands me a box with no less then 250 plus daffidil bulbs.. I was so excited...I'm going to plant them everywhere this fall so Peggy and I can enjoy them come next spring...
When I got home I unloaded the lattice. first thing I did was cut two sheets of the lattice to fit where I wanted it to go...so my Morning Glory's can grow up it in front of my Dog Pen Tarp covered Red Neck Shed..So it doesn't look so much like a Red Neck Shed...hehehe!! I've been wanting to buy some Lattice but the budget just never allowed for it... What a total Blessing it was to find 5 sheets for free and such a nice man to help me load it all up to bring home and then to add a huge box of Daffidils...
Some days just have an extra ray of sunshine filled with super Blessings to brighten the day!!
I haven't had time to share all my new creations with you in sometime with running back and forth to the Island and home for the past month or so.. But I have been working at least one night out in the shop creating every time I make it home... So with out further delay let me share all the new things that I've created over the past month...
~Apothecary Spice Bottle~Pantry Shelf Gathering~

~Pantry Keeping Cubby~Spice & Wares Gathering~

~Prim Necessary Room Stool~Gathering~

Prim Shabby Library Shelf~
~Books~Clock~Candle Lamp Gathering~

Prim Necessary Room Tray Gathering~

~Prim Necessary Room~Pitcher~Bowl~Stool Gathering~

Hope you enjoy the Sneak peek at all the new gatherings and the Kids and there Kitty Babies.
time for me to finish up my chore list, pack it up and head back to the Island by 5 today...so much to do...!!
Until we meet again may the Sunshine on your face and in your heart!!
Meet Jake.. I just had to snap this picture..this is a kid that has no patience for sitting still for two minutes let alone rock a baby kitten to sleep.. So when he whispered Aunt Tonya look at the kitten I just had to snap his picture...Thank god I had the Phone in my hand at the time.... The kids were playing house on the porch and the kittens were there babies. Jake was the only one who managed to sit still long enough to rock his kitten to sleep.. and let me tell you this kitten was so asleep that he was a limp noodle in Jakes arms...
Meet Cameron he is working really hard trying to get his kitten to fall asleep..he was just rocking away but this little kitty was having nothing to do with sleeping. It wanted to pounce right out of his arms and did shortly after the picture...
This is Hailey and as you can see her kitten was having nothing to do with sleeping either...She's getting ready to sit her kitty in the doll stroller.. They were all having such a good time..
I have about 60 hours home this week so much running to do and I really needed to get in the shop and create.. more because I needed to just relax and have some down time with myself in my favorite place the shop creating... Ebay has been really slow but still try to create something on my days home...to keep my Ebay store Shelves stocked in hopes of sales here and there during the summer...
But first the running..after getting my ebay sales packed, it was off to the post office to ship. Then to the bank. Then I I headed to Wall-Mart to pick up some screen for my front Door. On my way I see some new looking Lattice sitting along the street with a free sign on it so I stop and the man was so kind he loaded it on top of the van for me and we both tied it on there real well... He had 5 fairly new 4' x 8' sheets of Lattice. Then he ask me if I want some Daffidils and I say sure why not and he hands me a box with no less then 250 plus daffidil bulbs.. I was so excited...I'm going to plant them everywhere this fall so Peggy and I can enjoy them come next spring...
When I got home I unloaded the lattice. first thing I did was cut two sheets of the lattice to fit where I wanted it to go...so my Morning Glory's can grow up it in front of my Dog Pen Tarp covered Red Neck Shed..So it doesn't look so much like a Red Neck Shed...hehehe!! I've been wanting to buy some Lattice but the budget just never allowed for it... What a total Blessing it was to find 5 sheets for free and such a nice man to help me load it all up to bring home and then to add a huge box of Daffidils...
Some days just have an extra ray of sunshine filled with super Blessings to brighten the day!!
I haven't had time to share all my new creations with you in sometime with running back and forth to the Island and home for the past month or so.. But I have been working at least one night out in the shop creating every time I make it home... So with out further delay let me share all the new things that I've created over the past month...
~Apothecary Spice Bottle~Pantry Shelf Gathering~

~Pantry Keeping Cubby~Spice & Wares Gathering~

~Prim Necessary Room Stool~Gathering~

Prim Shabby Library Shelf~
~Books~Clock~Candle Lamp Gathering~

Prim Necessary Room Tray Gathering~

~Prim Necessary Room~Pitcher~Bowl~Stool Gathering~

Hope you enjoy the Sneak peek at all the new gatherings and the Kids and there Kitty Babies.
time for me to finish up my chore list, pack it up and head back to the Island by 5 today...so much to do...!!
Until we meet again may the Sunshine on your face and in your heart!!
Monday, June 13, 2011
UpDate on House Showing & Huge Thanks to all
Hello all my Prim Friends... God Bless you all for your thoughts and prayers you have no idea how much it means to me... I bet I must have ask for Gods Blessings for this showing a 1000 times between last night and noon today when Jason my realitor called me with the run down on the showing.
After looking at the hosue, Garage & Barn for about an hour they told Jason they loved the house and property. They told him that they had looked at several properties and so far they liked mine the best for the price.
But No Contract or offer ...
Here is the scoop I guess the man lost a finger in an accident and when in the hospital somehow there were serious complications and he nearly died. He sued the hospital and won the case. Apparently they will settle the court case within the next two weeks to 30 days. They have been renters all there lives and are going to use the money to buy a house so they no longer have a rent payment.
jason said they seemed to be on the up and up and pretty serious about there interest in the house/property and would get back with him. They said they should know within two weeks but we all know how attorneys work and if they can take the full 30 days and make more off the case they will find a way. So I guess it is a sit, wait and pray they decide to put a contract on it within the next month... Uggg I am not a patient person when it comes to things like this...
Yes it is a darling little house with a beautiful yard and wonderful flowerbeds. When I bought it 10 years ago I had a lot more energy and certianly strength... I actually dug out the area where the Patio is and laid all of those 28 pound patio blocks myself... I could no more do that today then I could climb a huge hill...lol..Remember I said the old gray mare ain't what she used to be...
Some one said it looks really peaceful there it is ...tons of birds and wild life all around.. you can hear the water in the bay next door and I actually loved it there but I missed my family. If I could pack it all up land and house and all and take it with me to Delaware I would but since I can't I need to let it go.
the only down side to living there was that I had no Family to turn to of I were to get sick which happened twice in the past 5 years. When I got sick and had to have emergency Apendix removed I decided that it was time for me to move closer to family.. That was when I made the final decesion to put it on the market and try to sell it... Sadly that was exactly when people started losing there jobs and our economy fell aprt so selling a house in a vacation area that is only alive 6 months out of the year fell to pieces and nothing has been selling around the area..So when these people contacted Jason it was exciting news..
Of course I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch but you can bet I am going to pray that these people are the buyers sent from God and soon it will sell.
I am grateful beyond beleif...for all of your prayers....
Until we meet again may your days be filled with Sunshine and Happy Moments!!
After looking at the hosue, Garage & Barn for about an hour they told Jason they loved the house and property. They told him that they had looked at several properties and so far they liked mine the best for the price.
But No Contract or offer ...
Here is the scoop I guess the man lost a finger in an accident and when in the hospital somehow there were serious complications and he nearly died. He sued the hospital and won the case. Apparently they will settle the court case within the next two weeks to 30 days. They have been renters all there lives and are going to use the money to buy a house so they no longer have a rent payment.
jason said they seemed to be on the up and up and pretty serious about there interest in the house/property and would get back with him. They said they should know within two weeks but we all know how attorneys work and if they can take the full 30 days and make more off the case they will find a way. So I guess it is a sit, wait and pray they decide to put a contract on it within the next month... Uggg I am not a patient person when it comes to things like this...
Yes it is a darling little house with a beautiful yard and wonderful flowerbeds. When I bought it 10 years ago I had a lot more energy and certianly strength... I actually dug out the area where the Patio is and laid all of those 28 pound patio blocks myself... I could no more do that today then I could climb a huge hill...lol..Remember I said the old gray mare ain't what she used to be...
Some one said it looks really peaceful there it is ...tons of birds and wild life all around.. you can hear the water in the bay next door and I actually loved it there but I missed my family. If I could pack it all up land and house and all and take it with me to Delaware I would but since I can't I need to let it go.
the only down side to living there was that I had no Family to turn to of I were to get sick which happened twice in the past 5 years. When I got sick and had to have emergency Apendix removed I decided that it was time for me to move closer to family.. That was when I made the final decesion to put it on the market and try to sell it... Sadly that was exactly when people started losing there jobs and our economy fell aprt so selling a house in a vacation area that is only alive 6 months out of the year fell to pieces and nothing has been selling around the area..So when these people contacted Jason it was exciting news..
Of course I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch but you can bet I am going to pray that these people are the buyers sent from God and soon it will sell.
I am grateful beyond beleif...for all of your prayers....
Until we meet again may your days be filled with Sunshine and Happy Moments!!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Huge Prayer Request needed to Sell my house
Blessed be I was gona say Good Evening everyone but it is darn near midnight so I will just say a Fine Evening one and all..Lol... I just finished working about an hour ago...one very long day today cleaning but it was a profitable one..so I will simply Smile and suck up the aches and pains...LOL.. its not easy at this hour of the day but one must do what one must do.. :>)
As many of you have read in my blogs I create Primitive gathering in the winter and Work cleaning on Kelley's Island in the summer. 12 yrs ago I bought the little house you see pictured above so that my foster kids and I could enjoy living and playing on Lake Erie on the boat and Waverunners. My kids are all grown and now it is just me and My Furry Critter Friends.
A year ago I decided that i wanted to move back home to be close to Carmen and the rest of my Family so I put my house on the market and bought a trailer that I moved to my brothers which is where I call home now.
With the Real Estate market the way it is my house has not sold to date. But tomorrow (Monday) the realitor is showing it to a couple who claim to have cash to buy the house if they like it. Apparently they have been over to see the outside several times and finally decided that they want to check it out further. The realitor says they sound to good to be true but also sound promising.
So with those thoughts in mind I would like to ask you all to pray that this couple like the house and make me an offer I simply can not refuse...and the house finally sells.
Keeping up with the upkeep, house payment & bills that come with owning house have been a thorn in my side since I moved to my brothers. It would be the greatest burden lifted off my Back if the house would sell.
I could finally relax and focus on my Primitive Creations and my future if I sold the house..
So please say a prayer that these people really like the house and decide to buy it...
Thank you for all your kindness & prayers.
Until we meet again may your day be filled with sunshine and happy moments!!
As many of you have read in my blogs I create Primitive gathering in the winter and Work cleaning on Kelley's Island in the summer. 12 yrs ago I bought the little house you see pictured above so that my foster kids and I could enjoy living and playing on Lake Erie on the boat and Waverunners. My kids are all grown and now it is just me and My Furry Critter Friends.
A year ago I decided that i wanted to move back home to be close to Carmen and the rest of my Family so I put my house on the market and bought a trailer that I moved to my brothers which is where I call home now.
With the Real Estate market the way it is my house has not sold to date. But tomorrow (Monday) the realitor is showing it to a couple who claim to have cash to buy the house if they like it. Apparently they have been over to see the outside several times and finally decided that they want to check it out further. The realitor says they sound to good to be true but also sound promising.
So with those thoughts in mind I would like to ask you all to pray that this couple like the house and make me an offer I simply can not refuse...and the house finally sells.
Keeping up with the upkeep, house payment & bills that come with owning house have been a thorn in my side since I moved to my brothers. It would be the greatest burden lifted off my Back if the house would sell.
I could finally relax and focus on my Primitive Creations and my future if I sold the house..
So please say a prayer that these people really like the house and decide to buy it...
Until we meet again may your day be filled with sunshine and happy moments!!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
YeeHa~ I made my 100th post last night and I'm back for 101
Best Friends
Hi Everyone...Another long day today but an enjoyable one... I picked up my best Buddy Puddles today and boy was I ever happy to see him... He spent the weekend with John and Laura and you know what they spoiled him even more then I do..hehe...He was happy to see me too but I could tell he hadn't missed me as much as I missed him...then again he got to play with Jackson the new Puppy and Batman there other dog all weekend and was showered with lovin...
They said the first night he was a bit confussed and kept going to the door as if waiting on me to come back in and when they went out he would go to the end of the side walk and stand there just looking and waiting ...then after that he never left there side even slept with Laura every night... I'm glad he is home laying here at my feet...
Jackson the New Puppy is doing great...He has fallin head over heels in love with John and Laura.. I think it was a match made in heaven for sure...
I cleaned John and Laura's house today.. but it wasn't rushed so I enjoyed myself and I got to visit with them as I cleaned. I got to spend time with the new Puppy Jackson and Batman too.. John Grilled us Steaks for dinner..Yummy!! We had Peaches and Cornbread stuffing on the side...
When I got home I listed some things on Ebay..Ebay Sales have slowed down to a trickle... Bummer :(<
Not sure why sales have gotten so bad...good thing I have the cleaning business as a back up!
I discovered last night that I had posted my 100th post...Kinda Cool!! Goes to show I can ramble on alot..lol..Feels good to have time to stop in abaing to night and Chat to everyone...
Tomorrow I'm going to rest a little... run a few errands, take an air conditioner back that I bought and don't like, pack and ship my Two Ebay Sales and then I think I will go thrifting.. and just chill the rest of the day since I don't have to be back to work on the Island until Thursday night...so I can clean on Friday...I'm not sure I will know how to act just puttering around all day tomorrow...might even make it out to the shop to create a few new gatherings...
Time for me to call it a day and get some rest...So until we meet again have a wonderful day!!
Hi Everyone...Another long day today but an enjoyable one... I picked up my best Buddy Puddles today and boy was I ever happy to see him... He spent the weekend with John and Laura and you know what they spoiled him even more then I do..hehe...He was happy to see me too but I could tell he hadn't missed me as much as I missed him...then again he got to play with Jackson the new Puppy and Batman there other dog all weekend and was showered with lovin...
They said the first night he was a bit confussed and kept going to the door as if waiting on me to come back in and when they went out he would go to the end of the side walk and stand there just looking and waiting ...then after that he never left there side even slept with Laura every night... I'm glad he is home laying here at my feet...
Jackson the New Puppy is doing great...He has fallin head over heels in love with John and Laura.. I think it was a match made in heaven for sure...
I cleaned John and Laura's house today.. but it wasn't rushed so I enjoyed myself and I got to visit with them as I cleaned. I got to spend time with the new Puppy Jackson and Batman too.. John Grilled us Steaks for dinner..Yummy!! We had Peaches and Cornbread stuffing on the side...
When I got home I listed some things on Ebay..Ebay Sales have slowed down to a trickle... Bummer :(<
Not sure why sales have gotten so bad...good thing I have the cleaning business as a back up!
I discovered last night that I had posted my 100th post...Kinda Cool!! Goes to show I can ramble on alot..lol..Feels good to have time to stop in abaing to night and Chat to everyone...
Tomorrow I'm going to rest a little... run a few errands, take an air conditioner back that I bought and don't like, pack and ship my Two Ebay Sales and then I think I will go thrifting.. and just chill the rest of the day since I don't have to be back to work on the Island until Thursday night...so I can clean on Friday...I'm not sure I will know how to act just puttering around all day tomorrow...might even make it out to the shop to create a few new gatherings...
Time for me to call it a day and get some rest...So until we meet again have a wonderful day!!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Tonya The Work-Aholic takes a Break~A Wedding~
A big Hello to all my dear friends... I hope all is well in your world.. I sure have missed everyone and posting.. Seems there just so many hours in a day and most of my hours seem to be used up working..Cleaning~making beds~doing laundry~running the vaccum and pushing a mop of some kind...Makes me tired just thinking about it..hehe...
I finally decided I had to take a break the old gray mare she ain't what she used to be..LOL..That old Gray mare would be me... I don't care how many money song and dances I do nothing can change the fact that Cleaning houses is hard work...
I took off for the weekend and headed to Akron, Ohio for a wedding. One of the kids that I have watched grow up that I met on the Island some 10 years ago got married Friday night. She was a beautiful Bride and the wedding was just beautiful.. it was out doors by a lake and God blessed her with wonderful weather.
Dad walking Kimmy down the isle.
Kimmy and Chad thanking parents with a Rose as part of ceremony. They did this right before they said there final Vows.. I thought this was really neat...Very personal and very touching as They spoke to each parent seperately asking them to be a apart of there new life and thanking them for all the things they had done for them that brought them to this day in there lives...
The reception was beautiful and everyone had a really good time.
After the wedding we all went to a hotel and they had an after party for all there close family and friends..
Then on Saturday they had a big picnic at Kim's parents house for family and friends..
The Bride and Groom came to kelley's island for there Honeymoon on there boat Sunday.
It was g aood time for all...
A few weeks ago Carmen's Dad and step mom lost there beloved Sheltie Lugar...he passed on to doggie heaven and it really upset John and Laura as well you all know what it is like to lose a pet..
They ask me to try to find a Black and white Sheltie for them and Tuesday last week I was able to locate a 7 month old Tri Color Sheltie fairly close by. So wednesday night we met the breeder and they fell in love with this little guy and he came home to his forever home...
They named him Jackson (after John's Dad) Louis (after his mother)
Meet the most adorable and handsome Sheltie I've met since Puddles was born..
Jackson Lewis:
He makes me want another Sheltie so badly... not now but in time I will have another one.
I dropped Puddles off at John and Laura's house for the weekend so I could go to the Wedding and so Jackson would have some company.. only about the 3rd time I have ever left Puddles in 15 years.. I missed him something awful over the weekend... but I'm picking him up tomorrow when I go to Clean John & Laura's house.
On Thursday I headed north to my house in Port Clinton to do some way over due yard work. Everytime I planned to clean out weeds and weed eat it would rain so it was a total mess. Finally sunshin and I spent from 9 in the morning till 3 in the afternoon Friday pulling weeds and weed eating. I pulled 11 wheel barrels full of weeds and downed tree branches out of the flowerbeds and yard.. I couldnot beleive how many weeds had grown everywhere... there were a lot of storms up there so there tree limbs everywhere.. tons of little ones and several big ones.. By the time I quit to clean up and head to the wedding I was exhausted.. and ready to take that break for a couple days... Then it was back to cleaning Sunday after my mini vacation ..LOL it wasn't long enough let me tell ya... not near long enough...
Time for me to call it a day...Until we meet again may your day be filled with Sunshine and warm memories!!
I finally decided I had to take a break the old gray mare she ain't what she used to be..LOL..That old Gray mare would be me... I don't care how many money song and dances I do nothing can change the fact that Cleaning houses is hard work...
I took off for the weekend and headed to Akron, Ohio for a wedding. One of the kids that I have watched grow up that I met on the Island some 10 years ago got married Friday night. She was a beautiful Bride and the wedding was just beautiful.. it was out doors by a lake and God blessed her with wonderful weather.
Dad walking Kimmy down the isle.
Kimmy and Chad thanking parents with a Rose as part of ceremony. They did this right before they said there final Vows.. I thought this was really neat...Very personal and very touching as They spoke to each parent seperately asking them to be a apart of there new life and thanking them for all the things they had done for them that brought them to this day in there lives...
The reception was beautiful and everyone had a really good time.
After the wedding we all went to a hotel and they had an after party for all there close family and friends..
Then on Saturday they had a big picnic at Kim's parents house for family and friends..
The Bride and Groom came to kelley's island for there Honeymoon on there boat Sunday.
It was g aood time for all...
A few weeks ago Carmen's Dad and step mom lost there beloved Sheltie Lugar...he passed on to doggie heaven and it really upset John and Laura as well you all know what it is like to lose a pet..
They ask me to try to find a Black and white Sheltie for them and Tuesday last week I was able to locate a 7 month old Tri Color Sheltie fairly close by. So wednesday night we met the breeder and they fell in love with this little guy and he came home to his forever home...
They named him Jackson (after John's Dad) Louis (after his mother)
Meet the most adorable and handsome Sheltie I've met since Puddles was born..
Jackson Lewis:
He makes me want another Sheltie so badly... not now but in time I will have another one.
I dropped Puddles off at John and Laura's house for the weekend so I could go to the Wedding and so Jackson would have some company.. only about the 3rd time I have ever left Puddles in 15 years.. I missed him something awful over the weekend... but I'm picking him up tomorrow when I go to Clean John & Laura's house.
On Thursday I headed north to my house in Port Clinton to do some way over due yard work. Everytime I planned to clean out weeds and weed eat it would rain so it was a total mess. Finally sunshin and I spent from 9 in the morning till 3 in the afternoon Friday pulling weeds and weed eating. I pulled 11 wheel barrels full of weeds and downed tree branches out of the flowerbeds and yard.. I couldnot beleive how many weeds had grown everywhere... there were a lot of storms up there so there tree limbs everywhere.. tons of little ones and several big ones.. By the time I quit to clean up and head to the wedding I was exhausted.. and ready to take that break for a couple days... Then it was back to cleaning Sunday after my mini vacation ..LOL it wasn't long enough let me tell ya... not near long enough...
Time for me to call it a day...Until we meet again may your day be filled with Sunshine and warm memories!!
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