Good Evening My Prims...Hope you all had a Great Day!
All things considered In a round about way I had a good Day.. I went to the doctors armed with note cards covered with questions. I decided last night that not having answers was as bad as being sick. Actually in affect I think the worry & wondering was making it harder for me to even think positive about any of this Health mess.
I love my new well not so new now, Family bad I have to drive 128 miles one way to see him but its worth it in the long run. It only cost $25 a visit to see him each visit and he is a good listener and he tries his best to answer all my questions to the best of his ability and in a way that I can understand. I was in the office for over an hour getting all those questions answered.
He got all the reports back from Ohio State Specialist and it seems that they are all three in agreement as to 99% of my diagnoses. The only thing that isn't diagnosed is the Nodules in my thyroid which will be done Friday.
One answer I got today was to the question.
Why did she wait so long to do the Biospy on the nodules, leaving me hanging to stress and worry about them for 2 months.
Answer: Your thyroid was so out of whack she wanted to let it settle down, wait for the swelling to go down so that she could better preform the biopsy and get the results with out problems, side affects or taking a chance she might have to repeat it.
Ok I can accept that to bad she didn't tell me that. Sur would ahve made my life easier.
Another questions was With everything wrong with the thyroid and the diseases it causes wouldn't it just be better for me to get it removed?
Answer: Personally as your physican I feel that it would benifit you to have it removed, but Tonya and this is a huge but, I am not the one who will be able to make that decesion, the Endocrinologist has to make that call. I will pass along my opinion on the matter to her and you can tell her how you feel about it but she will make the final decession as to leave it or remove it.
Ok that's a fair answer... so I'm going in Friday armed with all the reason I feel it would be better for me to have it removed.
One It has three nodules in it that have grown so whether they are cancer or not they could continue to grow and still have to be removed so take it out now.
Two it plays a huge roll in the Graves disease and can make it worse if and when It doesn't function properly.
Three it is one of 4 auto-immunine diseases you have diagnosed me with & when a person has one or more auto-immunine disease the body is in constant battle with its self making me sicker and sicker. the thyroid can be removed, I can take a pill every day and it will be one less auto- immunine disease to rage on my body making me sick. Plus there is every chance it would make the Graves Disease better or possibly go into full remission if thyroid is removed since it is caused from the Thyroid not working properly.
So we shall see how that goes with her..
Now the offical diagnoses:
Sjogren's Disease-- No Cure
Ostoarthritis in my hands, neck & back--No cure but meds can help
Rheumatoid Arthritis over all --No cure but meds can help
Graves Disease--No cure basically but can get better with removal of Thyroid
Fibromyalgia-No cure meds can help-is made worse from Sleep Apnea, Sjogren's, Thyroid & Arthritis
Sleep Apnea-Caused basically from my Sjogren's.
My Mouth is so dry my tounge sticks to the roof of my mouth at night & cuts off my oxogen supply.
Which is why I wake up all the time..Guess there is no cure for that since I will never not have Sjogren's.
Thyroid Disease-She feels that I have Thyroidittis (swelling of the thyroid)
Will know more after visit & biopsy,
Thyroid Nodules-Will know more after visit & biopsy,
Sinus problems-made worse due to Sjogren's causes me to get Sinus Infections all the time & chest Infections.
So at least now I have diagnoses confirmed. Knowing helps tremendiously..
Most I knew about, I guess I had hoped there was some possibility of better relief.
The thyroid issues are still up in the air.
The doctor ordered some new meds and some kind of Heat water therapy. Guess I need to fill one of my dreams and get a hot tub..I so want one...
Sister n law had one and it made such a difference for me but it broke so they pitched it...
I want to Thank Everyone for your kind words, kind thoughts and above all your prayers.
I don't think there is much chance that I will ever be my old self again but maybe there is hope that I will find some relief .
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.
I'm off to rip rags for Rag Balls... so until we meet again may your days be filled with sunshine in your heart and happy moments!!