Happy Memorial Day Everyone... As we all make plans to celebrate this Holiday weekend.. I do pray that each and every person take a moment to reflect on what this Holiday truly means.
From the very moment our For-Fathers came to this Great Country and planted the seeds of Freedom there have been many men and women who have given there lives to protect that long ago promise of Freedom.
Men and eventually women through out time have made a choice to serve there country and protect there fellow Americans knowing that they may never return home to there families and loved ones. Yet they make that choice from the heart to protect us.
Manny Americans never think twice about how our Country has remained free it has become a given in the minds of so many people.
But Freedom has never been with out cost especially the cost of lives lost. So please take a moment today to give thanks to those who made the choice to protect our Freedom. Remember there families and loved ones.
If by chance you cross paths with a man or woman in uniform or that you know is serving to protect your freedom..take time to say hello and personally thank them for all that they give so that you can be free. Let them know that you are grateful to them...
God Bless the Troups and thank you for protecting my freedom and making my country safer.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
My Appologies but I still can not comment_ I miss everyone
A Huge Hello everyone... I just wanted to stop in and say I still can't leave comments for anyone.. just sat here and wrote a long comment to LilRaggedyAngie's post and it wouldn't go threw.. I've been trying to comment on everyones post for days..So please don't think I have turned into one of those people who has just disappeared.. I truly haven't.. Wosrt of all I miss talking back to you all...
Back on the Island and really tired so I am going to say.. I miss talking to everyone, but know I am reading and commenting even if you can't see it... I think of you often and hope that you have a wonderful weekend!!
Back on the Island and really tired so I am going to say.. I miss talking to everyone, but know I am reading and commenting even if you can't see it... I think of you often and hope that you have a wonderful weekend!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
CongratsTraci -- Guessing Game Winner @ My Primitive Creations

- Good Afternoon to all of my prim friends out there and a Special Thanks to all of you who played my guessing game...
- Celebrating time we have a winner for the guessing Game.
- We had a tie between Traci and Lisa so I ask a tie breaker question. How Many loads of laundry did I do at the two houses that I make beds from top to bottom.
- Traci you answered it correctly.
- Congrats You're the winner
- Please email me your Name and Address so I can send out your Necessary Room Tray. Choose a color you like also as I don't remember.
- I did 11 loads of Laundry
- 6 loads at the Old Stone House
- 5 loads of laundry at Sandy Beach House
- This was so much fun I think some time during the summer I will have another guessing game giveaway.
- Lisa would you please send me your email address also...I have a little something for you too!!
- The Moonlit Stitch said...
- Hey Tonya! Am I in on the tie? DUH?! If so...I would guess 6 loads of laundry. If not...I am an airhead...LOL! ~*~Lisa
- May 25, 2011 3:50 PM
- Traci said...
- Okay, I guess I am in on the tie breaker questions too... I am guessing with those two houses you did 11 loads of laundry... Boy, I hope that's close...LOL.. Blessings, Traci Again Thanks for Playing the Guessing Game I had a ball and hope you all did too. Have a wonderful week my friends!! Hugs Tonya
Drum Roll Please-How many Beds did Tonya Make? Do we have a winner?
Good Morning my good friends.. It is time to see if we have a winner in my fun Guessing Game giveaway.
Let me start by saying this has been as much fun for me as it has for all of you. I have loved reading all of the post and seeing everyone's guesses. I have found that no one likes making beds...
Thank god I don't mind or I would have to give up my job because believe me I make a lot of beds every week.
Some beds I only have to put pillow cases on the pillows and make the bed to look nice with the spread up and pillows plumped so that counts as making the bed. Some beds I have to make the bed from scratch from clean mattress pad, clean sheets and spread. Only two houses thank heavens. I don't have to strip the beds in any of my houses but I do have to wash all the sheets in two of my houses every week.
Some of you stated that you never had your beds made when having a cleaning person or when you worked as a cleaning person. It is a little different with rentals much like the running of a hotel room.
All beds must be clean due to the different people who sleep in them.
So with all of that said lets get to the total.
Lets start with a list of all of the guesses and the guessers Name
Traci guess 61 Necessary Room Gathering
The Moonlit Stitch
Lisa guess 61 Kindness tray
Rachel guess 63 Necessary Room Gathering
Robin at the Primitive hutch
Robin guess 64 Necessary Room Gathering
Raspberry lane primitives
Patti guess 85 Necessary Room gathering Linda parkers Paradise
Linda guess 51 Kindness gathering
Country Pickins
Linda guess 52 necessary room Gathering (Green)
Margie at Hungry Hook Prims
Margie guess 0 Necessary Room Gathering
Tamera guess 0
Gail guess 83 Necessary Room Gathering
The Cranky Crow
Robin guess 47 Necessary Room Gathering
Teri guess 51 Necessary Room Gathering
Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies
Wendy guess 105 Necessary Room Gathering
Tam guess 36 Necessary Room Gathering Blue stripe
Amy guess 42 Necessary Room Gathering
Patti guess 57 Necessary Room Gathering
lavender Dreamer
lavender Guess 55 Kindness
Waxed out Creative Life
Carmen C guess 39 Necessary Room Gathering
firecracker Kid
Carol guess 68 Necessary Room Gathering
Jean @Prim Crafts
Jean guess 43 Kindness
Deppen Homestead 1862
Teresa guess 64 Necessary Room Gathering Black
Primitive Echoes
Jennifer @ Stitchen Thyme
Jennifer guess 58 Necessary Room Gathering
Nancy Huggins
Nancy Guess 31 Necessary Room Gathering
Mary guess 57 Necessary Room Gathering
Sugar creek Primitive
Michelle guess 52 Kindness
Olde Crow
Wanda guess 95 Necessary Room Gathering
Cabin Fever PrimitivesConnie guess 66 Necessary Room Gathering
My Colonial Home
Karen guess 95 Necessary Room Gathering
Tamera Country at Heart
Tamara guess 52 Necessary Room Gathering
Tina's Primitive Attic
Tina guess 57 Necessary Room Gathering
News from Goat Creek Primitives
Debbie guess 31 Necessary Room Gathering
Farmhouse prims
Lucia guess 120 Necessary Room Gathering
Angie guess 76 Necessary Room Gathering
Nadine guess 58 Necessary Room Gathering
Primitive Betty's
Betty guess 42 Necessary Room Gathering
Janice guess 53 Necessary Room Gathering
Pamela guess 44 Necessary Room Gathering
It seems we have a tie so we are going to have to have a tie breaker question.
Here is the tie breaker question~~~Of the two houses that I make all the beds from top to bottom how many loads of laundry did I do for those two houses???
One hint: the two houses are Sandy Beach House & Old Stone House.
The one who answers closest will be the winner.
Now down to the total beds made are you ready?
Old Stone House Sunday Cleaning~3 bedrooms~8 beds made
Sandy Beach House Monday Cleaning~4 bedrooms~5 beds made
Scott & Jodie's Place Friday Cleaning~4 bedrooms~1 beds made
Scott & Jodie's Place Saturday Cleaning~4 bedrooms~0 beds made
Breakers Saturday Cleaning~5 bedrooms~8 beds made
Condo 9A Sunday Cleaning~3 bedrooms~5 beds made
Condo 7C Sunday Cleaning~3 bedrooms~4 beds made
Above the Rest Sunday Cleaning~5 bedrooms~6 beds made
Mark's Place Monday Cleaning~3 bedrooms~6 beds made
Carmen's Place Tuesday Cleaning~4 bedrooms~9 beds made
60 beds total
Thank you all for playing it was really fun!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tonya's Giveaway Ends Tomorrow~Gas Tank is Fixed~
A Fine Good Eveing One and all ..I'm home from a long weekend working making lots of beds again!! Wanted to stop in and remind everyone that my Guessing Game Giveaway ends tomorrow so I hope you have entered your guess.... I'll be picking the winner sometime tomorrow... if no one guesses the exact amount the winner will be the entry cloest to the total number~in case there is a tie then I will post a tie breaker question~Whoever answers correctly will be the winner...so check in to see who is the winner sometime tomorrow afternoon!! Good Luck and Thank youf all for playing it has been so much fun reading all the post!!
Everyone will be happy to hear that I am driving safely again... I cleaned two extra houses yesterday to make sure I had the money to get the gas tank fixed or replaced in needed.
Thank God it didn't have to be replaced.
It is a plastic gas tank and on top is a cap of some nature not being a mechanic I can't come close to explaining this thing. But it is 4" round and has some kind of cylinder that goes down in the tank. Well the seal keeps breaking loose and then the gas just pours out of this 4" hole. Really stupid design if you ask me..especially since I have had to have it resealed twice in one year. This time I suggested they put screws in it to hold it in place... Ready ladies for the thumbs up cheer... the mechanic says, " you know that's a great idea why didn't we do that last time?" So they put three screws in it, sealed it and patted themselves on the back... and gave me the thumbs up for the idea... Now I guess we'll see if it makes a difference..
While they had it up on the rack I ask them to change my oil for me and they did that too.
Best part was they only charged me $80 bucks for parts, oil and labor... Parts were like $20 so I gave them $100.. figured I cleaned that extra house may as well make there day...
Now I feel safe driving again and I won't be pumping $4.00 a gallon gas on the ground either...
Tonight we built a big pin for the Baby Chicks.. I was gona show everyone a picture but seems Blogger is not going to allow me to download the picture.. Anyway tomorrow the Chicks will be going to the barn to start learning all about the real world..hehe... We created the pin out of my portable dog pin..We just covered it with Chicken wire... I had planned on turning it into a cat run so Tasha and Mamma could be outside safely... but for now the chicks need it until they are big enough to fin for themselves..Once they out grow it Tasha and Mama Kitty Will be delighted to go outside and catch some Sunshine and feel the grass on there paws...
Bless my soul it almost midnight already... and it is time for me to wish you all a Good Night... So until we meet again may your day be filled with sunshine and happy moments!!
Everyone will be happy to hear that I am driving safely again... I cleaned two extra houses yesterday to make sure I had the money to get the gas tank fixed or replaced in needed.
Thank God it didn't have to be replaced.
It is a plastic gas tank and on top is a cap of some nature not being a mechanic I can't come close to explaining this thing. But it is 4" round and has some kind of cylinder that goes down in the tank. Well the seal keeps breaking loose and then the gas just pours out of this 4" hole. Really stupid design if you ask me..especially since I have had to have it resealed twice in one year. This time I suggested they put screws in it to hold it in place... Ready ladies for the thumbs up cheer... the mechanic says, " you know that's a great idea why didn't we do that last time?" So they put three screws in it, sealed it and patted themselves on the back... and gave me the thumbs up for the idea... Now I guess we'll see if it makes a difference..
While they had it up on the rack I ask them to change my oil for me and they did that too.
Best part was they only charged me $80 bucks for parts, oil and labor... Parts were like $20 so I gave them $100.. figured I cleaned that extra house may as well make there day...
Now I feel safe driving again and I won't be pumping $4.00 a gallon gas on the ground either...
Tonight we built a big pin for the Baby Chicks.. I was gona show everyone a picture but seems Blogger is not going to allow me to download the picture.. Anyway tomorrow the Chicks will be going to the barn to start learning all about the real world..hehe... We created the pin out of my portable dog pin..We just covered it with Chicken wire... I had planned on turning it into a cat run so Tasha and Mamma could be outside safely... but for now the chicks need it until they are big enough to fin for themselves..Once they out grow it Tasha and Mama Kitty Will be delighted to go outside and catch some Sunshine and feel the grass on there paws...
Bless my soul it almost midnight already... and it is time for me to wish you all a Good Night... So until we meet again may your day be filled with sunshine and happy moments!!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
6 Days left to sign up for Giveaway~Baby Chics~Off to the Island again~
Hey you guys come over here ...Look who has come to see us again. What is that thing she has in her hand?
Gezzz what was that I think that thing Blinded me!!
Smile Everyone~Good heavens Speckles you ruined the picture... Turn around and Smile will ya!
Isn't Speckles just the cutest.. She's really shy!!
I can't beleive how fast the Chicks are growing.. they are two weeks old now and just the funniest. Everytime I come in to visit them they get more curious about me... Today the big one decided he really likes me and he pecks at my fingers and stands up real tall.. My guess he's gona be the leader of the pack Rooster!!
Quick remeinder that you all have 6 days left to sign up for my fun guessing game giveaway. It has been really fun reading your comments and seeing how many beds each of you think I made. There are some really good guesses, quit a few of you are close but still no one has guessed exactly how many I made.
I can't wait to see who is the winner..
I thought I was going to get to take a break during my last long week off from workingon the Island but not the case at all.. My neighbor caught up with me as soon as I got back and hired me to help redecorate her house. We started in the Bedroom and worked out way out...We tore out carpet in the bedroom, sanded the old wood floors and they turned out beautiful. Then we painted the walls, doors and all the wood work.
Then we painted an old cabinet and moved it in the bedroom. It looks great in there and gives her so much more room for computer printers and etc on the top and clothing on the bottom.
We painted the Hall and stairway walls while we were at it.
Then we painted the kitchen. she had me redo/sand and paint a long table and a smaller end table.
We cleaned out the barn and organized things in there.
Plus I worked on some new gatherings. So to say the least I didn't get any rest the past week..and here it's time to head back to the Island for 5 days.. I made a good pay check working for my neighbor so finally caught up on all my bills for the moment... I'm sure that won't last long.
Had a couple bad surprises this week... When I turned on my water at the house in Port Clinton I discovered taht one of my water pipes froze over the winter so had to turn off the water...uggg..something else taht needs fixed ASAP.
Thenw hen I went to the gas station and filled up I discovered that my van is leaking gas. I know what the problem is just have to find time and money to get it fixed... pouring 4 dollar a gallon gas on the ground is just not cool!!
Time to start packing for my trip North and to the Island for the next 5 days so until we meet again have a wonderful weekend!!
Gezzz what was that I think that thing Blinded me!!
Smile Everyone~Good heavens Speckles you ruined the picture... Turn around and Smile will ya!
Isn't Speckles just the cutest.. She's really shy!!
I can't beleive how fast the Chicks are growing.. they are two weeks old now and just the funniest. Everytime I come in to visit them they get more curious about me... Today the big one decided he really likes me and he pecks at my fingers and stands up real tall.. My guess he's gona be the leader of the pack Rooster!!
Quick remeinder that you all have 6 days left to sign up for my fun guessing game giveaway. It has been really fun reading your comments and seeing how many beds each of you think I made. There are some really good guesses, quit a few of you are close but still no one has guessed exactly how many I made.
I can't wait to see who is the winner..
I thought I was going to get to take a break during my last long week off from workingon the Island but not the case at all.. My neighbor caught up with me as soon as I got back and hired me to help redecorate her house. We started in the Bedroom and worked out way out...We tore out carpet in the bedroom, sanded the old wood floors and they turned out beautiful. Then we painted the walls, doors and all the wood work.
Then we painted an old cabinet and moved it in the bedroom. It looks great in there and gives her so much more room for computer printers and etc on the top and clothing on the bottom.
We painted the Hall and stairway walls while we were at it.
Then we painted the kitchen. she had me redo/sand and paint a long table and a smaller end table.
We cleaned out the barn and organized things in there.
Plus I worked on some new gatherings. So to say the least I didn't get any rest the past week..and here it's time to head back to the Island for 5 days.. I made a good pay check working for my neighbor so finally caught up on all my bills for the moment... I'm sure that won't last long.
Had a couple bad surprises this week... When I turned on my water at the house in Port Clinton I discovered taht one of my water pipes froze over the winter so had to turn off the water...uggg..something else taht needs fixed ASAP.
Thenw hen I went to the gas station and filled up I discovered that my van is leaking gas. I know what the problem is just have to find time and money to get it fixed... pouring 4 dollar a gallon gas on the ground is just not cool!!
Time to start packing for my trip North and to the Island for the next 5 days so until we meet again have a wonderful weekend!!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
I decided to have a Totally for fun Guessing Game give away!!
Good Morning my Prim friends.... I decided to have a fun guessing game little give away to celebrate Spring finally arriving!! I feel like I have waited forever to see flowers bloom and sun to shine for more then 10 minutes so I wanted to Celebrate.. I hope you will Celebrate with me!!
As you all know by now I clean houses in the Summer on Kelley's Island. I thought it would be fun to see if you can guess exactly how many beds I made last week when I cleaned 11 houses.
I will be giving away your Choice og a
The cupboard side Kindness Tray gathering like the one shown above.
Necessary room Tray Gathering your choice of colors
The Necessary tray gathering will be something like this:
I will list the houses I clean and how many bedrooms each house has.
Only one other hint some houses have day beds or Futons not in bedrooms.
You must guess how many beds I made totally.
Please post you wish to enter
Post how many beds you think I made.
Post what tray gathering you would like to have & Choice of color if you choose a Necessary Room gathering!!
I would love it if you would mention the giveaway on your Blogg...and if you aren't a follower I invite you to I will pick the winner on May 25th
Whoever is closest or on the mark will be the winner!!
Ok are you ready???
Old Stone House Friday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Old Stone House Sunday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Sandy Beach House Monday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Scott & Jodie's Place Friday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Scott & Jodie's Place Saturday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Breakers Saturday Cleaning~5 bedrooms
Condo 9A Sunday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Condo 7C Sunday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Above the Rest Sunday Cleaning~5 bedrooms
Mark's Place Monday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Carmen's Place Tuesday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Ok there's the list!!
Can you guess how many beds I actually made last weekend?
Thanks for stopping by and visiting... may your day be filled with Sunshine and happy moments!!
PS.....LOL..like I said I decided to have a fun giveaway and Blogger crashes...
It looks like some of the orginal post disappeared with the Blog crash.
If your post is missing please feel free to repost with your orginal guess.
As you all know by now I clean houses in the Summer on Kelley's Island. I thought it would be fun to see if you can guess exactly how many beds I made last week when I cleaned 11 houses.
I will be giving away your Choice og a
The cupboard side Kindness Tray gathering like the one shown above.
Necessary room Tray Gathering your choice of colors
The Necessary tray gathering will be something like this:
I will list the houses I clean and how many bedrooms each house has.
Only one other hint some houses have day beds or Futons not in bedrooms.
You must guess how many beds I made totally.
Please post you wish to enter
Post how many beds you think I made.
Post what tray gathering you would like to have & Choice of color if you choose a Necessary Room gathering!!
I would love it if you would mention the giveaway on your Blogg...and if you aren't a follower I invite you to I will pick the winner on May 25th
Whoever is closest or on the mark will be the winner!!
Ok are you ready???
Old Stone House Friday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Old Stone House Sunday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Sandy Beach House Monday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Scott & Jodie's Place Friday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Scott & Jodie's Place Saturday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Breakers Saturday Cleaning~5 bedrooms
Condo 9A Sunday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Condo 7C Sunday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Above the Rest Sunday Cleaning~5 bedrooms
Mark's Place Monday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Carmen's Place Tuesday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Ok there's the list!!
Can you guess how many beds I actually made last weekend?
Thanks for stopping by and visiting... may your day be filled with Sunshine and happy moments!!
PS.....LOL..like I said I decided to have a fun giveaway and Blogger crashes...
It looks like some of the orginal post disappeared with the Blog crash.
If your post is missing please feel free to repost with your orginal guess.
Go figure I decide to have a giveaway & Blogger Crashes~Trying again!
A big welcome back to Blogland.... Can you beleive it?
I finally come up with a Fun giveaway and Blogger Crashes... LOL... Go figure... I just wanted to repost My Fun guessing game Giveaway....Here is the link to the orginal post.
If you decide you would like to join in the game please post on the Orginal post so I can keep track.
So far I have some really good guesses and some very close guesses...
Here is the orginal post.... I would love to see more of you join in the fun...
Have a Great Weekend!!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
I decided to have a Totally for fun Guessing Game give away!!
Good Morning my Prim friends.... I decided to have a fun guessing game little give away to celebrate Spring finally arriving!! I feel like I have waited forever to see flowers bloom and sun to shine for more then 10 minutes so I wanted to Celebrate.. I hope you will Celebrate with me!!
As you all know by now I clean houses in the Summer on Kelley's Island. I thought it would be fun to see if you can guess exactly how many beds I made last week when I cleaned 11 houses.
I will be giving away your Choice of
The cupboard side Kindness Tray gathering like the one shown above.
Necessary room Tray Gathering your choice of colors
The Necessary room tray gathering will be something like this:
As you all know by now I clean houses in the Summer on Kelley's Island. I thought it would be fun to see if you can guess exactly how many beds I made last week when I cleaned 11 houses.
I will be giving away your Choice of
The cupboard side Kindness Tray gathering like the one shown above.
Necessary room Tray Gathering your choice of colors
The Necessary room tray gathering will be something like this:
I will list the houses I clean and how many bedrooms each house has.
Only one other hint some houses have day beds or Futons not in bedrooms.
You must guess how many beds I made totally.
Please post you wish to enter
Post how many beds you think I made.
Post what tray gathering you would like to have & Choice of color if you choose a Necessary Room gathering!!
I would love it if you would mention the giveaway on your Blogg...and if you aren't a follower I invite you to become a follower.
I will pick the winner on May 25th
Whoever is closest or on the mark will be the winner!!
Ok are you ready???
Old Stone House Friday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Old Stone House Sunday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Sandy Beach House Monday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Scott & Jodie's Place Friday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Scott & Jodie's Place Saturday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Breakers Saturday Cleaning~5 bedrooms
Condo 9A Sunday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Condo 7C Sunday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Above the Rest Sunday Cleaning~5 bedrooms
Mark's Place Monday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Carmen's Place Tuesday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Ok there's the list!!
Can you guess how many beds I actually made last weekend?
Thanks for stopping by and visiting... may your day be filled with Sunshine and happy moments!!
Whoever is closest or on the mark will be the winner!!
Ok are you ready???
Old Stone House Friday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Old Stone House Sunday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Sandy Beach House Monday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Scott & Jodie's Place Friday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Scott & Jodie's Place Saturday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Breakers Saturday Cleaning~5 bedrooms
Condo 9A Sunday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Condo 7C Sunday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Above the Rest Sunday Cleaning~5 bedrooms
Mark's Place Monday Cleaning~3 bedrooms
Carmen's Place Tuesday Cleaning~4 bedrooms
Ok there's the list!!
Can you guess how many beds I actually made last weekend?
Thanks for stopping by and visiting... may your day be filled with Sunshine and happy moments!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
R you ready Its the Red Neck Island Camper~11 Houses in 4 days~
A fine good Evening to all my Prims.......I hope you all had a great Day!
I've been missing in action well at least here in blogland....I was off to the Island...I'd love to tell you it was for fun...but not the case.....Its been a long hard week...11 houses in 4 days...One was a Total new construction Cleaning..wow what a total mess that was.. took 12 hours but I got r done and they were so happy they paid me double what I charged them, they hired me to come in once a month to clean and .. they cooked me steak dinner.. I must have made some kind of impression..there home is beautiful ..here's the cool thing, the lady of the house has just discovered primitive Decor and actually had a whole wall of book shelves and cabinets done in primitive Black and heavily distressed...
When I met her the second day I said "So you're into Primitive?" She just looked at me and ask what I meant and I said your shelves are primitive. She said, I seen this style and fell in love with it so I took a picture to the cabinet maker and had him make them for me. she did her Kitchen in White French Cottage distressed cabinets and they are just fabulous..
So of course I gave her my card and my link to my Ebay store and said check out what I create... She did and said she may be very interested in having me create some things for her new house... small world we live in that fate should make our paths cross...
Mother's Day was my busiest day..So I treated myself out to dinner after work it was yummy a huge Salad with tons of mushrooms..my Fav..and Garlic Butter Wings ~ Strawberry Baja Rose to drink... I took myself home a happy lady...was going to watch a movie but fell alseep...Seems that feather down mattress on my camper bed was calling my name....
Which leads me to my Red Neck Camper Van you all wanted to see...
Now as I mentioned in an earlier post she's not much to look at but she serves my purpose well...
This is a 1987 Chevy Econoline Camper Van. I traveled back and forth from Port Clinton and Delaware alot and with all my critters it was easier for me to have a camper van to stay in then to try to drag all my critters into one of my relatives house for a few days here and there. Plus working on the island cleaning I needed a place to stay when the boat wasn't in the water. so I decided to find myself a used motor home that I could handle at a reasonable price.. I looked at probably 50 before I came across this one.. Seemed anyone selling there camper vans thought they owned a gold mine and wanted up to $30,000 for a simple camper van.. Way out of my price range..then I found my Red Neck Van for $1400.00 more my price..
When I seen the outside I was worried that it was really trashed but when I seen the mileage and the inside I said Sold..
It had some miner mechanical problems but we got them fixed and she makes it from point A to point B...and that was all I cared about...I've had it on the Island now for two years.
I seldom put the bed down but it makes into a Queen Sz bed ..its really comfy with my feather Tic on it..and as you can see Tasha loves it.
This is the top bunk turned into the Critter bedroom.. it suposed to be a pull out Queen Sized bed but I took out the mattreses, laid down carpet, added two cat beds, a liter box, Cat Feeder, Cat toys and Lucky Blues Cage.
This is a close up of Lucky Blue~ if you look real close you can see her damaged wing.
Tasha in the Critter bedroom...mama is alseep under the front seat so she didn't make this Photo Shoot!
This pic is looking back showing the Kitchen area with Fridge on the right at the end of the Sofa Bed and Bathroom is in the very back with a closet & where the Shower is I have a dresser sitting on top of a plywood cover I cut to fit over the tub & a potty of course in the middle.
This is the Front seat turned around to make a living area chair... Puddles sleeps on the chair at night... Tahsa & my kitchen area cabinets. So you see for $1400 not a bad Red neck Camper at all.. Just got to take it easy driving it, as it's very top heavy and tends to sway a bit to much...especially if it is windy out..scared me to death the first time I drove it on a windy day...
This is the view out my window for now...Soon We are moving the camper behind the garage so I will be next to the woods where all the wild critters, Deer, Bunny's, Snakes, Raccoons, and Birds run, fly and play in the woods...I'm gona love that... I watched Bunny's playing all morning on Saturday... and two Deer wondered by...
So there you have it My other home away from home...
Thanks for stopping by and visiting...hope your day is filled with sunshine and peaceful moments...
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Lookie Lookie what was Born yesterday~Its Back to the Island today~
A fine Sun Shinning Good Morning to all my dear friends.... Yes you read right I said Sun shinning!! It was so bright it woke me up.... I sat up and just enjoyed the moment ...I hope thatyou were Blessed with Good Morning sunshine!!
This is a real quick post as I must get ready to go to the Island for the next 5 days..but I just had to stop by and introduce you all to our newest Critters.
Tuesday night we started to hear peeping coming from the incabator so of course we opened it to see what was going on.
No Baby chics but you could hear them peeping...as they began to peck there way out of there shells. Seven had there first cracks in there shells...so of course everyone was all excited that they would be here soon...Waiting and peeking and waiting and peeking..but no baby's by bed time...
Peg was up early and around 6:30 she started to hear lound peeping so whe went to check and Chic # one had made its way into the world. With the nursery all set up in a tote she transfered the first little Chic to its new home... then another loud peep-peep and they just kept hatching one after the other. We only had to help two out of the first 14 born. They both struggled for about 5 hours so we finally peeled away most of the shells and they made it out a little tired and seemingly weak but within an hour they were up and about in the nursery. so far we have 14 and haven't lost any. they all seem to be healthy and happy little peepers!!
There are still 15 chic eggs in the incabator this morning nad we aren't sure if they are going to hatch or not. We will know within 24 hours..
We also have 12 duck eggs in the incabator due to hatch next week.
We haven't ever hatched Ducklings so this ought to be really fun. My nieces Hailey and Savana are so excited..as am I ..I love chickens and ducks... I will have the parade following me around the yard and coming to visit me at the trailer and shop everyday!!
Aren't they just way to cute..they are all feather footed so they won't be to big when they grow up...
We got the roost and nesting box hung in the barn last Sunday so they will all have a place to hang out and lay there eggs... We will give away most of the roosters and just keep the hens when they are full grown.
As I mentioned I am on my way back to the Island today for the next 5 days... Its Mother's day weekend so most of my rentals are filled. It will be a busy weekend and I won't make it home until Tuesday...probably dog tired but it will be a really good pay day weekend...so I'll get all caught up on bills... YeeHaa and Thank god!!
Well my Prim Friends I must leave you now and get on the road....but before I go let me wish you all a wonderful day filled with sunshine and happy moments!!
This is a real quick post as I must get ready to go to the Island for the next 5 days..but I just had to stop by and introduce you all to our newest Critters.
Tuesday night we started to hear peeping coming from the incabator so of course we opened it to see what was going on.
No Baby chics but you could hear them peeping...as they began to peck there way out of there shells. Seven had there first cracks in there shells...so of course everyone was all excited that they would be here soon...Waiting and peeking and waiting and peeking..but no baby's by bed time...
Peg was up early and around 6:30 she started to hear lound peeping so whe went to check and Chic # one had made its way into the world. With the nursery all set up in a tote she transfered the first little Chic to its new home... then another loud peep-peep and they just kept hatching one after the other. We only had to help two out of the first 14 born. They both struggled for about 5 hours so we finally peeled away most of the shells and they made it out a little tired and seemingly weak but within an hour they were up and about in the nursery. so far we have 14 and haven't lost any. they all seem to be healthy and happy little peepers!!
There are still 15 chic eggs in the incabator this morning nad we aren't sure if they are going to hatch or not. We will know within 24 hours..
We also have 12 duck eggs in the incabator due to hatch next week.
We haven't ever hatched Ducklings so this ought to be really fun. My nieces Hailey and Savana are so excited..as am I ..I love chickens and ducks... I will have the parade following me around the yard and coming to visit me at the trailer and shop everyday!!
Aren't they just way to cute..they are all feather footed so they won't be to big when they grow up...
We got the roost and nesting box hung in the barn last Sunday so they will all have a place to hang out and lay there eggs... We will give away most of the roosters and just keep the hens when they are full grown.
As I mentioned I am on my way back to the Island today for the next 5 days... Its Mother's day weekend so most of my rentals are filled. It will be a busy weekend and I won't make it home until Tuesday...probably dog tired but it will be a really good pay day weekend...so I'll get all caught up on bills... YeeHaa and Thank god!!
Well my Prim Friends I must leave you now and get on the road....but before I go let me wish you all a wonderful day filled with sunshine and happy moments!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Look What I found hiding in one of my Totes~New Sneak Peeks~
A fine day to you all... I sure hope that you all are having a good day! Due to all the rain I had to clean out my Red neck shed and try to dry things out a little and fix the tarp roof so it didn't fall in from all the water...So far so good it is still holding up after 4 more days of rain...so my effort worked... for now anyway...
So while I was cleaning everything I was going threw totes and trying to organize some of the totes and see if I could empty a few of them and basically make room for some other things I need to get moved here.
My point and I do have one..LOL...
As many of you know my trailer decor is Sunflowers, Lazy Susans and some Daisy's..... Well some 30 years ago I created the above picture using dried flowers. Lazy Susans and other drieds.. I was amazed to find that the picture is still as pretty as ever.. the frame is worn out and could use a revamping but all in all it is perfect..and it goes with my trailer decor... So I washed it up and hung it on the only wall space I have and it fits perfectly..so I thought I would share it with you.
We are having more and more rain and you guessed it..everything is flooded around here again... I am so very tired of this rainy weather... it's messy and leaves everything covered with mud..it floods everything, it's damp and it depressing...very depressing...and worst of all if you suffer from Arthuritis like I do sooner or later it really sets in and gets to every joint you have in your body... I'm not one to ever really take pain meds other then my Celebrex but my hands are hurting so badly and my back that I had to call the doc and get something for the pain...Then we get to add drousy to the combination of pain and depression and you know what you start to feel like yuk from head to toe... I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that is feeling the affects of all this rainy weather and if you are like me just want it to end...
Then to add insult to injury to all that is that my creating has dropped off because it is taking me forever to complete things cause the old hands just aren't working right...and I have 6 houses to clean on the Island this weekend... Yikes that isn't going to be any fun..since it is going to still be raining and the old body is not going to be working properly...
As slow as my hands are creating they did manage to create some really beautiful gathering this week...
~Mustard Open Faced Cupboard~
~ Apothecary Jar Pantry Gathering~

~Open Faced Cupboard Pantry Crock Gathering~

~Sage Green Pantry Shelf Pear Gathering~

~Apothecary Six Drawer Spice Cupboard Gathering~
~Rooster & Hen Pantry Shelf Gathering~

Hope you enjoyed the Eye Candy..if you get a chance stop on over to my Ebay store and check out all the great Gatherings I have listed... You can find the link at the top of the page..
Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement and thoughts on the rising gas prices and how it affects everything in our lives!!
Have a wonderful day my friends and untill we meet again...
Warm blessing are sent your way!!
So while I was cleaning everything I was going threw totes and trying to organize some of the totes and see if I could empty a few of them and basically make room for some other things I need to get moved here.
My point and I do have one..LOL...
As many of you know my trailer decor is Sunflowers, Lazy Susans and some Daisy's..... Well some 30 years ago I created the above picture using dried flowers. Lazy Susans and other drieds.. I was amazed to find that the picture is still as pretty as ever.. the frame is worn out and could use a revamping but all in all it is perfect..and it goes with my trailer decor... So I washed it up and hung it on the only wall space I have and it fits perfectly..so I thought I would share it with you.
We are having more and more rain and you guessed it..everything is flooded around here again... I am so very tired of this rainy weather... it's messy and leaves everything covered with mud..it floods everything, it's damp and it depressing...very depressing...and worst of all if you suffer from Arthuritis like I do sooner or later it really sets in and gets to every joint you have in your body... I'm not one to ever really take pain meds other then my Celebrex but my hands are hurting so badly and my back that I had to call the doc and get something for the pain...Then we get to add drousy to the combination of pain and depression and you know what you start to feel like yuk from head to toe... I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that is feeling the affects of all this rainy weather and if you are like me just want it to end...
Then to add insult to injury to all that is that my creating has dropped off because it is taking me forever to complete things cause the old hands just aren't working right...and I have 6 houses to clean on the Island this weekend... Yikes that isn't going to be any fun..since it is going to still be raining and the old body is not going to be working properly...
As slow as my hands are creating they did manage to create some really beautiful gathering this week...
~Mustard Open Faced Cupboard~
~ Apothecary Jar Pantry Gathering~

~Open Faced Cupboard Pantry Crock Gathering~

~Sage Green Pantry Shelf Pear Gathering~

~Apothecary Six Drawer Spice Cupboard Gathering~

~Rooster & Hen Pantry Shelf Gathering~

Hope you enjoyed the Eye Candy..if you get a chance stop on over to my Ebay store and check out all the great Gatherings I have listed... You can find the link at the top of the page..
Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement and thoughts on the rising gas prices and how it affects everything in our lives!!
Have a wonderful day my friends and untill we meet again...
Warm blessing are sent your way!!
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