Happy Sunday Everyone...
A year ago just about this time actually someone sent me a link to Life on a train. Today someone sent it again. I opened it, watched and read the passages on each video page. In general it talks about how the seasons of our life is like life on a train where you get on and off at each station in your life. What you do at each station and how the things you do can make the difference in your life.
If you haven't seen this video/slide show I invite you to take a few quiet minutes to check it out. It truely puts the seasons of our lives into prespective.
Life is a journey,...not a guided tour..."REMEMBER TO SMILE ALONG THE WAY!!"
All of us have met many people here in blogland.. we each feel comfortable sharing different aspects of our lives with each other... some of us are more personal then others. some touch others in a profound way, others make us laugh or cry or feel good about our selves.
Learning to Blog was one of those train stations that I decided to get off for a spell, visit and hope to make new friends and help to build my business... I've had a wonderful time here and I think I will stay awhile.
I can't describe my mood today in one word, I can only say I feel very happy but a little unsettled... In my heart I know it is mostly winter blues. The first of the year seems to always be a hard time for me above and beyond the cold, snow and being what I call shut in. It's a time when work is always non stop, money is always short, Tax time is approaching, both Federal and House..uggg...the sun hardly ever shines and above all there never seems to be enough hours in the day!
Seems I am not the only one who feels that way!! I've read blog after blog filled with winter blues and each of us is more then eager for Spring to arrive.
With Spring, comes new life and new adventures. The sun shines, flowers pop up out of the ground and we are all ready to jump on the train and take a ride into a new season leaving behind all the things that made us feel Blue... Fact is we don't really leave those things behind we simply look at them differently somehow..funny how sunshine can do that or a flower popping out of the ground standing proud...it almost makes us stand a little prouder doesn't it?
Oh and when we step outside and the birds are singing, we find ourselves singing and our step is filled with a little more spring to it.
Our train ride seems to move more swiftly and all of those things that seemd to drag us down don't seem to bother us as much even though they are still there.
As I write this all I can think about is the coming of Spring.
My life takes on a totally different role when Spring arrives in all its Glory. I look forward to it a little differently then others. You see it is the beginning of a totally different life style for me until the leaves turn brown, Fall ends and winter begins its entrance.
I own a boat..yes Captainblondee here!!
My boat was a long ago dream that still holds all the passion it did the first day I took it across Lake Erie. A place where the wind hits my face and the sun is on my back, a place where I find the greatest peace. I live on my boat in the summer 5 to 6 days a week. I got to tell you there is no greater feeling then being rocked to sleep at night when the water sings its lulaby as the waves slap against the bottom of the boat.
I think that is where my heart is right now and maybe even where my thoughts are.
I know in my heart that in a few years from now I will no longer be capable of being Captainblondee by myself. Yes I captian my boat alone and love it. Part of moving closer to my kids was a direct result of knowing that my years were numbered when it came to boating. I knew I would need them close by to help take away the sadness I will feel when I close that chapter of my life.
My boat has given me the most wonderful experiences in life. Because of my boat I started & have run a cleaning business on Kelley's Island for the last 10 years. My cleaning business afforded me the ability to follow my dream of creating and selling my Primitive Creations in the winter.
She blessed me with so many friends and memories. i will miss her and all that she has given me when it's time to let her go, get on the train and ride to the next season of my life.
Yep that is what I was thinking about when I started this blog.. where will my next season lead me.. My dream it leads me to find a little hunk of land with a big old barn on it that I can turn into a shop with an apartment in it but who knows if that is what God has in mind for me... ???
As I end this I just want to say to all of you out there ~Follow your Dreams!!
They will take you places you never thought you would go... It's not always easy and sometimes its not what you expected or maybe even wanted but in the end it is all you need to find peace in your heart and love to feed your soul..
Have a great Day!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Awesome News for Me~New Gatherings~Thoughts!!
A Big Huge Howdy to everyone... I hope everyone is having an awesome Day today!!
I woke up in the greatest mood this morning, no particular reason but it sure felt good since I've been in a funk for weeks it seems. Winter Blues like many of us out there.
I have the greatest news...Remember me telling you all about my Eye Doctor asking me to create the Rice Bags in hopes that I might start a side business creating them for his Practice.
I had my appointment on Tuesday the 25th. Good day to deliver the finished Rice Bags.
I took 11 bags in and am happy to say paid down my bill ..gotta love the barter system!!
He called me this morning and made my already happy mood 100% happier.
He sold all 11 Rice Bags in two days and he ordered 20 more. I think will make 40 and have them ready to go when he has the next 20 sold.
Now here is even more good news to go with the new order. He said he will be sharing the Rice Bags with other Eye doctors at his next conference as well as with fellow eye doctors in our area and very possibly will turn this into an even larger little business.
If his selling 11 bags in two days is any indication of what I might expect I could have myself a nice little business going on in no time at all..
As I sit here thinking about this I had to kinda laugh at the whole thing.
It was pain and the serious problem with my eyes that took me to the Eye Doctor in the first place. All the panic about my eyes and how I might pay my bill actually turned into a little business that would pay off my bill, take away my panic and possibly even turn out to make extra money..
Now that deserves a huge pat on the back and put a huge smile on my face and in my heart!!
Not to mention a huge prayer of Thanks that God gave my hands the ability to create!!
Well Ladies and Gents time to get busy... so I'm off to cut out Rice Bags and get those started...
I bid you all a wonderful weekend filled with happy Smiles!!
I woke up in the greatest mood this morning, no particular reason but it sure felt good since I've been in a funk for weeks it seems. Winter Blues like many of us out there.
I have the greatest news...Remember me telling you all about my Eye Doctor asking me to create the Rice Bags in hopes that I might start a side business creating them for his Practice.
I had my appointment on Tuesday the 25th. Good day to deliver the finished Rice Bags.
I took 11 bags in and am happy to say paid down my bill ..gotta love the barter system!!
He called me this morning and made my already happy mood 100% happier.
He sold all 11 Rice Bags in two days and he ordered 20 more. I think will make 40 and have them ready to go when he has the next 20 sold.
Now here is even more good news to go with the new order. He said he will be sharing the Rice Bags with other Eye doctors at his next conference as well as with fellow eye doctors in our area and very possibly will turn this into an even larger little business.
If his selling 11 bags in two days is any indication of what I might expect I could have myself a nice little business going on in no time at all..
As I sit here thinking about this I had to kinda laugh at the whole thing.
It was pain and the serious problem with my eyes that took me to the Eye Doctor in the first place. All the panic about my eyes and how I might pay my bill actually turned into a little business that would pay off my bill, take away my panic and possibly even turn out to make extra money..
Now that deserves a huge pat on the back and put a huge smile on my face and in my heart!!
Not to mention a huge prayer of Thanks that God gave my hands the ability to create!!
Speaking of creating Yes I've been busy all week creating!!
Here's your sneak Peek at all the new creations.
~Apothecary Cupboard Pantry Goods Gathering~
~Harvest 1776 Apple Crate Cupboard Side Gathering~
~Necessary Room Shelf Gathering~
~Stoneware Crock & Wares Pantry Gathering~
~Tray "Kindness" Pillow Ornie~Rag-Ball Candle Gathering~
~Powder Room Shaby Tray Gathering~
I love this gathering the pictures don't do it justice I'm afraid.
There you have it, all of this weeks Creations.
Talking about barting...Time to start paying off my barter on getting my van fixed. Tonight I will start Spackling my Son-n-Law Shane's Paint room.
I'm actually looking forward to it... I need a good break from my daily routine creating and this will be a fun one as I like to spakle. I won't get it all done tonight but I'll get a good start on it and maybe I'll work on it tomorrow as well...I'll have to see how my arms hold up..Well Ladies and Gents time to get busy... so I'm off to cut out Rice Bags and get those started...
I bid you all a wonderful weekend filled with happy Smiles!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Word Challange~Patience~New Business Card~
Good Afternoon my dear Prim Friends~Wow what a day and it's only half over..
I ordered a new Business card and they arrived the other day. I'm just tickled to death with them and wanted to share them with you, see what you all think of them..
I liked how it turned out so much that I actually ordered two magnets just like it to go on my Van.
Now on to that word Challenge~PATIENCE~
The word challenge of the week From Dan at "Yesterday No More" is Patience. I'm not sure how to write about patience in my life. I know where to start!
Everyday when I wake up my first prayer is to ask god for patience among other things.
When you are young you are just learning patience and many times, not an easy emotion to learn to handle..I think that I truly learned to practice patience daily when I had a Child. Suddenly there was another person in my life that would do things to test my patience...When she turned two I became a foster parent and my patience was tested hourly rather then daily not only with the children but with the system that governs the over all care of Foster children.
I'm the first one to admit that I am sometimes quick to speak my mind and say it how it is.
When dealing with children and goverment systems it isn't always advisable to speak to quickly but rather to be patient, think things threw and then speak...
Well not an easy task for me at all even today!
I guess I would say that I have no patience for playing games with words or life. I can say I am better at finding patience with those things but far from perfect.
I'm one of those kinds of people that think it's better to get things done and don't procrastinate about them... Once done then your time is your own.
Kids and many adults don't have any concept of that therory, so I have to practice my patience skills with them..
I was diagnosed with Arthritis along with other forms of auto immune problems such as Sojrenes Disease at a very young age. For those of you who do not know what that is, the easiest way to explain it is that your bodies watering/wetting glands do not work. Your eyes do not water properly causing Dry Eye and eye Infections. When my eyes do water/tear the tears are not like most tears they are like watered down glue, very thick.
Your mouth does not water so your mouth feels like you have Cotton balls stuffed in it all the time. If your mouth waters it is also like watered down glue, very thick, unable to wash away bacteria and food. It makes it hard to swallow, It decays your teeth, it causes food and drink to make blisters in your mouth, it makes your skin very dry and cracking. It also affects your joints and internal organs over time.
This disease test my patience daily. When I am creating something and my eyes decide to cloud I have to be patient and wait till they clear.. Sometimes it makes me very angry and frustrated because I want to finish what I'm doing and I can't. Patience~patience~patience!!
When you own your own business you have to paractice patience everyday with your customers.
Then of course the Computer~yes the computer it has a way of challenging each and everyone of us every day.. Thank god I have learned patience or my computer would be laying in the driveway...LOL...
I think for me practicing patience is one of my greatest challenges on a daily basis.
Time for Tonya to head to the shop..she needs to create at least 5 gatherings tonight..
Thank God it warmed up here in Ohio today so the shop is toasty warm so creaing will be much easier... Smiling!!
Have a wonderful evening!!
Don't forget to check out my Goods For Sale.
While you're at it Check out Carmen at Primcats House.
She has Shoo-Flys listed in her Good For Sale!
I ordered a new Business card and they arrived the other day. I'm just tickled to death with them and wanted to share them with you, see what you all think of them..
I liked how it turned out so much that I actually ordered two magnets just like it to go on my Van.
Now on to that word Challenge~PATIENCE~
The word challenge of the week From Dan at "Yesterday No More" is Patience. I'm not sure how to write about patience in my life. I know where to start!
Everyday when I wake up my first prayer is to ask god for patience among other things.
When you are young you are just learning patience and many times, not an easy emotion to learn to handle..I think that I truly learned to practice patience daily when I had a Child. Suddenly there was another person in my life that would do things to test my patience...When she turned two I became a foster parent and my patience was tested hourly rather then daily not only with the children but with the system that governs the over all care of Foster children.
I'm the first one to admit that I am sometimes quick to speak my mind and say it how it is.
When dealing with children and goverment systems it isn't always advisable to speak to quickly but rather to be patient, think things threw and then speak...
Well not an easy task for me at all even today!
I guess I would say that I have no patience for playing games with words or life. I can say I am better at finding patience with those things but far from perfect.
I'm one of those kinds of people that think it's better to get things done and don't procrastinate about them... Once done then your time is your own.
Kids and many adults don't have any concept of that therory, so I have to practice my patience skills with them..
I was diagnosed with Arthritis along with other forms of auto immune problems such as Sojrenes Disease at a very young age. For those of you who do not know what that is, the easiest way to explain it is that your bodies watering/wetting glands do not work. Your eyes do not water properly causing Dry Eye and eye Infections. When my eyes do water/tear the tears are not like most tears they are like watered down glue, very thick.
Your mouth does not water so your mouth feels like you have Cotton balls stuffed in it all the time. If your mouth waters it is also like watered down glue, very thick, unable to wash away bacteria and food. It makes it hard to swallow, It decays your teeth, it causes food and drink to make blisters in your mouth, it makes your skin very dry and cracking. It also affects your joints and internal organs over time.
This disease test my patience daily. When I am creating something and my eyes decide to cloud I have to be patient and wait till they clear.. Sometimes it makes me very angry and frustrated because I want to finish what I'm doing and I can't. Patience~patience~patience!!
When you own your own business you have to paractice patience everyday with your customers.
Then of course the Computer~yes the computer it has a way of challenging each and everyone of us every day.. Thank god I have learned patience or my computer would be laying in the driveway...LOL...
I think for me practicing patience is one of my greatest challenges on a daily basis.
Time for Tonya to head to the shop..she needs to create at least 5 gatherings tonight..
Thank God it warmed up here in Ohio today so the shop is toasty warm so creaing will be much easier... Smiling!!
Have a wonderful evening!!
Don't forget to check out my Goods For Sale.
While you're at it Check out Carmen at Primcats House.
She has Shoo-Flys listed in her Good For Sale!
Monday, January 24, 2011
She Loves the Special Order~Sneak Peek~Chit Chat~
Hi Everyone~hope taht this finds you all staying warm!!
Jumping up and down with joy I sent pictures of the special order to Carol and this was her response:
"Tonya, How did you know I collect pitcher and bowls??? I love the colors and do have things I can add. Can't wait to hang this. You are incredible. Thanks again. I knew you could do it.
That is what I mean when I say I love to do special orders for people. They always make you feel so good about what you have created for them...I can't wait for her to actually see it and get it hung it is prettier then the pictures with so much distressing and the wood rubbed out so nicely. that really never shows in the pictures.
I didn't get much created over the weekend..seems I was to busy working on finishing up the special order and working on the rest of Carmen's Birthday present.
Not to mention....are you ready for this... I actually took Sunday off and went to visit my Brother and his wife for Dinner and just hang out for the day!!
Took my laundry with me and got that done. I can only take showers at my house so I took advantage of there Bathtub and took one of those to die for baths with bath salts..soaked for an hour~~ Lordy Be I was in heaven for sure... I also gave Puddles my doggie a Bath~~HeHe~~with strawberry scented shampoo.. He smells so good and looks beautiful...so we both got pampered!!
Dawn fixed salad and Lasagna, she went all out on the Lasagna with Mushrooms, peperroni, and Beef with four different cheeses and of course Garlic Bread with real garlic...It was so good..
I felt like I had died and gone to heaven after taht relaxing bath and yummy dinner..
Then Dawn and I worked painting more of Carmen's belated Birthday gift while we chit chatted about all the things that have been going on in our family....It was a Good DAy!!
Today I should have shipped my Ebay out but since I actually took a day off I was a day behind so I spent the day packing all my packages ..it took me 8 hours to get them all packed and loaded in the car..will ship them in the morning...
Last but surely not least Here is a Sneak Peek at the gathering I did managed to finish up last weekend! It's a beauty!!
~Prim Sewing Room Gathering~

Now it's time for me to head to the shop for the evening.
So I will bid you all a Happy Monday evening...Stay warm!!
Jumping up and down with joy I sent pictures of the special order to Carol and this was her response:
"Tonya, How did you know I collect pitcher and bowls??? I love the colors and do have things I can add. Can't wait to hang this. You are incredible. Thanks again. I knew you could do it.
That is what I mean when I say I love to do special orders for people. They always make you feel so good about what you have created for them...I can't wait for her to actually see it and get it hung it is prettier then the pictures with so much distressing and the wood rubbed out so nicely. that really never shows in the pictures.
I didn't get much created over the weekend..seems I was to busy working on finishing up the special order and working on the rest of Carmen's Birthday present.
Not to mention....are you ready for this... I actually took Sunday off and went to visit my Brother and his wife for Dinner and just hang out for the day!!
Took my laundry with me and got that done. I can only take showers at my house so I took advantage of there Bathtub and took one of those to die for baths with bath salts..soaked for an hour~~ Lordy Be I was in heaven for sure... I also gave Puddles my doggie a Bath~~HeHe~~with strawberry scented shampoo.. He smells so good and looks beautiful...so we both got pampered!!
Dawn fixed salad and Lasagna, she went all out on the Lasagna with Mushrooms, peperroni, and Beef with four different cheeses and of course Garlic Bread with real garlic...It was so good..
I felt like I had died and gone to heaven after taht relaxing bath and yummy dinner..
Then Dawn and I worked painting more of Carmen's belated Birthday gift while we chit chatted about all the things that have been going on in our family....It was a Good DAy!!
Today I should have shipped my Ebay out but since I actually took a day off I was a day behind so I spent the day packing all my packages ..it took me 8 hours to get them all packed and loaded in the car..will ship them in the morning...
Last but surely not least Here is a Sneak Peek at the gathering I did managed to finish up last weekend! It's a beauty!!
~Prim Sewing Room Gathering~

Now it's time for me to head to the shop for the evening.
So I will bid you all a Happy Monday evening...Stay warm!!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
To die For Firkin Bucket Winner & Beautiful Special Order
A Snowy Cold Ohio Hello to all my fellow Bloggers~I hope that you are all staying warm!
I could barely get my shop warmed up past 60 degrees last night and my toes were freezing ..makes it real hard to work when your cold. Not to mention it is even cold in my trailer... I have had enough of this thing called winter!!
When I decided to take the leap and learn to Blog like everyone I had sevral reason I felt it would be fun and benefit both my personal life with meeting new Friends that loved Primitive Decor and I felt it would also add to my business life.
Getting to know what people in the Prim world wanted and liked as well as get new idea's to improve my creative mind.
I can't say enough about all the people who encourage each other,share there lives, and ideas with everyone.
It is an awesome experience, I've gotten to know so many people and learn so much about what people want and like as well as more ideas then my mind can begin to take in.
What fun I've had meeting and sharing wtih everyone and it has certianly benefited my business.
People are contacting me for Special Orders which I absolutely Love Creating.
People are buying from My Primitive Creations.
So with that said first of all Thank you!
Secondly we have a winner of the
"Firkin Bucket Pantry Gathering"
She is one of us here in Blogland !!
The winner is Treasa from Deppen Homestead

I think she commented
"That Firkin Bucket Gathering is to die for"
Thank You, it's yours ~I know you'll love it Treasa!
I'd like to also share a Special Order with you that one of
my followers ordered after seeing Carmen's Bathroom gathering
that I created for her for Christmas.
She is a regular buyer from my Ebay Store but after seeing
Carmen's gathering she contacted me via my Blog and ask if I could create something like that for her...Well of course I said I'd love to and I finished it last night.
It is Beautiful!!

This is Carmen's gathering that inspired the larger one.

I love creating speical orders. I create all day long, day after day. Then list and sell my creations but I never get to see where my creation fits into my buyers home.
With Special Creation Orders I actually get to work hand in hand with the buyer. I know when it is completed it's as personal to me as it is to my buyer. When it arrives they let me know they received it and how delighted they are with it.
Then they'll share pictures with me.
It takes the job aspect out of creating and as I am sure all you who create know that is a nice wram feeling knowing you touched someone with something you created and you made them very happy!!
Sorta like sharing with all of you everyday!!
Time to go turn up the heat in the shop..LOL... for all it will be worth with as cold as it is here I doubt it will help much but my shop is calling me...burrrr.. I just know my toes are gona freeze touching that cold floor...This calls for 3 pair of socks, two pair of pants, a turtle neck, t-shirt and a sweat shirt... yea it is a bit hard to create all dolled up in my winter get up...
What I wouldn't give for an insulated Barn with a wood burning stove and an apartment above it so I could have a huge warm shop to work & store my finished products in and never have to shovel my way to the cold shop again!
Have I ever mentioned what a dreamer I am..well if not I'm dreaming and God willing I will have my Barn Shop with an Apartment someday!!
You all stay warm~Enjoy your Weekend~
Warm Blessings
I could barely get my shop warmed up past 60 degrees last night and my toes were freezing ..makes it real hard to work when your cold. Not to mention it is even cold in my trailer... I have had enough of this thing called winter!!
When I decided to take the leap and learn to Blog like everyone I had sevral reason I felt it would be fun and benefit both my personal life with meeting new Friends that loved Primitive Decor and I felt it would also add to my business life.
Getting to know what people in the Prim world wanted and liked as well as get new idea's to improve my creative mind.
I can't say enough about all the people who encourage each other,share there lives, and ideas with everyone.
It is an awesome experience, I've gotten to know so many people and learn so much about what people want and like as well as more ideas then my mind can begin to take in.
What fun I've had meeting and sharing wtih everyone and it has certianly benefited my business.
People are contacting me for Special Orders which I absolutely Love Creating.
People are buying from My Primitive Creations.
So with that said first of all Thank you!
Secondly we have a winner of the
"Firkin Bucket Pantry Gathering"
She is one of us here in Blogland !!
The winner is Treasa from Deppen Homestead

I think she commented
"That Firkin Bucket Gathering is to die for"
Thank You, it's yours ~I know you'll love it Treasa!
I'd like to also share a Special Order with you that one of
my followers ordered after seeing Carmen's Bathroom gathering
that I created for her for Christmas.
She is a regular buyer from my Ebay Store but after seeing
Carmen's gathering she contacted me via my Blog and ask if I could create something like that for her...Well of course I said I'd love to and I finished it last night.
It is Beautiful!!

This is Carmen's gathering that inspired the larger one.

I love creating speical orders. I create all day long, day after day. Then list and sell my creations but I never get to see where my creation fits into my buyers home.
With Special Creation Orders I actually get to work hand in hand with the buyer. I know when it is completed it's as personal to me as it is to my buyer. When it arrives they let me know they received it and how delighted they are with it.
Then they'll share pictures with me.
It takes the job aspect out of creating and as I am sure all you who create know that is a nice wram feeling knowing you touched someone with something you created and you made them very happy!!
Sorta like sharing with all of you everyday!!
Time to go turn up the heat in the shop..LOL... for all it will be worth with as cold as it is here I doubt it will help much but my shop is calling me...burrrr.. I just know my toes are gona freeze touching that cold floor...This calls for 3 pair of socks, two pair of pants, a turtle neck, t-shirt and a sweat shirt... yea it is a bit hard to create all dolled up in my winter get up...
What I wouldn't give for an insulated Barn with a wood burning stove and an apartment above it so I could have a huge warm shop to work & store my finished products in and never have to shovel my way to the cold shop again!
Have I ever mentioned what a dreamer I am..well if not I'm dreaming and God willing I will have my Barn Shop with an Apartment someday!!
You all stay warm~Enjoy your Weekend~
Warm Blessings
Friday, January 21, 2011
One Very Happy lady :>)
Hi one and all... if you could see me you would see a huge Smile on my face!!
My Son-n-law Shane came to the rescue and guess what he fixed the Van.
I picked it up tonight..it had to have the Transmission worked on some gasket--the Power steering fixed..there was a hole in the line that got there from rubbing on something--Brake peddle WD-40ed to stop it from sticking and kicking on the brakes lights and making my battery go dead... Now God willing nothing else will go wrong with it anytime soon..
God Bless his ever livng Soul...don't know what I would have done without his help..He's a great guy!!
It drove like a gem even in all the snow we have here in Ohio...
It is the worst feeling when your car/van/truck is broke down..you feel like you are lost and traped and helpless all at the same time..
I've been a wreck with worry about how I was gona get this and that done without the van..not to mention how in the world I might pay for it... But it all worked out ..Now All I have to worry about is finding the time to get Shane's paint room spackled and painted...
The eye doctor got back with me On Monday and said he was happy with the Rice Bags I had created and ordered 10 of them for now and when they are gone he will order more if the patients like them... So that deal is sealed.. I finished them up tonight while hanging out with Carmen...I will deliver them tomorrow ~~Smile ~~ since the van is running now.
I've been so busy working on Carmens Birthday gifts and creating in the shop my little home became a total wreck ..so today I finally took time to do a top to bottom cleaning..Thank God I live in a Trailer and it doesn't take long .. I even washed down all my walls..with two Kitty's, a dog, a bird and My Goldfish it gets pretty dusty. Not to mention all the Kitty hair everywhere..it is just easier to wash things down. It smelled so fresh and clean when I got home tonight... Nothing feels better then coming home to a fresh clean house... Of course the Kitty's had toys everywhere but I can live with that...
I ended up having a decent sales week on Ebay... would have liked to have a better sales week but I'm not complain to much...
I managed to get several new gathering created and listed this morning..
~A Wall Pocket~

~Rooster & Hen Shelf Gathering~
Yeah~~Has a Bid Already

~Spoon Rack Cubby~Spice Bottle~Gathering~
Yeah~~Has a Bid Already

~Necessary Room Tray Gathering~

~Necessary Room Tray Gathering~

~Necessary Room Tray Gathering~

All in all It has turned out to be a very good week....I'm a happy lady!!
Until next time~May your Blessings be Plenty!!
My Son-n-law Shane came to the rescue and guess what he fixed the Van.
I picked it up tonight..it had to have the Transmission worked on some gasket--the Power steering fixed..there was a hole in the line that got there from rubbing on something--Brake peddle WD-40ed to stop it from sticking and kicking on the brakes lights and making my battery go dead... Now God willing nothing else will go wrong with it anytime soon..
God Bless his ever livng Soul...don't know what I would have done without his help..He's a great guy!!
It drove like a gem even in all the snow we have here in Ohio...
It is the worst feeling when your car/van/truck is broke down..you feel like you are lost and traped and helpless all at the same time..
I've been a wreck with worry about how I was gona get this and that done without the van..not to mention how in the world I might pay for it... But it all worked out ..Now All I have to worry about is finding the time to get Shane's paint room spackled and painted...
The eye doctor got back with me On Monday and said he was happy with the Rice Bags I had created and ordered 10 of them for now and when they are gone he will order more if the patients like them... So that deal is sealed.. I finished them up tonight while hanging out with Carmen...I will deliver them tomorrow ~~Smile ~~ since the van is running now.
I've been so busy working on Carmens Birthday gifts and creating in the shop my little home became a total wreck ..so today I finally took time to do a top to bottom cleaning..Thank God I live in a Trailer and it doesn't take long .. I even washed down all my walls..with two Kitty's, a dog, a bird and My Goldfish it gets pretty dusty. Not to mention all the Kitty hair everywhere..it is just easier to wash things down. It smelled so fresh and clean when I got home tonight... Nothing feels better then coming home to a fresh clean house... Of course the Kitty's had toys everywhere but I can live with that...
I ended up having a decent sales week on Ebay... would have liked to have a better sales week but I'm not complain to much...
I managed to get several new gathering created and listed this morning..
~A Wall Pocket~

~Rooster & Hen Shelf Gathering~
Yeah~~Has a Bid Already

~Spoon Rack Cubby~Spice Bottle~Gathering~
Yeah~~Has a Bid Already

~Necessary Room Tray Gathering~

~Necessary Room Tray Gathering~

~Necessary Room Tray Gathering~

All in all It has turned out to be a very good week....I'm a happy lady!!
Until next time~May your Blessings be Plenty!!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Items Now Listed In Good For Sale~Go Peek~
Happy Wednesday every one out there in Blogg land.
I hope everyone is having a great Day!!
I just wanted to let every one know that I now have items listed.
Click on the "GOODS FOR SALE' page next to my Home page
You will find a variety of things listed.
~Rag Garland~Rag Balls~Rag Ball Ornaments~
~Wrapped Aged Wood Pins~Dresses~Valentine Hearts~
~Grubby Candle Nubby's~Grubby Candle Tapers~
~Bowl Fillers~Year Round Tree Ornaments~
I will be listing things as I go.
If you want a specal Color of something let me know.
Keep in mind Special orders will actually need to be Created so give me about 10 days to get them finished before shipping.
I will always let you know if I have to actually make an item.
Be sure to check in regularly to see what is new!!
Have a Great Day
It's Rainin on my parade again..I mean Pouring
How's everyone doing out there in blog land?
Today was Carmen's Birthday so we all went out to Celebrate tonight at Red Lobster... Yummy was it ever good ....I think we all ate to much...but we had a great time!!
She got her birthday wishes...
I created her More Rag Balls for the Kitty's to steal
Easter Bunny's Popping out of Egg Bowl fillers
Not only has it poured rain here in Ohio for the last 24 hours it has being pouring on my parade again... LOL..My van finally broke down Monday... I was getting ready to go to the Post office..which by the way was closed... when I started the van and started to back out it made this awful sound.. So I get out and there is this huge circle of what I thought was transmission Fluid there on the ground.. It was actually Power Steering Fluid flooded out and I no longer have power Steering so I can't even turn the wheels...
So that means that not Only will the brake lights not stay off, and the Transmission is leaking but the power steering is broken... As I said Pouring on my Parade...
I drove it to Carmen's tonight which took 30 minutes since it is near impossible to turn the wheels....Her hubby is going to work on it this week... Thank god he is mechanical..
We made a trade... I'm going to Spackle the drywall in his new paint room in trade for fixing my van..which is good cause I'm flat broke...
I drove his work car home and it was a real trip...it has more noises then you can imagine. It sings like a nest full of Hungry Baby Robins.. I cracked up laughing as it was singing to me all the way home...
I'm really grateful he let me use it so I best not make to much fun of it...
All and all it has been a pretty good week this week if I don't count the Van breaking down...
Sales were down a bit on Ebay...bummer.. and you know that Firkin Bucket isn't getting the bids I had hoped for but it has had way over 100 lookers...Hoping it picks up several more bids before it ends...Not much else going on so I think I will call it a night and actually get some sleep tonight...
Until we meet again... may your day be filled with many Blessings!! Tonya
Today was Carmen's Birthday so we all went out to Celebrate tonight at Red Lobster... Yummy was it ever good ....I think we all ate to much...but we had a great time!!
She got her birthday wishes...
I created her More Rag Balls for the Kitty's to steal
Easter Bunny's Popping out of Egg Bowl fillers
Valentine Bowl fillers Or 4th of July
Kitty Cat Bowl Fillers
Plus I got her A new Jacket and a huge Old wood Spoon for her collection.
She has another gift I created but they didn't get dry so she has to wait ...Oh the suspense!!!..........but hey that just means she gets to celebrate longer...
I think she had a good Birthday....!!
Not only has it poured rain here in Ohio for the last 24 hours it has being pouring on my parade again... LOL..My van finally broke down Monday... I was getting ready to go to the Post office..which by the way was closed... when I started the van and started to back out it made this awful sound.. So I get out and there is this huge circle of what I thought was transmission Fluid there on the ground.. It was actually Power Steering Fluid flooded out and I no longer have power Steering so I can't even turn the wheels...
So that means that not Only will the brake lights not stay off, and the Transmission is leaking but the power steering is broken... As I said Pouring on my Parade...
I drove it to Carmen's tonight which took 30 minutes since it is near impossible to turn the wheels....Her hubby is going to work on it this week... Thank god he is mechanical..
We made a trade... I'm going to Spackle the drywall in his new paint room in trade for fixing my van..which is good cause I'm flat broke...
I drove his work car home and it was a real trip...it has more noises then you can imagine. It sings like a nest full of Hungry Baby Robins.. I cracked up laughing as it was singing to me all the way home...
I'm really grateful he let me use it so I best not make to much fun of it...
All and all it has been a pretty good week this week if I don't count the Van breaking down...
Sales were down a bit on Ebay...bummer.. and you know that Firkin Bucket isn't getting the bids I had hoped for but it has had way over 100 lookers...Hoping it picks up several more bids before it ends...Not much else going on so I think I will call it a night and actually get some sleep tonight...
Until we meet again... may your day be filled with many Blessings!! Tonya
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Ever go Shopping Only to discover ya forgot your money?
A fine Sunny Sunday day to ya all!!
Good olde Ohio we never cease to wonder in the weather changes.. I actually woke up this morning with the Sun shinning in my face..one of my most loved pleasures in life... but let me tell ya I opened the door to let Puddle out and found it to be a total deception... LOL...the themometer said 21 degree's...Burrrrrrr
Well ladies and gents... have you ever gone shopping only to discover that you have no money with you.. yep ya forgot your purse or wallet... Such was my situtation the other day when I decided it was time to get out of the shop and away from the computer and I took off thrifting... LOL... go ahead laugh at me ..I did...
I was to excited to be getting out of here and going thrifting I simply walked out the door got in the van and took off only to discover after driving 10 miles to town tht my purse wasn't sitting on the seat when I arrived at the thrift store...
Now I know I said I didn't have much to spend but that was a bit rediculous to say the least... Talk about busting your happy bubble...but I was determined to go inside dispite my situation.. I mean I had already driven 10 miles to town, I needed a Thrift store break I'm going in....
Suddenly I remembered my change holder so I grabbed all the change I had a total of $10.53... Ok that will do...I'm a happy lady once more...I get to go thrifting!!
As I made my way threw the store ....I kept reminding self that I only had $10 to spend and don't forget taxes...not allowing my limited funds distract me.
I made my way threw the store taking my good olde time...remember this was my break from reality ... I think my guardian angel was riding in the cart as I picked out things that I truly needed and could use in my gatherings. I didn't even count the dollar amount..I figured that I could always put things back at the check out...
I found four little apothecary jars, two pillow cases,(rip up & use them for towels in my gatherings), a little basket, a pair of Brown Baby shoes, an oil lamp, and a Glass Canister.
I found four shelves but they were out of the question considering my money situation...ugg..they were perfect for what I do but .....
I made my way to the check out...the girl rang everything up... Opps Total $11.10...and I explain I need to take soemthing off I only have $10.53... she smiles at me and says hang on I haven't done you Buckeye Card discount yet... Click she punches it in and the total comes up to $9.64...YeHaaa... just like McDonalds I have change left over...
My cashier knows me since I shop there weekly... and we both started laughing ..and she says well you won't get your punch in your card but ya didn't have to put anything back... I smiled and said..." well, I don't have my card anyway so I guess it all worked out.."
I took my two bags and happily left with a smile on my face ...
Stress relief mission accomplished!!
I still had to run back home and get my purse so I could go to the grocery store and buy kerosene for the shop heater..but it was a nice day for a ride... and it kept me out of the shop and away from the computer a few hours....
When I got home I decided to make Salt Dough Valentine and Cinnamon Applesauce Valentine and Easter Cut outs. they're all on my shelf in the finished product room drying...My Neice Hailey helped me and I totally forgot to take pictures... we just got so involved it slipped my mind...but we had a blast making them...We made Hearts, Bunny's, Chicks, Crosses, Shamrocks and Easter Eggs........as soon as they dry she and I are going to decorate them and then decorate our little trees with them...
Then it was back to the shop last night ...my day shopping and tinkering paid off. with everything saned, painted and sanded again ... I have 13 gatherings ready to put together...I will start them tonight.
It was a good day despite forgetting my purse... yes a good day indeed...
Now it is time to get this weeks sales all packed up and ready to ship tomorrow morning... So I will bid you all a Happy Sunday.....
Good olde Ohio we never cease to wonder in the weather changes.. I actually woke up this morning with the Sun shinning in my face..one of my most loved pleasures in life... but let me tell ya I opened the door to let Puddle out and found it to be a total deception... LOL...the themometer said 21 degree's...Burrrrrrr
Well ladies and gents... have you ever gone shopping only to discover that you have no money with you.. yep ya forgot your purse or wallet... Such was my situtation the other day when I decided it was time to get out of the shop and away from the computer and I took off thrifting... LOL... go ahead laugh at me ..I did...
I was to excited to be getting out of here and going thrifting I simply walked out the door got in the van and took off only to discover after driving 10 miles to town tht my purse wasn't sitting on the seat when I arrived at the thrift store...
Now I know I said I didn't have much to spend but that was a bit rediculous to say the least... Talk about busting your happy bubble...but I was determined to go inside dispite my situation.. I mean I had already driven 10 miles to town, I needed a Thrift store break I'm going in....
Suddenly I remembered my change holder so I grabbed all the change I had a total of $10.53... Ok that will do...I'm a happy lady once more...I get to go thrifting!!
As I made my way threw the store ....I kept reminding self that I only had $10 to spend and don't forget taxes...not allowing my limited funds distract me.
I made my way threw the store taking my good olde time...remember this was my break from reality ... I think my guardian angel was riding in the cart as I picked out things that I truly needed and could use in my gatherings. I didn't even count the dollar amount..I figured that I could always put things back at the check out...
I found four little apothecary jars, two pillow cases,(rip up & use them for towels in my gatherings), a little basket, a pair of Brown Baby shoes, an oil lamp, and a Glass Canister.
I found four shelves but they were out of the question considering my money situation...ugg..they were perfect for what I do but .....
I made my way to the check out...the girl rang everything up... Opps Total $11.10...and I explain I need to take soemthing off I only have $10.53... she smiles at me and says hang on I haven't done you Buckeye Card discount yet... Click she punches it in and the total comes up to $9.64...YeHaaa... just like McDonalds I have change left over...
My cashier knows me since I shop there weekly... and we both started laughing ..and she says well you won't get your punch in your card but ya didn't have to put anything back... I smiled and said..." well, I don't have my card anyway so I guess it all worked out.."
I took my two bags and happily left with a smile on my face ...
Stress relief mission accomplished!!
I still had to run back home and get my purse so I could go to the grocery store and buy kerosene for the shop heater..but it was a nice day for a ride... and it kept me out of the shop and away from the computer a few hours....
When I got home I decided to make Salt Dough Valentine and Cinnamon Applesauce Valentine and Easter Cut outs. they're all on my shelf in the finished product room drying...My Neice Hailey helped me and I totally forgot to take pictures... we just got so involved it slipped my mind...but we had a blast making them...We made Hearts, Bunny's, Chicks, Crosses, Shamrocks and Easter Eggs........as soon as they dry she and I are going to decorate them and then decorate our little trees with them...
Then it was back to the shop last night ...my day shopping and tinkering paid off. with everything saned, painted and sanded again ... I have 13 gatherings ready to put together...I will start them tonight.
It was a good day despite forgetting my purse... yes a good day indeed...
Now it is time to get this weeks sales all packed up and ready to ship tomorrow morning... So I will bid you all a Happy Sunday.....
Friday, January 14, 2011
Disappointed No One Else Posted on what LOVE means to them
Afternoon ... I was reading blogs this morning after I listed two more new Creations and I noticed that very few people took the Challange to share there thoughts on What Love means to them... from Dan at Yesterday No More.....
Everyday I see the love that goes into everyone's Blog or the love they put into the things they create to make ther homes so Beautiful or things to sell, All the kind and loving words shared with those who need a Hug...but not a word about What love means to them...
Come on I know that Love is a personal thing but I also know that each and every one of you are just bubbling over with love in your hearts or you wouldn't be here sharing it every day with the friends you have made....So I challange you along with Dan to share some of your thoughts on the word "Love" and what it means to you......as you decorate your homes and shops for Valentine's Day the season of Love!!
I LOVE creating gifts for my family and friends... Carmen's Birthday is coming up and I've been busy creating her Birthday gifts.... I'm so excited cause I know she will be so surprised when she gets them... Sorry I can't share a peek cause she will see them... You'll just have to wait!!
I LOVE seeing the surprise on her face when I create something she loves...
See how easy it is to share your thoughts on What love means to you!!
I managed to get creative again last night and finished off two more gatherings... YeHaa.. I think I am getting back into the swing of power house winter creating again...
~Firkin Bucket~Cutting Board~Pantry Wares Gathering~
~Cupboard Side Pantry Tray~Wood Bowl~Pears~Jar~Wares~Gathering~
Now its time to take myself a break and guess what I'm gona go do? I'm going to go to the thrift stores...don't have much I can spend so if I don't find anything I don't care. I just need to get out of the shop for a while and away from this here computer so I can clear the cob webs out of my head...and get some exersise besides shoveling snow... By the way I shoveled my van out last evening... took me about an hour... Lord i can not wait till spring comes... I have had enough of this thing called winter...enough!!
If I find any goodies worth sharing at the thrift store I'll be back later....until then You peeps have one wonderful day ...!!
Everyday I see the love that goes into everyone's Blog or the love they put into the things they create to make ther homes so Beautiful or things to sell, All the kind and loving words shared with those who need a Hug...but not a word about What love means to them...
Come on I know that Love is a personal thing but I also know that each and every one of you are just bubbling over with love in your hearts or you wouldn't be here sharing it every day with the friends you have made....So I challange you along with Dan to share some of your thoughts on the word "Love" and what it means to you......as you decorate your homes and shops for Valentine's Day the season of Love!!
I LOVE creating gifts for my family and friends... Carmen's Birthday is coming up and I've been busy creating her Birthday gifts.... I'm so excited cause I know she will be so surprised when she gets them... Sorry I can't share a peek cause she will see them... You'll just have to wait!!
I LOVE seeing the surprise on her face when I create something she loves...
See how easy it is to share your thoughts on What love means to you!!
I managed to get creative again last night and finished off two more gatherings... YeHaa.. I think I am getting back into the swing of power house winter creating again...
~Firkin Bucket~Cutting Board~Pantry Wares Gathering~
~Cupboard Side Pantry Tray~Wood Bowl~Pears~Jar~Wares~Gathering~
If I find any goodies worth sharing at the thrift store I'll be back later....until then You peeps have one wonderful day ...!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
My New Creations~Shoveling Snow results in Achy Joints~
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gents out there in Blogland... I do hope this day finds you alll having a wonderful Day today!!
I just wanted to first ask every one to stop in at PrimCats House.
Carmen is making some big really life/health changes in her life and can use all the extra encouragement you have to share. While you're encouraging her you may well find yourself encouraged by her challange.. so stop over there and share a pat on the Back!!
I haven't left the house today.... all the snow shoveling I've been doing finally made its prescence known in every single joint in my body...uggg... so today has been a listing day on ebay, answering emails, reading Blogs, cleaning out my doccuments and Photobucket account...
I know I have to shovel my way to the shop this evening but at least I've rested my joints all day today...
It has been a busy week for me in the shop and sales have gone fairly well on Ebay this week too... Good thing... it is monthly Bill time again...how the heck did bill time get here so fast anyway...Didn't I just pay them...!!
With out further delay...here are the last four new Gatherings.
~Necessary Room Shelf Gathering~
~Apothecary Spice Jar Pantry Shelf Gathering~
~Quilt Sampler Necessary Room Chair Gathering~
~Wrought Iron three Armed Candle Sconce with Pip-Berry's Rings~
Another days work is done, listed one Ebay and shared with all of you... Now it is time for this lady to go take an hour to herself to pramper herself and then it is back to the shop to see if i can amaze myself with yet more Creations. I have a special order to work on that I am really excited about so I might just start it tonight... Who knows what the evening will bring...
Until we meet again may your day be filled with happiness!!
I just wanted to first ask every one to stop in at PrimCats House.
Carmen is making some big really life/health changes in her life and can use all the extra encouragement you have to share. While you're encouraging her you may well find yourself encouraged by her challange.. so stop over there and share a pat on the Back!!
I haven't left the house today.... all the snow shoveling I've been doing finally made its prescence known in every single joint in my body...uggg... so today has been a listing day on ebay, answering emails, reading Blogs, cleaning out my doccuments and Photobucket account...
I know I have to shovel my way to the shop this evening but at least I've rested my joints all day today...
It has been a busy week for me in the shop and sales have gone fairly well on Ebay this week too... Good thing... it is monthly Bill time again...how the heck did bill time get here so fast anyway...Didn't I just pay them...!!
With out further delay...here are the last four new Gatherings.
~Necessary Room Shelf Gathering~
~Apothecary Spice Jar Pantry Shelf Gathering~
~Quilt Sampler Necessary Room Chair Gathering~
~Wrought Iron three Armed Candle Sconce with Pip-Berry's Rings~
Another days work is done, listed one Ebay and shared with all of you... Now it is time for this lady to go take an hour to herself to pramper herself and then it is back to the shop to see if i can amaze myself with yet more Creations. I have a special order to work on that I am really excited about so I might just start it tonight... Who knows what the evening will bring...
Until we meet again may your day be filled with happiness!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Idle Chit Chat~Snow and a funny Kitty story
Howdy Friends.... and how many of you are snowed in this morning... ?? What a mess we have here in Ohio. Old man winter didn't let up for a second yesterday it snowed all day long and then to top it off the wind was relentless so we have snow drifts everywhere... I keep looking at my van wondering if it is going be moving anytime soon...I'm thinking not unless I choose to shovel a 300 foot driveway...ugg.. I just think It will stay put and see if the sun melts some of this mess... I had to shovel my path to and from the shop 20 times yesterday ...nice work out and the body feels it....and looking out my office window~~ it appears I will be getting yet another work out today...Maybe several if the wind keeps blowing up snow drifts in my path..
Ok I finally figured it out... God instructs Old man winter to plaster Ohio with snow so Tonya will get out and exercise and work off all that Christmas candy...LOL...
My Laugh of the day..You will have to close your eyes and imagine what I'm about to share with you but I think you will get a bit of laughter out of it...Wish I had pics to share but it all happened to fast...
When the sun was shinning the other day it melted the snow on top of the trailer and created Icicles coming down in front of my office window. the bird feeders are just outside my window so Tasha and MamaKitty are always attentive. Well Tasha has taken to trying to reach out to the icicles. If I am right in watching her she is frustrated that she can't get to them. This morning the little ones started to fall off quite quickly and she was sitting on the window ledge as they fell. All of a sudden she is going nuts jumping at the window, yanking at the blind to get it out of her way...turning herself upside down as they are falling off. I'm cracking up and MamaKitty is looking at her like she has gone plumb crazy....
Suddenly She jumps down from the window sill, runs over me at my desk, down the hall and then comes barreling back, jumps over me up to the window, paws reaching out and she attacks those falling Icicles with all her might.....Only to find that her great tactics didn't work and down comes the blind and Tasha. She looks up at me with the most comical look as she shakes her head in wonder or pain I'm not sure.
Now you would have to know Tasha, she doesn't take defeat real well...So she gathers her pride and goes back to the window sill and starts smacking at the icicles once again... Looking back at me as if to say, Don't look at me like that mom and stop laughing I will get those icicles you wait and see...I was laughing so hard...and Thanking God for all the entertainment my Kitty's give me every day...this all went on for about an hour until all of the Icicles melted... she is now fast asleep after all that exercise..
I wish I had as much energy as my Kitty's do... just think what I could accomplish...!!
I finally got all the new gatherings listed last night on Ebay...and YeHa I have a bid on the Quilt Cupboard. My fav out of the last four gatherings I created...I'm on a roll for the last 5 weeks everyone of my favs have gotten the first bid... Kinda neat...
I'm still in my funky sleepy mood today but have great plans awaiting me in the shop so I guess I will bid you all a Wonderful Day and go shovel my way to the shop and get started...
Until we meet again!!
Ok I finally figured it out... God instructs Old man winter to plaster Ohio with snow so Tonya will get out and exercise and work off all that Christmas candy...LOL...
My Laugh of the day..You will have to close your eyes and imagine what I'm about to share with you but I think you will get a bit of laughter out of it...Wish I had pics to share but it all happened to fast...
When the sun was shinning the other day it melted the snow on top of the trailer and created Icicles coming down in front of my office window. the bird feeders are just outside my window so Tasha and MamaKitty are always attentive. Well Tasha has taken to trying to reach out to the icicles. If I am right in watching her she is frustrated that she can't get to them. This morning the little ones started to fall off quite quickly and she was sitting on the window ledge as they fell. All of a sudden she is going nuts jumping at the window, yanking at the blind to get it out of her way...turning herself upside down as they are falling off. I'm cracking up and MamaKitty is looking at her like she has gone plumb crazy....
Suddenly She jumps down from the window sill, runs over me at my desk, down the hall and then comes barreling back, jumps over me up to the window, paws reaching out and she attacks those falling Icicles with all her might.....Only to find that her great tactics didn't work and down comes the blind and Tasha. She looks up at me with the most comical look as she shakes her head in wonder or pain I'm not sure.
Now you would have to know Tasha, she doesn't take defeat real well...So she gathers her pride and goes back to the window sill and starts smacking at the icicles once again... Looking back at me as if to say, Don't look at me like that mom and stop laughing I will get those icicles you wait and see...I was laughing so hard...and Thanking God for all the entertainment my Kitty's give me every day...this all went on for about an hour until all of the Icicles melted... she is now fast asleep after all that exercise..
I wish I had as much energy as my Kitty's do... just think what I could accomplish...!!
I finally got all the new gatherings listed last night on Ebay...and YeHa I have a bid on the Quilt Cupboard. My fav out of the last four gatherings I created...I'm on a roll for the last 5 weeks everyone of my favs have gotten the first bid... Kinda neat...
I'm still in my funky sleepy mood today but have great plans awaiting me in the shop so I guess I will bid you all a Wonderful Day and go shovel my way to the shop and get started...
Until we meet again!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
4"of Snow~Peek @ New Gatherings & One Tired lady!
A Big Prim Howdy Ladies and Gents... How is everyone doing today?
I've read that many of you are getting snow...We are getting some huge Snowfalkes out there ..Looks like old man winter has blanketed us with about 4" so far and its's still snowing..You know what that means I will have to push my snow shovel all the way out to the shop and back this evening...Uggg.. good exersise for the body but deffinately not something I ever care to do.
I've absolutely loved checking out all of the Valentine Decorations..so pretty and creative!! LOL...and to think I still have the Christmas Tree up..hee all I need to do is trade out some of the ornies for Valentine"s and I can come share my Valentine decor with everyone...coming soon!!
I don't know what is wrong with me today but I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open... and forsure I lack any kind of focus ..it has taken me all day to transfer all my pictures of my new gatherings and get them ready to put in my new ebay listings... I had great plans when I got up this morning of getting all the pictures done, get all the listings written and ready to go... didn't happen.. I think my body is trying to tell me something..it does that about once every two weeks... My body and my creative mind have an on going Battle...HeHe ...my creative mind is domninate always sneaking into my sleep to inform me it has a new idea..
So after hours of strugging with the urge to go take a nap I've finally finished so with no further ado... here's your Sneak Peek at the new gatherings I created the past few days!!
~*~A Mini Quilt Cupboard Candle Light Gathering~*~
~*~Primitive Rooster Pantry Shelf Gathering~*~
~*~Primitive Necessary Room Chair Quilt Gathring~*~ ~*~Primitive Desk Top Cubby Candle Lamp Gathering~*~
And there you have a sneak peek at my Newest Creations... I hopd you injoy the eye Candy.
I think I'm going to go take a nap...LOL... Until next we meet may your day be filled with sunshine!!
I've read that many of you are getting snow...We are getting some huge Snowfalkes out there ..Looks like old man winter has blanketed us with about 4" so far and its's still snowing..You know what that means I will have to push my snow shovel all the way out to the shop and back this evening...Uggg.. good exersise for the body but deffinately not something I ever care to do.
I've absolutely loved checking out all of the Valentine Decorations..so pretty and creative!! LOL...and to think I still have the Christmas Tree up..hee all I need to do is trade out some of the ornies for Valentine"s and I can come share my Valentine decor with everyone...coming soon!!
I don't know what is wrong with me today but I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open... and forsure I lack any kind of focus ..it has taken me all day to transfer all my pictures of my new gatherings and get them ready to put in my new ebay listings... I had great plans when I got up this morning of getting all the pictures done, get all the listings written and ready to go... didn't happen.. I think my body is trying to tell me something..it does that about once every two weeks... My body and my creative mind have an on going Battle...HeHe ...my creative mind is domninate always sneaking into my sleep to inform me it has a new idea..
So after hours of strugging with the urge to go take a nap I've finally finished so with no further ado... here's your Sneak Peek at the new gatherings I created the past few days!!
~*~A Mini Quilt Cupboard Candle Light Gathering~*~
~*~Primitive Rooster Pantry Shelf Gathering~*~
~*~Primitive Necessary Room Chair Quilt Gathring~*~ ~*~Primitive Desk Top Cubby Candle Lamp Gathering~*~
And there you have a sneak peek at my Newest Creations... I hopd you injoy the eye Candy.
I think I'm going to go take a nap...LOL... Until next we meet may your day be filled with sunshine!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
~LOVE~What it means to me!
Good Morning my Prim Friends..what a Beautiful Monday it is here in Ohio..cold but Sunny! Yea I love Sunshine!!
Dan over at ~Yesterday Once More~ Posted the word of the week. If you haven't seen his post you ought to stop in and read it..such an inspiration and fun idea.
He's invited everyone to share in expressing our own thoughts on the word of the week. What a great Idea...can't wait to see how many of us join in on sharing our thoughts...
The word "LOVE " such a powerful word with so much meaning.
We all use this word~sometimes we sincerely mean it and other times it's just a word placed in a sentence with little or no meaning at the moment.
I can actually remember when I realized how powerful that word was and how important it became to me to use it freely and from the heart.
Long story short I nearly died in 1976 from Encephalitis an infection of the brain. I was in a coma for a week with a fever of 107. I recall many things during that week but the one thing I recall most was my doctor standing over me saying the Lords Prayer, then telling my then husband that if the fever didn't break I'd pass or become a vegetable. For those of you who might ask~Yes I could hear but not respond while I was in a coma.
I loved life, wanted children and I wanted to share my love of life .... At that very moment I began to pray that the lord would spare me so I could live my dream of children and sharing my love of life.
By Gods Blessings I was spared. After being told that I couldn't have children, My Daughter Carmen was born 11 months later. .
I thought I understood and knew what LOVE meant but when I held her in my arms for the first time I truly understood ~Love~ in the rawest sense. My heart felt as if it might burst and I wondered if it was pain I felt or if this is what unconditional love felt like.
God kept his promise, he spared me, he blessed me with a beautiful child and he challenged me to share my love of life with the world when he blessed me with 123 foster children.
Funny how a near death experience changes you. Many people don't understand especially when you use the word Love freely such as when you as you say good bye, or you sign a letter, card or even and email with Love you. I had a friend ask me once why do you always say Love You, that's so personal. I giggled and said well , you're my friend, you're important to me and I want you to know how much your friendship means to me.... You know he started saying Love you to me and to others that were important to him.
Love is something we can keep to ourselves and never share even in the simplest ways or something we can give freely..When we let someone know we love them it makes them feel good inside even if it confuses them... and it makes us feel good.
I still love life ~I find love in the simplest things like watching the birds out the window, Tasha and MamaKitty watching the birds, or Tasha Kitty wrapping her paws around my neck and kneading, feeding the horse an apple, my niece coming over, coloring 50 pictures and taping them to my walls, sharing a day with my daughter, playing with my grand son Iain, taking my boat out on the Lake, Sunshine, A flower popping out of the ground, reading a great book, going to the shop to create something new, spending a day with a friend or my family, reading everyone's blogs and making new friends, seeing a smile on someone's face, nature's beauty and the list could go on and on.
Love is passion for all the things that make you happy and all the things you do for others that make them happy.
Have a wonderful day!
Love to you all ~~Tonya
Dan over at ~Yesterday Once More~ Posted the word of the week. If you haven't seen his post you ought to stop in and read it..such an inspiration and fun idea.
He's invited everyone to share in expressing our own thoughts on the word of the week. What a great Idea...can't wait to see how many of us join in on sharing our thoughts...
The word "LOVE " such a powerful word with so much meaning.
We all use this word~sometimes we sincerely mean it and other times it's just a word placed in a sentence with little or no meaning at the moment.
I can actually remember when I realized how powerful that word was and how important it became to me to use it freely and from the heart.
Long story short I nearly died in 1976 from Encephalitis an infection of the brain. I was in a coma for a week with a fever of 107. I recall many things during that week but the one thing I recall most was my doctor standing over me saying the Lords Prayer, then telling my then husband that if the fever didn't break I'd pass or become a vegetable. For those of you who might ask~Yes I could hear but not respond while I was in a coma.
I loved life, wanted children and I wanted to share my love of life .... At that very moment I began to pray that the lord would spare me so I could live my dream of children and sharing my love of life.
By Gods Blessings I was spared. After being told that I couldn't have children, My Daughter Carmen was born 11 months later. .
I thought I understood and knew what LOVE meant but when I held her in my arms for the first time I truly understood ~Love~ in the rawest sense. My heart felt as if it might burst and I wondered if it was pain I felt or if this is what unconditional love felt like.
God kept his promise, he spared me, he blessed me with a beautiful child and he challenged me to share my love of life with the world when he blessed me with 123 foster children.
Funny how a near death experience changes you. Many people don't understand especially when you use the word Love freely such as when you as you say good bye, or you sign a letter, card or even and email with Love you. I had a friend ask me once why do you always say Love You, that's so personal. I giggled and said well , you're my friend, you're important to me and I want you to know how much your friendship means to me.... You know he started saying Love you to me and to others that were important to him.
Love is something we can keep to ourselves and never share even in the simplest ways or something we can give freely..When we let someone know we love them it makes them feel good inside even if it confuses them... and it makes us feel good.
I still love life ~I find love in the simplest things like watching the birds out the window, Tasha and MamaKitty watching the birds, or Tasha Kitty wrapping her paws around my neck and kneading, feeding the horse an apple, my niece coming over, coloring 50 pictures and taping them to my walls, sharing a day with my daughter, playing with my grand son Iain, taking my boat out on the Lake, Sunshine, A flower popping out of the ground, reading a great book, going to the shop to create something new, spending a day with a friend or my family, reading everyone's blogs and making new friends, seeing a smile on someone's face, nature's beauty and the list could go on and on.
Love is passion for all the things that make you happy and all the things you do for others that make them happy.
Have a wonderful day!
Love to you all ~~Tonya
Friday, January 7, 2011
Interested in A Special Order Gathering ~Let me know~
Evening one and All ~~Hope everyone had a wonderful day today...mine went well.
Every time I do a Sneak Peek Preview ~~~Many of you have been contacting me askin if I ever create special orders.
The answer is YES I do and they are probably my fav's to create.
All of the gathering that you preview here are created from things I have bought at Thrift Stores, yard sales or Auctions or I've handmade the item. So you can understand that it is nearly impossible to create any two gatherings the same.
So Keeping in mind that 99.9% of my gatherings are one of kind you will need to know that I can try to create you something similar to what you have seen but it won't ever be exactly the same.
All of my gatherings and other items I create are priced according to what it cost me to create that item plus 20%. So prices will vary depending on my over all cost.
If you ever see something you like and would like me to create something with the same theme then please feel free to contact me and ask if I would be interested or if it would be possible.
I also plan to start putting things like Rag Balls, Garland and ornaments in my Goodies for sale area of my Blogg.
Time to go to the shop... got all kinds of new goodies from my Thrift store adventures and can't wait to put my creative mind to work...
Every time I do a Sneak Peek Preview ~~~Many of you have been contacting me askin if I ever create special orders.
The answer is YES I do and they are probably my fav's to create.
All of the gathering that you preview here are created from things I have bought at Thrift Stores, yard sales or Auctions or I've handmade the item. So you can understand that it is nearly impossible to create any two gatherings the same.
So Keeping in mind that 99.9% of my gatherings are one of kind you will need to know that I can try to create you something similar to what you have seen but it won't ever be exactly the same.
All of my gatherings and other items I create are priced according to what it cost me to create that item plus 20%. So prices will vary depending on my over all cost.
If you ever see something you like and would like me to create something with the same theme then please feel free to contact me and ask if I would be interested or if it would be possible.
I also plan to start putting things like Rag Balls, Garland and ornaments in my Goodies for sale area of my Blogg.
Time to go to the shop... got all kinds of new goodies from my Thrift store adventures and can't wait to put my creative mind to work...
Thrift Store Super Finds~Don't ya just Love um???
A Wee hour in the morning Good Morning..thought I would share my adventures to the thrift store today...
When ever I go North to see the Doctor~Dentist or check on my house up here I always stop at all the thrift stores on the way up or way back. today was no diferent other then I found a super deal..I wanted to share it with you for a couple of reason.
As many of you know Fabric isn't cheap by any means and to a crafter the cost of fabric can make or break making money on something you are creating..
So with that said here is something for all you who make Quilts, Pillow ornies, Rag Balls, Garland or whatever else you might need Fabric for.
Men's large and X-large long sleeve shirts are at least a yard of fabric or more.
Where can we find them at a bargin price... the Thrift Stores and especially when they run a special like two of the Good Will Stores were running today.
The special sale today was any 5 clothing items for $10.00. You do the math I got 5 plus yards of fabric for $10 plus I got buttons as a little bonus..
this is the second time in the last two months they have had this sale so I've got two totes full of great colors to use as hand towels, pillow ornies and of course my Rag Balls..
What makes this a great deal is Used mens shirts are already worn and faded which is perfect for my primitive creations. If I'm really lucky they don't need tea stained to make the fabric look old.....
I found all kinds of checked and plaids in every color you can imagine.
I bought 10 shirts..and tonight I actually sat down in front of the TV for the first time in god knows how long and cut them up.
I cut as many large pieces I can from the Backs and sleeves and ripped the rest into stripes for making rag balls and Rag Garland.
I don't make Quilts but I used to dabble in it and I know for sure that buying used mens shirts would have given me such a wonderful bigger selection of fabric to make my squares from..something for you quilters to really check into...
If I would have gone to the Fabric store and bought this much fabric I would have spent like $50-$60 dollars maybe more.
So all of you rwho use Fabric in your creations you may want to start chckeing out your Good Will Stores, Salvation Army thrift stores and any other thrift stores around for good deals on mens old shirts ...
Oh yea I also found a gallon sized bag full of orl wood Spools for $1.99 it had like 50 old wood spools. I pay $1.00 for four large spools so that was my best deal of the day..
That was my first great bargin for the day... Second I went to my favorite craft store for supplies and they were having a huge 75% off Christmas items sale and I got two trash bags full of goodies for $5.00 a bag.. many things I can use in my creations.
Like rusty Bells, Cookie cutters, rusty stars, All kinds of goodies..
It was a good Shopping day ..but now I'm broke...gona have to create somemore when I get home tomorrow...its back to the shop... :>)
Until next we meet...Many Blessings...Tonya
When ever I go North to see the Doctor~Dentist or check on my house up here I always stop at all the thrift stores on the way up or way back. today was no diferent other then I found a super deal..I wanted to share it with you for a couple of reason.
As many of you know Fabric isn't cheap by any means and to a crafter the cost of fabric can make or break making money on something you are creating..
So with that said here is something for all you who make Quilts, Pillow ornies, Rag Balls, Garland or whatever else you might need Fabric for.
Men's large and X-large long sleeve shirts are at least a yard of fabric or more.
Where can we find them at a bargin price... the Thrift Stores and especially when they run a special like two of the Good Will Stores were running today.
The special sale today was any 5 clothing items for $10.00. You do the math I got 5 plus yards of fabric for $10 plus I got buttons as a little bonus..
this is the second time in the last two months they have had this sale so I've got two totes full of great colors to use as hand towels, pillow ornies and of course my Rag Balls..
What makes this a great deal is Used mens shirts are already worn and faded which is perfect for my primitive creations. If I'm really lucky they don't need tea stained to make the fabric look old.....
I found all kinds of checked and plaids in every color you can imagine.
I bought 10 shirts..and tonight I actually sat down in front of the TV for the first time in god knows how long and cut them up.
I cut as many large pieces I can from the Backs and sleeves and ripped the rest into stripes for making rag balls and Rag Garland.
I don't make Quilts but I used to dabble in it and I know for sure that buying used mens shirts would have given me such a wonderful bigger selection of fabric to make my squares from..something for you quilters to really check into...
If I would have gone to the Fabric store and bought this much fabric I would have spent like $50-$60 dollars maybe more.
So all of you rwho use Fabric in your creations you may want to start chckeing out your Good Will Stores, Salvation Army thrift stores and any other thrift stores around for good deals on mens old shirts ...
Oh yea I also found a gallon sized bag full of orl wood Spools for $1.99 it had like 50 old wood spools. I pay $1.00 for four large spools so that was my best deal of the day..
That was my first great bargin for the day... Second I went to my favorite craft store for supplies and they were having a huge 75% off Christmas items sale and I got two trash bags full of goodies for $5.00 a bag.. many things I can use in my creations.
Like rusty Bells, Cookie cutters, rusty stars, All kinds of goodies..
It was a good Shopping day ..but now I'm broke...gona have to create somemore when I get home tomorrow...its back to the shop... :>)
Until next we meet...Many Blessings...Tonya
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Update on that Pouring Rain ~ ~it's Snowing
Good Morning ..I wonder is it proper to feel Happy that I am not the only one who has Pouring Rain in my life... I was reading everyone's boggs last night and it seems not only was it pouring Rain in my life but it was pouring rain on many of you out there...
(((((((((((((((((((GROUP HUG)))))))))))))))))))
There now we can all feel better today.
On my way to the dentist here real soon...well that is if the Van starts. Its a two hour drive to the Clinic I go to so crossing fingers and saying my prayers that it is anuneventful trip and the Van runs perfectly.
We found that it is not my battery it is less then 6 months old, is charging and holding the charge.. so it was determined that it's an electrical Problem... what can one say but ....that's just wonderful...we all know how hard it is to figure out Electrical problems...so that goes on the TO DO List...
The good part was I didn't have to spend $60 on a new battery...so there was Blessing I will count that as Blessing #1..Smile.
I made it to the post office ..Blessing # 2
My best friend called last night out of the blue and we talked for over an hour~Blessing #3
I got the last two gathering listed last night~Blessing #4
I now have 4 big dollar bids on my Ebay listings ~Blessing #5
So for all of you who sent out a prayer for a good Sales week.. Thanks bunches ...
Well my dear friends I must run I've got a long trip ahead of me... and it has started to snow so that will slow me down a little...
Have a wonderful day ~ Blessings Tonya
(((((((((((((((((((GROUP HUG)))))))))))))))))))
There now we can all feel better today.
On my way to the dentist here real soon...well that is if the Van starts. Its a two hour drive to the Clinic I go to so crossing fingers and saying my prayers that it is anuneventful trip and the Van runs perfectly.
We found that it is not my battery it is less then 6 months old, is charging and holding the charge.. so it was determined that it's an electrical Problem... what can one say but ....that's just wonderful...we all know how hard it is to figure out Electrical problems...so that goes on the TO DO List...
The good part was I didn't have to spend $60 on a new battery...so there was Blessing I will count that as Blessing #1..Smile.
I made it to the post office ..Blessing # 2
My best friend called last night out of the blue and we talked for over an hour~Blessing #3
I got the last two gathering listed last night~Blessing #4
I now have 4 big dollar bids on my Ebay listings ~Blessing #5
So for all of you who sent out a prayer for a good Sales week.. Thanks bunches ...
Well my dear friends I must run I've got a long trip ahead of me... and it has started to snow so that will slow me down a little...
Have a wonderful day ~ Blessings Tonya
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Why must it pour when it rains in our life???
A sunny good morning to all my prim friends from here in Sunny Ohio...Lol... I just had to say that... we have sunshine and 45 degrees...
This is Ohio and it isn't Sunny in Janurary ..but I got to tell you it has to be a blessing because this morning there is no Sunshine any where else in my day... that old saying "When it rains it pours in your life" is right on the mark ...ugggg
I'm famous for having a van that doesn't run...engine blew up in my van last summer so I was forced to buy a new one and I've been in love with it for 7 months.. U see I hadn't had a really nice van in years..Between my Cleaning business and my craft business it seemed pointless to own a nice van...
Well my love affair with my new van started breaking down about three weeks ago when it started leaking Tansmission Fluid & starter fluid.. then last night I loaded up my Ebay shipment and the van wouldn't start...Really really bad timing !!
Here's where the drizzle turns into pouring rain...Of course I'm broke after the holidays, who isn't? This makes van repair a bit difficult when your wallet is empty... I had a cleaning job lined up today that had to be canceled so there went the extra cash I needed to get me by till Ebay sales picked up....
Then of course I need to get my shipment to the post office so my buyers are happy by the end of the week...hummm maybe I can use Pegs van to run to the post office.. but you can see the rain is starting to fall harder...
Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment at the clinic to get three fillings replaced that fell out... ok no big deal just make another appointment...Not so easy...for a couple of reason.... I have waited 3 months to get in already... not good on exposed teeth...plus since it is a clinic if you miss an appointment you get pushed to the end of the appointment list...you may or may not be able to get in for 6 months or longer.... Now it is really raining..
Not to sound greedy but was praying for a super sales week and only have one item with a bid and I really need to fill the wallet with bill money...so of course I was hoping for better...
My new Christmas Heating Blanket stopped working last night..burrr
My eyes are acting up again and really hurt today... and I didn't make that any better when my the storm hit and my tears came rolling down with frustration at the unfolding of this rain storm...
The charger is on the battery and I sure am thankful the sun is shinning and it is reasonably warm...Forgive me for whining...I know this to will pass and all will be well again....simply hate rains storms in my otherwise organized life.... thank god for the bright sunshine he has blessed Ohio with today!! Just say a little prayer for me!!
Despite my rain storm I did create two more gatherings last night...
~Vintage Mason Jar Pantry Cupboard Gathering~
May your day be filled with Sunshine all day long!!
Many Blessings
This is Ohio and it isn't Sunny in Janurary ..but I got to tell you it has to be a blessing because this morning there is no Sunshine any where else in my day... that old saying "When it rains it pours in your life" is right on the mark ...ugggg
I'm famous for having a van that doesn't run...engine blew up in my van last summer so I was forced to buy a new one and I've been in love with it for 7 months.. U see I hadn't had a really nice van in years..Between my Cleaning business and my craft business it seemed pointless to own a nice van...
Well my love affair with my new van started breaking down about three weeks ago when it started leaking Tansmission Fluid & starter fluid.. then last night I loaded up my Ebay shipment and the van wouldn't start...Really really bad timing !!
Here's where the drizzle turns into pouring rain...Of course I'm broke after the holidays, who isn't? This makes van repair a bit difficult when your wallet is empty... I had a cleaning job lined up today that had to be canceled so there went the extra cash I needed to get me by till Ebay sales picked up....
Then of course I need to get my shipment to the post office so my buyers are happy by the end of the week...hummm maybe I can use Pegs van to run to the post office.. but you can see the rain is starting to fall harder...
Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment at the clinic to get three fillings replaced that fell out... ok no big deal just make another appointment...Not so easy...for a couple of reason.... I have waited 3 months to get in already... not good on exposed teeth...plus since it is a clinic if you miss an appointment you get pushed to the end of the appointment list...you may or may not be able to get in for 6 months or longer.... Now it is really raining..
Not to sound greedy but was praying for a super sales week and only have one item with a bid and I really need to fill the wallet with bill money...so of course I was hoping for better...
My new Christmas Heating Blanket stopped working last night..burrr
My eyes are acting up again and really hurt today... and I didn't make that any better when my the storm hit and my tears came rolling down with frustration at the unfolding of this rain storm...
The charger is on the battery and I sure am thankful the sun is shinning and it is reasonably warm...Forgive me for whining...I know this to will pass and all will be well again....simply hate rains storms in my otherwise organized life.... thank god for the bright sunshine he has blessed Ohio with today!! Just say a little prayer for me!!
Despite my rain storm I did create two more gatherings last night...
~Vintage Mason Jar Pantry Cupboard Gathering~
~Bread Tray Candle Lamp Pear Gathering~
Many Blessings
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